It's just that this time the physical clone temporarily lifted the barrier after discovering that it was Shinkawa Kyouji who broke in.

Having said that, everyone should understand that, yes, the "[-]" clone of the entity must want to do something.

The fact is also true, after Shinkawa Kyouji finally came in, before he could find the body of Sinon who was still taking children in the newborn ALO world, he only felt that he was hypnotized by the physical avatar in the blink of an eye.

Don't forget that Yang Lei once obtained Uchiha Zhishui's kaleidoscope writing wheel eye with the eyes of Jianjigu.

It is also known as the strongest illusion, and it is said that it can achieve the level of 'turning everyone that the caster sees into his puppet'.

Today's Shinkawa Kyouji was hypnotized by the physical clone. He turned around and went back as soon as he came in. Then, after returning home, he went straight to the kitchen and took out a fruit knife and gave himself a big opening.

No way, the author hates this character too much, so he has to die, and he has to die tragically....

. . . . . .

In other words, after the illnesses of the Sleeping Knights were cured, they no longer just fought alone, but mingled with Yang Lei and the others.

After all, they only have a limited number of friends such as Yang Lei and Asuna in this game. Now that they can continue to live, of course they have to return to the crowd.

Yang Lei finally fulfilled his previous promise to everyone in the Fenglin Volcano Guild, and after returning, he began to lead them to conquer the maze boss together.

Just because the number of people in the guild is a bit too large, sometimes some people have to be replaced.

There can only be seven teams to conquer the boss at the same time, and the maximum number of each team is only seven.

The current situation is that the seven people of the Sleeping Knight form a team of their own (Kunno Lanzi also entered the game), Yang Lei's family of four is considered a team, then Klein's team, Kirito's team, and Yawang's team. Agil was the first team, and the last team was led by Lyfa.

With the concerted efforts of everyone, coupled with the leadership of Yang Lei, Asuna and Sinon, even Xiaoyuyi can sometimes play a big role, which makes their attack speed not unpleasant, and they brushed dozens of times in a blink of an eye. layer, and at a glance, we reached the ninetieth floor.

The gang's feats of course have been around since long ago, it's just that they're a bit too numerous to make a splash.

If this is still the record of Yang Lei's family of four, it will definitely shock people even more.

On this day, the BOSS strategy team rarely continued to fight in the labyrinth area, but came to the side of the World Tree.

Although the World Tree and Aincrad are both in the same game world, the gameplay and rules are different, and they are not together.

For example, when challenging bosses in the labyrinth of Aincrad, you cannot fly in the boss room, which greatly increases the difficulty.

Nonsense, if you can continue to fly, according to the release of the flight restrictions set by the new ALO, players can always fight against the boss from a high point. Unless you encounter a boss who can also fly, you can definitely wear it slowly. Wouldn't that make sense?

So, what did Yang Lei and the others mean when they came to the World Tree today?

It turned out to be because someone spread the news about the holy sword, and then Kirito confessed that when he and his sister Lyfa were going on a certain mission, they also discovered the holy sword because they rescued an evil god named Toki. .

In other words, Dongqi's name is not the name of the evil god, but it was given by Lyfa....

Uh, it's almost no different from the Crimson Demons' aesthetics in their names.

After hearing what Kirito said, everyone decided that since they discovered it first, of course they had to grab the holy sword before others.

In this way, they will come to the World Tree today after a long absence.

It's just that not all of them are here, nor are they going to challenge the boss, there can only be one team to do the task, and it's useless for the others to go, probably.

In the end, everyone decided that Kirito should form a team with Lyfa, Yang Lei, Asuna, Sinon, Klein, and Yuuki, and let them do the task to get the holy sword.

As for the others, of course, they will not be idle. They have been conducting BOSS strategy before, and they have not had time to deal with many materials and other things. Their task is to complete the logistics work, and then wait for Yang Lei and the others to get the holy sword and return. After that, everyone will continue to attack the BOSS...  

As for the mission of the Holy Sword, because it is a plot mission, the process is probably not much different from that in the original work, but the difficulty is greatly reduced because of the existence of Yang Lei.

Of course, some things that were different from the original also happened during the period. For example, during the mission BOSS King of Giants of Frost, as everyone found Thor's Hammer of Thor in the treasure trove of King of Giants of Frost, Yang Lei Accidentally discovered that he seems to be able to copy the Thor's Hammer, and he really copied one, and it feels good to hold.

And when he finally drew the holy sword, he secretly copied another holy sword.

After all, this is the game world. Things like these artifacts are just some data. Of course, he can copy them at will.

The only thing that makes people feel tangled is that not only can he copy these artifacts at will, but the key point is that he can also bring the props in the game world to reality, which is quite amazing.

Imagine that he can copy these artifacts in batches in the game world and sell them in the outside world. I believe that he will soon become the richest man in the world.

Of course, he could be the richest man in the world without doing it, so he doesn't need to.

. . . . . .

Having said that, with the successful completion of the holy sword mission, the clearing team returned to Aincrad.

Now there are only the last ten levels of bosses left, and they plan to work hard to complete all the bosses' strategies today.

So, can they accomplish this feat?

Of course, there is no need to doubt, unless Yang Lei does not work hard.

But it turned out that after Yang Lei finished playing the 3.1th floor boss Kayaba Akihiko in [-], he disappeared with a white light, that is to say, he did work and did his best.

The only thing that makes people wonder is that the final boss of Aincrad in the new ALO world is also Kayaba Akihiko?

Uh... how to say it?According to Kirito, only Kayaba Akihiko is qualified to sit on the [-]th floor of Aincrad, and only he is qualified to be the final boss.

So, if you get here, Yang Lei's journey in Sword Art Online is over, and he will enter the next new world, so stay tuned.

(PS: I feel like I was in a hurry to write the ending, but I can’t help it. Even the Madonna chapter is finished, so I can’t waste too much ink on the Holy Sword chapter? After all, as the text says, the plot of the story mission is like that. , everyone just read the original... and then you can't always fight BOSS, so let's end it happily...).

0881 The favorite protagonist was pitted

"What world is this from?"

Standing on a medieval street full of people, Yang Lei looked around in confusion. He had just arrived in a new world and he still didn't know where he was.

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