"This is?"

Yang Lei tilted his head and looked at the little guy who was being held by Asuna in his arms.

I saw that the little guy had long smooth orange hair, and his eyes were as miraculous and complex as Yang Lei's, but the pupil color of his eyes was not purple.

Moreover, the facial features of the little guy are definitely related to Asuna at first glance, because they are too similar, they are carved out of a mold, but Asuna is the adult version, and the little guy is the baby version.

While Yang Lei looked at the little guy, the little guy also looked at Yang Lei with his head tilted like Yang Lei.

"Whose child is this?"

After a while, although Yang Lei already had some kind of guess in his heart, he couldn't help but ask.

"It's your child."

The little guy suddenly complained: "Really, it's obviously someone's father, but he can't recognize him, but Yui is very sad."

"Ah, ah, ah?"

On the side, Sinon couldn't help exclaiming, and she asked in surprise, "That, Asuna... sister? Are you even having a child this old?"


Asuna quickly explained.

It turned out that after Asuna logged into the game, a voice suddenly called her mother, which shocked Asuna.

In fact, she didn't feel anything at first, she just thought that an adult nearby brought a child in to play.

It's just that she didn't know what was going on, she just felt that the voice was calling herself, and it seemed that the people around could not hear the voice.

The scene that happened after that really shocked Asuna, this little thing just appeared in front of her out of thin air, and then hugged her and continued to happily call mom, mom, etc.

"So, what's going on here?"

Asuna hugged Yui tightly and didn't let go, but she still had a puzzled expression on her face, not sure what was going on with this child and how she came to her.

"This is indeed our daughter."

Yang Lei rubbed his eyebrows, he had already seen the cause and effect, and said: "If I read it right, this child should have come to this game world with your spirit when you logged in to the game. ."


Asuna herself exclaimed, then looked at her child with weird eyes, and couldn't help muttering: "Then she's too powerful? She can do this even before it's formed in my stomach. level?"

"Hey hey hey."

The little girl seemed to like her parents' compliments very much, she laughed proudly, and she broke free from her mother's arms and flew to her father, holding Yang Lei's face and sticking to it like a coquettish rub.

"This little thing."

Yang Lei's love and pity kissed the little girl's little face, but she thought silently in her heart, if Asuna knew that her daughter had awakened her mental power so early, I'm afraid it would be even more difficult to do things with her in the future. .

Just thinking about it again, even Yang Lei couldn't help but ask Xiang Yuyi curiously: "By the way, baby, who gave you your name? Why is it called Yuyi? Also, why are you so early? Awakened? Your brothers and sisters only awakened after they were formed."

"Well, it's me who got the name."

Asuna raised her hand and said a little embarrassedly, "I thought I picked up an NPC baby, so I named her Yui on the way."

"Making your daughter mistaken for an NPC baby?"

Sinon ruthlessly complained.

Yui also looked at her mother with a face ashamed, thinking that it was not reliable.

As for Yang Lei's other question.


Xiao Yuyi scratched the baby's fat cheeks with some distress, and after thinking for a long time, she finally said with certainty: "I remember that I woke up because I suddenly felt that my mother was very sad."

"Then I found that it was dark all around, and I could only hear voices but couldn't talk to my mother. Yui was in a hurry at that time."

That's what happened.

Yang Lei nodded, guessing that it must be that Asuna's mood swings were too much and she was too sad yesterday, which affected the unformed child in her belly.

In other words, their children are too defiant, right?Are you sensible before you take shape?All of them are simply born to be gods.

However, if you want to talk about immortals, it is true. The qi and points of these bear children should not be too high. They have the power of destroying gods from birth, and it is not too much to say that they are immortals.


It's just that I don't know what Asuna and Sinon thought. The two women suddenly blushed, and hurriedly grabbed Yui back from Yang Lei's hand, left Yang Lei and ran to another place, muttering. what went.

Yang Lei secretly smiled, wanting to whisper behind his back?I'm sorry, but his hearing is very strong.

"Yuyi, that, mother asked you, you said you could hear the sound yesterday? Did you hear any strange sound?"

Hearing Asuna on the other side ask this question, and Sinon nodded again and again, indicating that she also wanted to know the answer to this question.

"A weird sound?"

Xiao Yuyi tilted her head to recall, and then asked her mother: "Mom, I seem to hear you crying and begging Dad to save someone, and then I fell asleep because I was so sleepy."

Too sleepy?Can an unformed baby be sleepy too?

Uh, it really does, after all, she already has her own mind, and she is really sleepy when she is mentally tired.

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