But at least the plot didn't act that way, so to speak.

"What am I thinking?"

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Yang Lei sat alone in the car and muttered to himself, "That's Esdes. If I brought her home, I'm afraid my wives will be trained by her too."

"Especially that girl Darkness, isn't it a natural match to meet Esdes?"

"Madan, I don't want to be cuckolded by my wife, so let's forget it."

"But it's really exciting to think about it."


After returning to the imperial capital, the carriage went straight to the outside of the palace. At this time, Esdes had already entered the palace.

After Esdes entered the palace, all the three beasts who were sitting in the carriage behind them all got out of the car and ran to the gate of the palace to kneel on one knee to show their loyalty.

16 So, in Esdes' eyes, they are really pets, and they don't even have their own personalities.

As for Yang Lei, of course he continued to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai in the carriage and was too lazy to go down, not to mention asking him to bow down to others.

Originally, Esdes wanted to bring him into the palace, but he refused, because he would not bow down to others.

And he himself knew that if he went to meet the minister now, Yang Lei was not sure whether he would kill him immediately.

Because that minister really deserves to die, and the crimes he has done are enough to make him go down to the eighteen layers of hell and never be reborn.

"Say it."

Because of boredom, Yang Lei took out the problems he had struggled with before and thought about it again.

Of course, it's not about Esdes, but Yang Lei is still hesitating whether to resurrect the girl who died in the night attack.

"Are you going to get in touch with the night raid?"

Yang Lei muttered to himself in his heart: "After all, the minister's power is too complicated. It's not enough to eradicate the minister alone. We also need to kill all his party members before we can make a big change in the empire."

"And it's more than that. At least the so-called nobles in the imperial capital are all corrupt. If you want the empire to regain its vitality, you must kill all the nobles."

"Maybe Esdes' power is also necessary."

Thinking of this, Yang Lei couldn't help but think of the previous question again.

"It's a pity, if she's not so shy, it's really necessary to accept it."

"It's a pity, I can't handle this kind of change the most."

. . . . . .

Just as Yang Lei sighed inwardly in the carriage, in the palace, Esdes went to discuss some conspiracy with the minister after meeting the little emperor.

As Yang Lei joked before, will Esdes still pay attention to the little emperor now?

Pay attention, as long as she has the support of the minister, she can completely ignore the little emperor, but she has to make some gestures on the surface.

As for the minister, Esdes is the sharpest blade in his hand, and he is the purest soldier who doesn't care about power, even to the point where he likes war and killing the most.

The alliance of these two is really the best lineup. The minister needs the support of Esdes to consolidate his authority, and Esdes also needs the support of the minister to wage the war she needs.

And just today, the minister made a request to Esdes, saying that now a group of officials who do not belong to his faction are coming to impeach him, and even the retired former minister is going to return to the imperial capital, so he needs Ai Sters help with this.

It can make the ministers feel so difficult that Esdes is required to act, so it can be seen that even he needs to take this matter seriously.

After all, this guy once killed a guy who dared to report himself in front of the little emperor. If it was an ordinary person, he really didn't care.

But the former ministers are different. They are also ministers. He can't kill the other party if he wants to kill them, so he can only choose the means of assassination.

And according to his plan, doing this can also frame the night attack, and finally force the other party out, which is simply killing two birds with one stone.

Esdes has no moral values. All she needs is fighting and killing. This trivial matter is not a problem at all. Naturally, she agrees easily.

. . . . . .

After Esdes came out of the palace, after comforting the three beasts a little, she turned her head and glanced at the direction of the carriage where Yang Lei was with approving eyes.

Compared with the three beasts, Yang Lei has more personality and makes her more challenging.

"Let's go back."

Returning to the carriage where Yang Lei was, Esdes greeted the carriage to return home.

In other words, Esdes, as one of the only two generals in the empire, will definitely have his own mansion in the imperial capital.

It's just that she is not the kind of person who cares about glory and wealth, nor is An Tu's personality to enjoy himself, so she transformed the mansion that the emperor gave her into a military mansion, which is usually the place where a certain army is stationed.

Of course, she would still leave a bedroom for herself on the top floor of the military mansion, and she also had a separate room for the three beasts and Yang Lei.

Today, because it was getting late, everyone didn't say much after returning, but simply arranged the room and then rested.

And that night, ten kilometers north of the imperial capital, a huge villa stood in a forest.

What others don't know is that this is the headquarters of the Night Raid Killer Organization that has recently risen to prominence.

Of course, what 207 is talking about here only refers to the headquarters of the night raid, which has nothing to do with the revolutionary army. Although the night raid belongs to the revolutionary army camp, neither the revolutionary army nor the night raid will admit the relationship between them. .

At this time, in the meeting room of Ye Raid headquarters, all Ye Raid members gathered together to discuss something.

"According to the report, Esdes has suppressed the north and returned to the imperial capital this afternoon."

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