When the night raid boss Na Jehitan told the information she knew, everyone present was stunned.

Especially the newcomer Tazmi. He had just been talking about Esdes in the audience a few days ago, but she came back today, too soon, right?

And didn't someone say before that the battle in the north would last at least a year?And what about the acclaimed alien prince?This is too bad, isn't it?

Well, how did they know that there was still Yang Lei's credit here, which led to the collapse of the alien race that couldn't last long.

"Anyway, everyone has to be more careful these days."

Najeshtan arranged: "And Leone, Lubbock, and Tazmi, now you are the only ones who have not been seen, and then you may need to go to the imperial capital to inquire about the information. So that we can find out who is Esdez's companions."

(PS: Brothers, there are only four chapters in the five chapters today, and the fifth chapter will be written and published tomorrow, and eight chapters have been written during the day. I also have no one, and it really broke out...).

0887 I treat you as a stranger

Let's go back to Yang Lei and the others.

The next day I woke up, and after a little rest, I felt much better.

At this time, Esdes also had time and enough energy to talk about business with Yang Lei and the others.

According to Esdes, the little emperor had arranged some tasks for her, and wanted her to form a special operations unit composed of Tegu envoys to be responsible for the crusade against night raids.

She also had to complete the task that the minister had given her, so it was arranged that the three beasts would assassinate the minister's political enemy, and then frame the blame on Ye Xi's head.

"That's how it is."

After roughly speaking about the tasks that they needed to complete this time, Esdes asked the three beasts to act.

As for Yang Lei's arrangement.

"Let's go to the imperial capital with me."

Esdes greeted Yang Lei, afraid that he would refuse and added: "This is an order and a mission."

It seems that Esdes has also learned some of Yang Lei's temperament. If he didn't say so, he would really reject her unceremoniously.

No way, who told others that Yang Lei was not afraid of her, and didn't care whether she would be angry or not.


Yang Lei shrugged nonchalantly, stood up from his seat, held a book in his left hand behind his back, put his right hand in the pocket of his black suit, and followed Esdes out of the military mansion.

The imperial capital is still so lively, and the streets are full of people coming and going.

The only difference from the lively atmosphere is that the faces of pedestrians are basically numb or worried, and there are few positive emotions.

"Tsk tsk."

Smacking his lips, Yang Lei suddenly remembered the SAO period in Sword Art Online.

At the beginning of the SAO period, those trapped players were also like this. The players were full of negative emotions, as if they would die at any time, and they lost confidence in the future.

"I just don't know if I can save others this time."

Yang Lei sighed inwardly.

If he was in the revolutionary army camp, it would be fine, but he was trapped in the imperial camp, which was enough.

But he didn't give up either. As long as the minister's henchmen were cleaned up, and then the minister was eliminated, and the broken nobles were killed a little, the country would still have the possibility of returning to its glory.

As for whether he will continue to die after returning to the light, it has nothing to do with him. I believe that at that time he has completed the task and left this world.

"It's such an unpleasant world..."

This sentence was a sigh from Yang Lei's voice, which caused Esdes to turn his head and look over.

"I didn't expect you to be a good person who worries about the country and the people."

Esdes complimented casually, this is when Yang Lei is fighting for what he saw.

"I'm not a good person."

However, Yang Lei shook his head and did not accept her compliment. He didn't mean to target Esdes, but he had his own reasons, so he heard him say: "I don't think I'm a good person, because my hands have already been touched. Full of blood."

"But I'm not an outright bad person, at least I won't do evil things that are beyond conscience, nor will I do disgusting means of killing others, playing with their dignity and spirit."


Esdes stopped, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he asked: "Are you accusing me?"

After defeating the alien race in the north before, she trained the prince of the alien race in the north into a dog. Isn't this a disgusting way to play with the dignity and spirit of others?

"of course not."

Yang Lei shook his head again and explained: "For me, you are just an irrelevant stranger, what you do and what hobbies you have has nothing to do with me, just because our camp is the same, so I will not You make a move, but that's all."

Yang Lei was clearly drawing a line with Esdes, and told her directly that he had been treating her as a stranger, so he held an indifferent attitude towards everything she did.

In particular, he also said that because they were of the same camp, he would not shoot.

Esders tightly twisted a pair of beautiful thin eyebrows together, and there was a nameless fire burning in his heart.


But in the end, she forced herself to calm down and said coldly: "Since I make you so annoying, then you can go back now."

After saying that, Esdes turned around and walked out in the direction of the other street without looking back.

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