
Asuna and Sinon breathed a sigh of relief, and after looking at each other, they couldn't help but smile again.

Really, Yui is just a child who doesn't understand anything. What are they worried about? It's too strange, right?

"That's right."

But at this moment, I heard Yuyi offering a treasure and said again: "Later, I seem to have vaguely heard the sound of water and slaps on the water surface, and it seems that it is so close to me that it will wake people up."

"Mom, mom, is this the voice you're asking about? It just doesn't seem that weird?"


The two women exclaimed for an unknown number of times, and their faces were flushed to the point of dripping blood.

That sound of water and slaps on the surface of the water or something like that, isn't it....

"Absolutely can't do it in the future."

(PS: Well, Yui wrote it out, but it's no longer the original Yui...).

0878 I can save you

After accepting Yui's existence, Yang Lei, Asuna, and Sinon were going to find Yuuki and the others.

According to Asuna, they had conquered several levels of bosses yesterday, and the current progress has even reached the thirtieth level. Among them, there are also other people's records. For example, Klein and the others teamed up to beat a few levels.

It seems that they are unwilling to wait any longer because of Asuna's betrayal, and their manpower is very sufficient, plus they have experienced it once and have a lot of experience, naturally they can easily defeat the boss.

Today, Asuna and the Sleeping Knights agreed to go to the [-]st floor BOSS together, but something went wrong, and Asuna accidentally revealed their hidden truth, I hope they will still I'll come again, otherwise Asuna doesn't know how to find them.

I'm really afraid of what's coming. Although the Sleeping Knights are here, they are here to say goodbye to Asuna, and they also bring a piece of bad news, saying that they have a minute to quit the game, and they will not appear here again in the future. world.

"how come?"

Asuna covered her mouth with her hands and almost cried, but she forgot that she was still holding a child in her arms. Fortunately, Yui was able to fly, so she was not thrown to the ground by her own mother. She turned around and threw herself into Sinon's arms, who was caught off guard.

"Sorry 227, Asuna."

Among the five sleeping knights, a beautiful water elf named Shiune apologized to Asuna with a bitter smile: "Originally, we really wanted to continue fighting with you, but Yuuki didn't want to see it. Until you are too sad, that's why she will..."

"And we are very worried about her, so we plan to leave with her. I'm really sorry. Also, thank you for your company during this time, I really appreciate it."

"Jun Yang Lei."

Asuna was already crying, and turned to look at Yang Lei with a look of help.

"I know I know."

Yang Lei's heart, this uncomfortable, hurriedly hugged the crying and heartbroken wife, patted her beautiful back comfortingly, and said to the people on the opposite side: "I've met before, I'm Asuna My husband Yang Lei, next to this beautiful cat fairy named Sinon is my little wife, and the little beauty she is holding is my daughter and Asuna."

After a brief self-introduction, the five people from the Sleeping Knights were shocked that Yang Lei blatantly asked for his concubine, and he continued: "If I read it right, everyone present is terminally ill, right?"


Because they had already spoken to Asuna, the Sleeping Knights did not reject it, and they were unwilling to continue to hide it, but Yang Lei's words made them more curious.

"I can heal your illness."

Suddenly, Yang Lei's words made Zhu Nie's eyes widen.


Subconsciously, all five of them exclaimed, and they all murmured in complex voices in disbelief and a little bit of expectation: "Is what you said true?"

They didn't even dare to speak too loudly, lest they scare away the sudden glimmer of hope.

"it is true."

Yang Lei nodded and assured: "And my treatment will take effect on the same day, and I can be discharged from the hospital at that time, so you don't have to worry about me being a liar, and I don't need any compensation, this is for Asuna's face, Since you are her friends, I will help you."

This sentence is very realistic and cruel. If they are not friends of Asuna, does he not plan to help them?

How to say this.

In the eyes of many 'gods', birth, old age, sickness and death are normal deaths, and even Dragon Ball has no way to use this method of death to revive it, just like Sun Wukong in the Dragon Ball world died of a heart attack.

Therefore, Yang Lei generally does not go all over the world to help those patients, although he has the power to easily solve all the pains.

As for the Sleeping Knight, it was different. As he said, it was for Asuna's sake that he decided to take action, otherwise they would have to wait to die.

Yang Lei is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a saint. He is just a normal ordinary person. Don't think of him as too noble. Of course, he will definitely not be too mean.

"is this real?"

The five sleeping knights asked again, they still can't believe that their terminal illness (bgcg) can be cured. This is too far-fetched, isn't it?After all, they didn't get sick for a day or two, but after years of seeking medical treatment, they could only wait to die, and two of them had already been sentenced to death. The doctor said that they would definitely not live in the next spring, and one of them was Yuji.

But just today, Yang Lei said that he could save them, which is simply a manifestation of the gods.

"Okay, without further ado, tell me the address of your hospitalization, and Yuji's address, and I'll find you right away."

Yang Lei is reluctant to do more nonsense, anyway, the facts will always prove it.

"Okay okay."

Shiune didn't dare to neglect them, and quickly explained their hospital addresses in detail, as well as general information about Yuuki.

"Then we will go back to the real world and wait for your visit."

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