As of today, in fact, Yang Lei and the others have been on the road for several days, and after walking forward for a day or two, they can finally see the appearance of the imperial capital in the distance.

"It's finally here, otherwise I won't have any books to read."

Yang Lei stretched his waist and finally put down the book in his hand.

"Have you read all of this?"

The opposite Esdes looked at Yang Lei with interest, and pointed to the pile of books that Yang Lei had piled beside him, and asked casually.


Yang Lei just nodded coldly, then stopped talking, leaned there with his arms folded and closed his eyes to rest in peace.

If Yang Lei really wanted to attack Esdes, what he should do now is not to close his eyes, but to use his magical eyes to look directly at Esdes.

At that time, whether Esdes kept looking at each other with him, or turned away his eyes in defeat, he would have left a deep impression on the other party.

But he didn't. Instead, he closed his eyes and let Esdes on the opposite side carefully look at his handsome appearance.

In other words, Yang Lei's eyes have also been asked by Esdes, but Yang Lei was fooled by the reason that he had an eye disease when he was a child, so he fell into the root of the disease.

Esdes definitely doesn't believe it, but there is no pupil technique in this world, and even Emperor Gu can't do it to this extent. The only possibility is that maybe Yang Lei has been experimented by someone else.

But since he didn't want to mention it, Esdes just ignored it as a trivial matter.

After all, she didn't know how terrifying the pupil technique was.

. . . . . .

The two carriages walked for a while, and at two o'clock in the afternoon, they finally entered the city gate of the imperial capital.

Along the way, they will definitely encounter some dangerous species, but in the case of Yang Lei and Esdes, plus the three beasts are also emperor's envoys, it is impossible to be troubled by the dangerous species in the area. I also harvested some ingredients, otherwise it would be hard to eat dry food on the road.

Moreover, Yang Lei showed his superb cooking skills in front of them for the first time, even if the seasonings and ingredients are not so complete on the road, it doesn't matter, but the ordinary barbecue is more delicious than what Esdes and the others bake themselves. ......

Especially this guy Liwa, who had solemnly wanted to learn from Yang Lei's apprenticeship, but was rudely rejected by Yang Lei.

Liwa's hobby is said to be cooking, but his cooking is not normal at all, it is dark cooking. It is said that even Esdes dare not taste it easily, which is a must.

"Master Esdes, may I go back to the mansion first? Or go directly to the palace?"

After entering the imperial city gate, he heard the groom respectfully ask Esdes for instructions.

"Of course I went to the palace."

Esdes rebuked angrily: "What are you thinking? We are coming back this time as a summons from His Majesty the Emperor. Of course, we have to go to the palace to see you first."

"Yes Yes Yes."

The coachman nodded quickly, and quickly drove the carriage to the palace.


In the carriage, Yang Lei suddenly smiled and shook his head, opened his eyes again, and looked at Esdes with weird eyes.

"what happened?"

Although Esdes was a little uncomfortable in his heart, he still resisted the urge to turn his eyes away, looked straight at Yang Lei's magical eyes, and asked, "Do you think there is something in my words? Is it funny?"

Although the words meant interrogation, her tone was so soft that there was no interrogation at all.

"It's funny."

Yang Lei continued to smile and asked Esdes: "Or do you think it's not funny yourself?"

Esdes fell silent, for some reason, she didn't want to lie when facing Yang Lei.

It's not because she has figured out how she feels about Yang Lei, but because she has a feeling that lying is meaningless in front of those eyes, so she chose to keep silent.

"Let's change the subject."

"Hey, Yang Leijun, tell me what you want. After all, you are the hero of this war."

"Reminder, even if you say you want me, it's not impossible."

Facing Esdes who suddenly changed the subject, and she also said such words, Yang Lei was suddenly stunned.

"Do not make jokes."

Yang Lei turned his head with a frown, thinking what was going on in his heart, why did this guy Esdes see him?

He knew that Esdes was not someone who would joke about this kind of thing, so as long as he dared to open his mouth, I'm afraid she would really pack herself up for him at night.

But what is going on here?Also, is this true?


Suddenly, Esdes laughed proudly and said: "Sure enough, Yang Leijun's reaction will be like this, very good, you did not disappoint me.".

0886 Return to the imperial capital again

He was suddenly molested by Esdes, which made Yang Lei's heart a little alive.

Uh, it seems that Esdes is still very beautiful, and if it is not an enemy, this girl is not only very caring for her subordinates, but also a rare choice as a love object.

After all, Yang Lei knew the original work, so he knew that Esdes had never shown a shaky side at least when facing Tazmi.

Maybe that's also a kind of training?Don't dare to make big moves as soon as you come up, for fear of scaring away small animals and the like.

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