Xiao Sinon couldn't help but secretly complained in her heart, after all, she knew exactly what was going to happen next, as long as she didn't do that according to the plot in her memory?



Suddenly, an unfamiliar but extremely familiar voice sounded from the bottom of my heart, making little Sinon stunned for a moment.

"Don't do that."

"Huh? Is this... my voice?"

That voice sounded again, this time Xiao Sinon finally heard clearly, that was her own voice, no wonder she felt familiar.

And the reason why she felt unfamiliar at first was because the voice was the tone she had grown up, and it was different from now.

"what happened?"

Little Sinon became even more confused, why did she hear her own voice?And what did she not let herself do?


Just then, the bank manager was shot and killed by the gangsters.

"Didn't I say it's not allowed to ring the alarm bell?"

The gangster saw that the manager secretly wanted to press the alarm bell under the counter when he was taking money for him, so he did not hesitate to pull the trigger and kill the manager.


Turning the gun, the gangster took aim at a female teller nearby and yelled at her, "Hurry up and give me the money, or I will kill another person. Also, don't call the police, hurry up."

In the face of the vicious gangsters and the fact that someone had already died, the female teller and some other bank employees were terrified. Their hands and feet were numb and their bodies were stiff, and they didn't know what to do. They only felt that their minds had gone blank.

"damn it."

The gangster's mood itself was very unstable. At this time, in order to make the tellers obedient, he turned his hand and aimed the gun at Xiao Sinon's mother who was lying at her feet: "If I don't take out the money, I will kill her. ,Did you hear that?"


Suddenly, time seemed to be frozen in this moment.

In this frozen time, only Xiao Sinon's will can freely turn and think, and in her mind, the voice that belongs to her has been persuading her not to take action, and she herself has the next step. A memory that will be isolated by everyone.

This made Shino hesitate. If saving people is wrong and not recognized by others, then is it right to do nothing?

So, is the answer really so?


Another shot rang out, and Xiao Sinon's mother was also killed by the gangster.

Not only that, after the tellers had to hand over all the money in the bank to the gangster, the gangster shot and killed everyone in the bank in order to buy more time to escape.

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In the end, he even came to the little Sinon who had been slumped on the ground with a dull face and eyes, raised the gun, and pulled the trigger of death on her as well.

. . . . . .


Still at Sinon's house, on the chuang, Sinon sat up abruptly.


As if having a nightmare, Sinon's face was covered in cold sweat, and her expression was so frightened.

"Mom is dead? No, no."

She was still in the illusion and did not fully wake up, so she mistakenly believed that her mother had died that year.


On the side, Yang Lei stretched out his hand and took the frightened girl into his arms again, comforting: "It's alright, it's alright, it was just an illusion, an illusion, your mother is alright, you saved her, don't you remember? "


Only then did Sinon recover, and she turned her head to look at Yang Lei, staring blankly at him.

"Is this your way?"

Sinon showed a smile that was about to burst into tears, feeling that Yang Lei was not helping her at all, but torturing herself.

"Do not worry."

Yang Lei put Sinon down again and assured: "My method will definitely work, trust me."

. . . . . .

It was that bank again, and Xiao Sinon looked down at her hands again.

"Are you back again?"

"Huh? Why do you say it again?"

Little Sinon whispered in her heart, she found that she suddenly gained some memories, and these memories were all about the future, but she didn't know why, she felt that this experience had already happened once, but she couldn't remember it at all. She wasn't sure what had happened before, even if it had happened before.

What Xiao Sinon didn't know was that this was because Yang Lei deliberately asked her to forget something, otherwise the treatment effect would be much worse.

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