Because Yang Lei compared the relationship between the two to friends, for Sinon, this was really something that made her happier.

I don't know who spread the word that Sinon shot and killed a bank robber five years ago in the school, which led to her being accused of being a murderer by a group of virgin bitches. Ling incident.

In addition, Sinon transferred from her hometown on purpose. She didn't have any friends at first, and since then she has always been alone.

During this period, only the guy who was also bullied by his classmates was willing to contact Sinon, so the two of them could be considered friends.

So Sinon's mood is really complicated right now, she shouldn't be happy, but she feels secretly happy in her heart, that's enough.

"That's fine then."

Taking a deep breath, Sinon reluctantly calmed herself down, turned her head to look at Yang Lei's eyes seriously, and warned, "If you continue to be like yesterday, I will never forgive you."

"It's not that serious, is it?"

Yang Lei waved his hand with a wry smile. Seeing that Sinon's expression was still so serious, he had no choice but to nod: "Okay, I promise you, I will definitely show my full strength after the game starts, just don't cry when the time comes. nose."

"I won't lose."

Sinon snorted softly and whispered in her heart: "This time I must win, even if I didn't think of a way to deal with him, I must win, otherwise, otherwise..."

"Attention all contestants."

At this moment, a prompt sounded in the lounge interrupting the communication between the two, and the prompt sound said: "The first BOB competition is about to start, please prepare."

"There's one minute left in the countdown."

Seeing that there was only one minute left in the countdown, Yang Lei and Sinon both put away their distracting thoughts, first checked their equipment, and then took the weapon in their hands.


At this time, Sinon suddenly realized that Yang Lei didn't hold the special 'laser cannon' in his hand, he just held a laser sword in one hand.

"what do you mean?"

Sinon's expression was already ugly.

"It's nothing."

Yang Lei smiled: "Didn't I say, I want to show my true strength, and I'm just a newcomer in firearms, so this is my true form."

"You mean to say that the laser cannon you used in front of you to kill others was the result of not showing your full strength?"

Sinon began to complain frantically, saying in her heart, brother, let's be humble, okay?


In the end, Yang Lei nodded in approval: "I'm a master of kendo. No, it's a master, or should it be called a swordsman or a swordsman or something?"


Seeing that Yang Lei's words were going too far, Sinon couldn't stand it anymore, and was just trying to remind him that this was a realistic game world, not the fantasy game he was in before.

"Countdown to the last ten seconds."

The prompt sound appeared again and interrupted the communication between the two again. It was really a trick that didn't want to stop.

Hey, director, can you change to a more dedicated and discerning extra?


As the countdown of the last ten seconds began, Sinon finally stopped paying attention to Yang Lei, fearing that her state of mind would be shattered by him. In that case, she would be the first unlucky person to be eliminated.

Yang Lei stopped talking, pressed the switch of the laser sword with both hands, and turned on the laser sword one step ahead.


Only hearing two light noises came from Yang Lei's hands, Sinon still couldn't help but turned her head to take a peek, and then she was stunned. She found that the two lightsabers in Yang Lei's hands were different colors, only the images were very similar. .

So, what are Yang Lei's two lightsabers like?

Uh, just imagine the Terrastone lightsaber and the Ssangyong Shadow Sword. Yang Lei remodeled them according to the image of these two lightsabers.

What?Does anyone know about these two weapons?

I'm looking for a lady for something....

Keke, back to the topic.

"Three, two, one, the game begins."

As the countdown ended, Yang Lei and Sinon were both transported away by a beam of light.

. . . . . .

In a canyon outside the city, on a hill lined with strange rocks, Yang Lei and Sinon were teleported here.


Sinon was stunned for a moment. As soon as she appeared, she saw Yang Lei in front of her. She couldn't help asking subconsciously, "What's going on? How did we teleport together? Isn't this a personal battle? Could it be other competition areas? Also like this?"

Yang Lei smiled without saying a word, this was of course the result of his changing the rules of the game.

"Come with me first."

Yang Lei greeted Sinon and said: "Since there are other players present, let's form an alliance first, and then we will have a showdown between you and me after we have eliminated them all..."

Sinon hesitated, then nodded and agreed. After all, it is more efficient and safer to cooperate with two people than fighting alone, as long as they are not betrayed by teammates.

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