"Well, old rules, let's take a look at the mission first."

Not in a hurry to ask someone, but opened the task panel of the infinite system.

"Main quest [-]: Make a faction choice between the Empire and the Revolutionary Army. When the quest is completed, [-] reward points will be awarded. If the quest fails, all reward points will be deducted and the quest world will be kicked out forever. Note: The completion time of the quest should not exceed ten days. ."

"Huh? Is there only one main quest?"

After looking at the task panel, Yang Lei was surprised to find that there was only one task, which made him very puzzled.

"Or, will the follow-up quests appear only after the completion of the main quest one?"

Yang Lei couldn't help but guess that it's not that there is only one main quest in this world, but that the corresponding quest will appear in the follow-up.

It's just that, he still didn't know which world he was in.

After all, there is too little information on hand, only the words of the revolutionary army and the empire, who knows which world this is.

The only thing that can be known now is that there are only two so-called camp options, either join the Revolutionary Army, or join the Imperial side.

"Let's go to the imperial side to have a look first."

Yang Lei muttered and glanced at the [-] million reward points he had accumulated before turning off the infinite system.

In the Sword Art Online world he experienced before, he completed a total of four main quests and received a total of [-] million reward points.

It's just that after spending [-] reward points during the ten-day vacation, I actually gained [-] million points, which is [-] million points when added to the previous [-] million points.

"It's only two million or so away from the [-] million reward points."

Yang Lei murmured, thinking that if everything went well, he would be able to save up as long as he completed the tasks of three more worlds at most.

. . . . . .

"Is this the barracks?"

Yang Lei walked all the way, he didn't need to ask someone for directions at all, he came over by positioning his voice.

That is to say, since he wants to see the situation of the Empire's camp first, of course, he has to ask the personnel of the Empire to inquire about the information.

And he wanted to inquire about the information is actually very simple, as long as the use of Tsukishima's Complete Revelation is enough.

"Why, are you also here to apply for enlistment?"

After Yang Lei was taken to the reception room of the barracks, an impatient middle-aged man said casually, "Then, fill in this information and then talk about it."

Yang Lei didn't even look at the document, he took it in his hand and didn't rush to fill it in, but raised his eyes and looked at the guy.

"The power of cause and effect, activate."

An invisible wave spread out, as if time had been frozen.

Then, Yang Lei rummaged through the middle-aged man's memory at will.

"It turned out to be that world, Zhanmei."

Finally, Yang Lei finally figured out which world he came to.

"If that's the case, then you can't join the Empire."

Thinking like this, Yang Lei turned around and was about to leave.

He knows the world and has seen this work, so he knows that the empire has reached a terminally ill situation, and it is time to tear it down and rebuild it.

Therefore, he did not defect to the protagonist, but wanted to stand on the side of justice.

Just before he could walk out of the door, suddenly, Yang Lei discovered something.

"As soon as the main quest has been completed, the host joins the Empire's camp."

"The second main mission is open: help the empire defeat the revolutionary army and the surrounding alien races. When the mission is completed, [-] reward points will be awarded. If the mission fails, all the reward points will be deducted and the mission world will be kicked out forever."


Yang Lei was shocked, when did he join the Empire Party?He just took the application form for enlistment, and he hasn't filled in his name yet.

Thinking like this, Yang Lei looked down at the data sheet in his hand. When he saw that the data sheet was indeed blank, but only the name column had 'Tazmi' written on it, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.

"That's okay too? Does someone else's name count?"

Yang Lei is about to collapse, what are you doing? Isn't this someone else's name?How could it be considered that he joined the Empire?

Moreover, this is the protagonist cheating, right?That bastard, Tazmi, don't fill in your name if you don't join the Empire.

And the guy who gave him the data sheet, can he take a snack?Isn't this already filled in?

"Huh? What's the matter with you?"

At this time, the recruiting officer didn't feel anything different, and he didn't know that his memory had been turned upside down. At this time, seeing Yang Lei just standing there in a daze, he couldn't help urging: "Hurry up and decide, or join us. Either fuck off."

"It's still decided to be a fart."

Yang Lei almost didn't scold him. He had already been deceived by the Infinite System and counted him as joining the Empire. The current situation is that he either compromised, or he could only watch the big reward points he finally saved up being emptied. Huo ah.

"never mind."

Gritting his teeth, Yang Lei could only endure this dark loss and said, "I will sign it."

After speaking, Yang Lei picked up the pen from the table, crossed out Tazmi's name first, and then wrote his name, age, height, weight, and some simple specialties.

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