
Walking to Yuji's ward, Yang Lei greeted him, "Well, Asuna said you called her sister? If that's the case, I'm your brother-in-law, right?"

"Hi, first meeting, hello brother-in-law."

Yuuki recovered from the previous shock. At this moment, Guan Yang Lei called her brother-in-law with a big smile, and showed a warm smile on her small face in the spiritual world.


Yang Lei nodded with satisfaction and said, "If you're going to chat, come here first. After I help you heal the disease, let's eat and talk. Your sister Asuna specially prepared a lunch box. I hope you will like it."

Asuna in the other room was stunned for a moment. She walked in such a hurry before, how could she still have the mind to prepare a lunch box?

This is of course Yang Lei's nonsense. In fact, he prepared a lunch box, right? It's just Asuna's intention.

But after all, this is to visit a patient, isn't it a bit bad if you don't bring any gifts?

And they were husband and wife, and what he prepared was no different from what Asuna prepared.

"Then I'm looking forward to it."

Yuuki endured the emotion and excitement that she might cry, and replied with a trembling voice, and then she stared at Yang Lei in the outside world with expectant eyes.

In the ward in the real world, Yang Lei slowly raised his right hand and pressed it over Yuuki's body.

"Suck." "Swish."

Not knowing what Yang Lei had done, the three onlookers only felt a suction force coming from his hands, and then they saw that a little black substance suddenly drifted out of Yuuki's body.

"Is that a virus?"

Cangqiao's eyes lit up, although he was shocked by Yang Lei's amazing methods, but now he wants to get those viruses from Yang Lei's hands for research.

It's a pity that Yang Lei doesn't understand other people's thoughts too much. After sucking out all the HIV viruses in Yuuki's body, he purifies them with a wave of his hand.

Then, Yang Lei took out another immortal bean and stuffed it into Yuuki's mouth. As Yuuki's body instinctively swallowed the immortal bean, she saw that her body quickly became healthy at a speed visible to the naked eye, and never again. After returning to her previous morbid appearance, she looked no different from an ordinary flower girl.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????

"It's just a miracle."

Now, Cangqiao finally called out the word miracle, which was no different from the doctors in the five hospitals before.

"Okay Yuuki, you can now exit the world of full stealth and return to reality."

Yang Lei greeted Yuji.

Yuji thanked him again and again, and quickly chose to withdraw from the spiritual world, finally returning to reality.

After that, Yang Lei brought Asuna into the room, and then he and Cangqiao politely turned and left.

Uh, Yuji's illness is very serious, she has been lying on the bed for many years, and now her body has recovered in an instant, the first thing she thinks of is to take a bath, so the two big men can only temporarily Retired.


After that, Yuuki, who had recovered to health, did not leave the hospital in a hurry, but had a hearty lunch with Yang Lei and the others in the hospital cafeteria, and Cangqiao also attended.

As Yuuki's attending doctor, he must have taken care of Yuuki during the period, and Yuuki also thanked him during the banquet.

Then, after eating, when Asuna accompanied Yuuki to go through the discharge procedures, Yang Lei took Cangqiao to the side and asked him, "Doctor Cangqiao, how did you deal with the bodies of Yuuki's family? ?"

That's right, Yang Lei is here to help people to the end, trying to bring Yuuki's family back to life.

It's just a pity that Yuuki's parents died too early, so they were cremated long ago. Only the body of her sister Konno Lanzi has not been disposed of. One is that there is still some research value. This is before Lanzi died. contributed by myself.

The other one is that Lan Zi is worried about Yuji, so she wants to be buried together with her sisters after her death. After all, they are twins born in the same year, same month and same day. If they cannot die together, then they should be buried together.

At Yang Lei's request, Cangqiao gave Lan Zi's body permission to take him away.

Then, when accompanying Yuuki back to her own home, Yang Lei resurrected Lanzi in front of Asuna and Yuuki.

This time, even Asuna was taken aback. She didn't expect her husband to do this trick. This is a real fairy, right?

"Didn't I say so?"

Yang Lei proudly reminded Asuna, "I am beyond the existence of God."

The matter is basically resolved here. Although it is a pity that the parents of the sisters can no longer be resurrected, they are already very grateful. If there is no Yang Lei, their family will be destroyed.

At least they still have each other now, that's enough.

(PS: Today's second chapter, the next three chapters should also be very soon...).

0880 Get through the [-]th floor

By the way, there seems to be something I forgot to mention in the last chapter...

Uh, it's like this, not long after Yang Lei and Asuna left, a guy named Shinkawa Kyouji came to their house.

This guy is actually Sinon's friend in GGO, and they are also friends in the real world.

I just don't know how he knew where Yang Lei's family lived. Maybe he tracked Sinon's IP address on the Internet?Or how?

Anyway, he came and cracked the electronic lock on Yang Lei's door with ease.

In other words, the electronic lock of Yang Lei's house was clearly entered by Xuxiang Shinzhi once before, did he not have a long memory?

How could it be, he had already set up a barrier in his home, and as long as the barrier was opened, no one except those he identified would be able to enter.

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