0889 You don't want to leave

Because Yang Lei's method was too bloody, so I didn't describe it much.

Then when he walked out of the hotel, it was impossible to see inside.

I saw that the originally gorgeous five-star hotel was now full of bloodstains and a large number of stumps and broken arms. Even the staff in the hotel were killed by Yang Lei~.

Well, after all, they are also the people who turned into T nobles, and they deserve to be killed.

And Yang Lei did it after confirmation.

"It's a lot better."

Standing at the door of the hotel, Yang Lei stretched his waist and showed a cheerful smile.

"How is it? Estes?"

Turning around, Yang Lei looked at Esdes, as if provocatively: "It's not much better than your methods, right? It's just that your methods are used to target the enemy, and I am targeting 'my own people'. That's it."


Esdes ignored Yang Lei's provocation, but with a flushed face, he raised his hand and put a collar that bound his neck on Yang Lei.

"Yang Leijun, sure enough, you are the person I am looking for."

Esdes said so, and gently brushed Yang Lei's cheek with his hand, muttering as if he was admiring the artwork: "I can finally confirm that you are mine."


Yang Lei stared at Esdes in a stunned manner.

It stands to reason that this guy should be very angry even if he didn't kick himself out of the team immediately, because the guys he killed were all ministers, and at least he bribed the minister a lot of money.

How does he know that these are not a problem for Esdes, but maybe he is very happy because he has seen a good show?

In fact, Esdes was just worried that Yang Lei would be judged as an enemy by the minister, but since Yang Lei was so confident that he was not afraid of being targeted by the minister, then she didn't care.

"It's puzzling."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei shattered the belt that Esdes put on himself without much effort.

He's not an M, and he won't like this.

Then, ignoring the increasingly challenging Esdes, Yang Lei came to the three girls who had been following behind them with a dull face.

The three girls are named Aier, Farr, and Luna.

Among them, Ai Er was wearing a pink dress, a pink hat, long pink hair, and pink pupils.

And then Luna's main color is blue, it's just a difference in how she dresses.

As for Fa'er, this girl is outgoing, and her dress and hair are all golden.

"You are free."

Yang Lei said this to the three girls.

When he was dealing with those nobles who had changed to T, he had found out the prostitution contracts of the three girls and tore them up in front of the three girls, so they were no longer sold slaves, but became free.

The three girls lowered their heads and exchanged glances quietly, but did not dare to say a word.

They were terrified. After all, not everyone was Esdes. After watching such a bloody scene, not only did they not feel uncomfortable at all, but they were very happy.

They even spit out all the food in their stomachs, and even spit out the bitter water.

It can only be said that the previous scene was too disgusting and bloody.

From this, we can see how much those who changed T deserve to be killed. You must know that these methods of Yang Lei are reproduced one by one according to the ideas of those guys who want to use violence against the three girls. If he is bloody, then I can only blame the guys themselves.

"What? Don't know what to do?"

Yang Lei saw that the three girls kept their heads down and didn't speak, and he knew that they were frightened now. He thought about the current environment of the imperial capital, and finally said: "That's good, you follow me first, wait a minute. I will buy a house that belongs to me, and then you will be responsible for helping me clean the room and so on, and I will pay you wages every month, how?"


Without waiting for the three girls to express their opinions, Esdes asked in dissatisfaction, "Are you trying to move out from me?"


Yang Lei nodded without looking back: "If I'm with you guys, I can't help but want to kill you, so it's better to keep a distance."

This is not what Yang Lei said nonsense.

Yesterday, when Esdes came back, he deliberately passed by the interrogation room on the way to the palace.

That interrogation room is really big, it's a big square, there are hundreds of people, and there are dozens of interrogators alone.

There, it is like entering the eighteen layers of hell by mistake. Whether it is a big oil pan or other torture tools, everything is there.

Then Esders went there for fun, not to go to the theater, of course, but to demonstrate to the interrogators what to do to make it even more painful.

That's right, this guy is shaking. Of course, there is a hobby of interrogating others. She likes torturing people the most.

At that time, Yang Lei wanted to make a move, and killing people was just a no-brainer. What he couldn't bear the most was that kind of brutal killing. That's why he treated the changed T nobles in the five-star hotel like this before. This is really annoyed. Not doing that is simply not enough to appease the anger.

It was only later that he held back, because those people were all defined by the minister as damned people. If he saves them now, I am afraid that he will really stand against the minister.

And those interrogators can't kill either, at least not yet.

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