After that, the five members of the Sleeping Knights bowed to Yang Lei and bowed, and then hurried off the assembly line to get ready.

"Let's go."

After watching the sleeping knight disappear, Yang Lei turned around and looked at his wife.

"I'm not going."

At this time, Sinon shook her head in resistance. She didn't know the Sleeping Knights, and she had few friends, so she was very uncomfortable when she suddenly came to visit.

"I'm not going either."

Xiao Yui, who was still being held by Sinon, shook her head, and said plausibly, "If I go back to the real world with my parents, I will be locked in a small dark room again, and I won't be able to get out, so Yui also needs to go back to the real world. stay."

After all, the little girl hadn't even been born, and she didn't even have a body. If she really wanted to return to the real world, she could only return to Asuna's belly.


Yang Lei nodded, and finally decided to visit the Sleeping Knights with Asuna and help them cure their terminal illness.

"Yuyi should listen to Aunt Sinon's words."

Asuna reluctantly warned Yui, and then reluctantly followed Yang Lei and chose to go offline.

If it weren't for the fact that Sleeping Knight's condition was too serious, she would really be reluctant to leave Yui. After all, this was her daughter, the flesh in her stomach, and it was the first time I saw her today.

But now is not the time to accompany my daughter, I can only hug her more after I come back.

In this way, after Yang Lei and Asuna quit the game, they went out to a hospital that was relatively close to the Shiune five people.

By the way, before going out, Yang Lei also left a physical clone for Sinon to take care of, just like before, for fear of another unexpected incident.

Although Sinon and Asuna are no longer mortals, don't forget what the disadvantage of full stealth is, that is, the body in the real world will not respond again, and the spiritual power cannot be conveyed. In such a state, even if it is true Even if a bad person comes in, he won't be able to find it, so how can he rest assured.

And it was precisely because of Yang Lei's caution that he prevented something that would make him regret.

(PS: No, I really can’t write it. The other four chapters on the [-]th will be written tomorrow. I will take a good rest today and try to add more to everyone tomorrow...).

0879 Our Lady of the Psalms Resolved

In the morning, Yang Lei and Asuna first went to treat the illnesses of the other five people except Yuuki.

There is no doubt that Yang Lei will go out, it is all medical to cure.

The doctors in those hospitals were dumbfounded, because Yang Lei was just good at pressing the patient's body a few times and it was over. They couldn't see what happened at all. They only knew that when they checked again later, the patients had all recovered~.

watt?what is going on?

How did they know that Yang Lei was so powerful.

In the end, in the afternoon of the same day, the two came to the gate of Yokohama Kokita General Hospital.

This is Yuuki's hospital, Shiune told them, and even revealed Yuuki's real name, it turned out that her name was Konnoki Mumuki.

In the lobby on the first floor of the hospital, a doctor was waiting for Yang Lei and Asuna to arrive early.

It seems that Shiune and the others have already conveyed the news to Yuuki, and they also said that Yang Lei and the others will come to her, so her attending physician will be waiting here.

The doctor's name is Cangqiao, and it is unknown whether this is his surname, first name, or full name.

On the way with Yang Lei and his wife to Yuji's ward, Dr. Cangqiao planned to try it out, and wanted to know how Yang Lei was going to treat Yuji's disease.

After all, Yuji's disease was in the late stage of AIDS, and he had even issued a death notice. He couldn't imagine what means Yang Lei had to take Yuuki's life back from the god of death.

Uh, what Cangqiao didn't know was that Yang Lei seemed to be a god of death too.

In the face of Doctor Cangqiao's temptation, Yang Lei's performance was not cold or indifferent.

Cangqiao is also considered interesting, and soon no longer offended, and they also came to the door of Yuuki's ward.

"I'm sorry, because the patient's symptoms are very serious, and now he can only stay in the sterile ward, so you can't directly enter the visit, please understand."

At the door of the ward, Cangqiao explained to Yang Lei and the two and took them to another room next to them.

The room next to it and Yuuki's ward have a piece of transparent glass. Standing here, you can clearly see the situation in Yuuki's ward, as well as her physical condition.

When Asuna saw that Yuuki's body was so thin that it was not human-like, and she heard that she could no longer live in the real world, and her mind had to stay in the stealth world to feel no pain, she couldn't help crying. To Yang Lei.

"Jun Yang Lei."

"give it to me."

Facing his wife's request for help, Yang Lei nodded, patted Asuna's shoulder with his hand, and walked towards the glass wall.

"Huh? Are you trying to...?"

Before Cangqiao left, he couldn't help but be a little curious about Yang Lei's actions, but before he could express the question in his mouth, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

Seeing that when Yang Lei came to the glass wall, he actually stepped into the glass wall and penetrated it unharmed.

My God, is this magic?

"what happened?"

Even Yuuki, who had been silent for a while, exclaimed.

Although the current Yuuki can only stay in the stealth world, it's not that she can't see the picture of the outside world. Through the camera connected to the device, she has been watching Asuna for a long time.

And because there are devices such as loudspeakers, she can also communicate with people outside, but she has not spoken before.

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