It's like hypnotherapy, in the process of hypnosis, the patient will forget the identity of the doctor, and even the people they know will become ignorant. It's so magical.

Then the next plot is the same as before, the gangster appeared again and ran to rob the bank, first shot and killed the bank president, and then shot and killed Xiao Sinon's mother.

As before, Xiao Sinon chose to remain silent.

The only difference from before is that the frightened female teller spoke, crying and begging the gangster for mercy, saying that she was pregnant and hoped that the gangster could let her go.

Huh?Changed the script?

NONONO, this is called plus play.... .

0875 Yang Lei's follow-up arrangements

Next, Yang Lei unceremoniously continued to torment Sinon.

On the other hand, Sinon had already forgotten how many times she had fallen into illusion, and had experienced several turning points in her life.

Among them, she continued to give up her resistance, and then everyone was killed.

There is also a choice for her to come out again, grab the gun from the gangster, and kill the gangster.

Another time she forcibly took her mother out of the bank, and then she blamed herself for the rest of her life after learning that the entire bank had been killed.

And among these choices, Sinon never got an answer that satisfied her and freed her from her knot.

Yang Lei knew that because of these choices, Sinon had never been recognized by others, and what she had always received was isolation from others, accusations or wanton bullying of the murderer.

Why was Yang Lei able to walk into Sinon's heart so easily?It's not because of anything else, but because Yang Lei said "One Twenty Seven" after knowing Sinon's experience, she was a good person, so she was touched.

That is to say, what Sinon needs is not the consciousness of making a choice back then, but the recognition of others.

Yang Lei naturally knew about this.

As for what he is doing now, he wants Sinon not to be too entangled in the past, at least not to have a sense of guilt or fear towards that gangster, so he has kept her in this cycle.

And when Yang Lei was finally willing to let her go, Sinon fell asleep immediately.

"The next thing is the real drama."

Yang Lei stood up, he knew that what he had done before was not enough to relieve Sinon, so he had to do something later.

"Tomorrow morning will really set you free, I promise."

Yang Lei silently promised again, and bent down and kissed Sinon's forehead before getting up and leaving.

After coming out of Sinon's house, Yang Lei stood at the door of her house and closed his eyes to search with all his strength.

"found it."

A second later, not knowing what he found, Yang Lei opened his eyes again, and Yang Lei directly flew up into the air and flew elsewhere.

In fact, what Yang Lei was looking for was the female teller who almost died back then, and that was the trick character who joked that he was pregnant.

Originally, Yang Lei didn't know the name of the female teller, but now, he needs her help.

As I said before, the redemption Sinon needs is not for her to get some kind of enlightenment, but for the approval of others, at least to let her know that what she has done is a good thing, that she is saving people, otherwise she will Never get out of that vicious circle.

But what Yang Lei has to do now is to find the female teller back then, and ask her to show up in person and tell Sinon that she did nothing wrong, she did a good thing, and she saved two lives.

. . . . . .

In a country far away from Tokyo, Yang Lei found the female teller's house. Although it was already late, it was almost ten o'clock, but he knocked on the door of the female teller's house.

After expressing her intention, the female teller realized that the little girl who saved her back then was in such a big trouble.

Thinking about it, I can understand that Sinon was only eleven years old at the time, how could there be nothing.

In fact, after killing the gangster, Sinon was terrified the first time she calmed down, and she had many nightmares after that.

After that, Yang Lei said what she needed the help of the female teller to do, and it wasn't particularly difficult, as long as she brought her rescued daughter to thank Sinon in front of her.

That's right, it's that simple, as long as the mother and daughter thank them, Sinon will be redeemed, at least that's how it was played in the original book.

Moreover, the Sinon here is a lot more enlightened than she was in the original book. You must know that Yang Lei's previous actions were not in vain. In this way, she will be liberated more smoothly.

"Then it's settled."

It was not until nearly twelve o'clock in the evening that Yang Lei negotiated everything with the female teller, and walked out of the door with the help of the couple.

"Then I'll go back."

Yang Lei nodded to the two of them, and confirmed again: "We will come to visit on time at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes, we will be waiting for you."

The female teller couple repeatedly stated that they would definitely do what Yang Lei asked, and they really wanted to thank Sinon. If it wasn't for Sinon, the female teller would have died long ago, as well as the child in her belly.

"Okay, then I'll go back first."

Yang Lei said goodbye and left.

Everything that needs to be done has already been prepared, and the next thing is to wait for Sinon to resolve the knot.

Yang Lei is very confident that his method will definitely work.

It's just that this guy has borrowed the plot from the original book after all.

No way, whoever told him to do it wouldn't work.

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