That is to say, that's why Yang Lei wants to take this opportunity to leave Esdes, otherwise he really can't help hacking this girl who likes him to death.

It can only be said that Esdes is really too wicked, and the thing he hates the more is her hobby. They are simply natural enemies.

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If Yang Lei really joined the revolutionary army according to his own wishes, he felt that he would kill Esdes right away.

He wouldn't be reluctant to kill her because she was a beauty. Stop joking, he's not the kind of bad guy who is indecisive about women's benevolence.

"Jun Yang Lei."

As if injured, Esdes approached Yang Lei again from behind, but instead of taking out his collar to surround him, he asked Yang Lei, "Do you really dislike me that much?"

"of course."

Yang Lei nodded: "I've been hearing people say that this world is broken. In fact, only some people are broken. Among them, you and the minister are the biggest culprits."

"I don't have that much ambition to save the world, I just want to change the country a little bit if I can."

. ..

"But I know your character. Sooner or later, you and I will be opposites. The final development is likely to be either your death or my death, although the latter situation is impossible."


Turning back, Yang Lei faced Esdes with a serious and grim expression, and said resolutely: "It's impossible for us, I hope you don't have any illusions, unless you are willing to turn your back on your biggest supporter and also you the greatest asylum."

At the same time, Yang Lei also said to himself in his heart: "Yang Lei, Yang Lei, don't be soft-hearted. At least there can't be any compromise here in Esdes, otherwise, you will also be broken."

With his uncompromising indulgence, indulgence and doting on his beloved, he really wants to be with Esdes, I am afraid he will become the biggest perpetrator, and then the world will really be helpless.

And once he was transformed into another appearance by Esdes, it would be more than this world to suffer.

So even if he was a little itchy because of Esdes' confession just now, he didn't dare to take her down like Sinon did, but refused even more rebelliously.

"Do you really want to go this far?"

Esdes looked at Yang Lei somewhat unacceptably.


Yang Lei nodded coldly, and didn't say too much rhetoric, because he knew it was useless.

Frowning slightly, Esdes continued to look at Yang Lei, and his heart would inevitably feel a little bitter.

It's just that Esdes is Esdes after all, and soon she regained her composure, snorted lightly, and heard her say: "You don't want to leave my side."

"Yang Leijun, don't forget that I am a general, and you are my subordinate. As long as I don't let go, you can only be under my subordinate."

"Even if I can't get you, I will let you stay by my side forever."

Well, Estes is such a person. .

0890 Also bring a night attack?

As the saying goes, the more you can't get it, the more unwilling to let go and the more persistent.

That's what Esdes is like. She would rather bring three unrelated ordinary girls back to her castle palace than let Yang Lei leave.


Yang Lei cursed secretly: "It's been developing in this world for more than ten chapters, and as a result, I've been entangled with Esdes, what's going on? It's going to turn into a romance drama. Is it?"

No wonder Yang Lei complained so, he clearly wanted to cut off the relationship with Esdes, but the other party couldn't tear it off like a dog's skin plaster, that's enough.

It's not that he thinks Esdes is too annoying, but that he knows his character, he's very soft-hearted, okay, if he continues to 'communicate' like this, he will really fall.

But he had no other way. As Esdes said, she was his superior, and he had no choice but to accept her arrangement.

Otherwise, unless he doesn't want the "sixty-eighty-seven" reward points he finally saved.

"In order to bring my wife and children to my side as soon as possible, I endured it."

In the end, Yang Lei chose to compromise.

As for the disposal of the three girls, Esdes has already arranged them in logistics, and tasks such as cleaning the room are left to them.

Then, that night, the three beastmen who had left early in the morning returned.

According to the good news they brought back, they intercepted the former minister and his daughter who were planning to return to the imperial capital on the way. As a result, they killed the former minister and his daughter, and then left a leaflet for the night attack on the scene.

Although everyone knows that the deliberate practice of leaving those flyers is definitely someone who is planting the night attack.

But it doesn't matter, once or twice is nothing, but once this kind of thing becomes more and more, I believe everyone will gradually become suspicious.

And by then, their battle plan will be successful.

Don't forget that Estes and the minister's plan was to lead out the night raids by the way, and then kill them all.

"very good."

Esdes praised the three beastmen without hesitation, and encouraged them to make persistent efforts.

"Thank you, Lord Esdes."

The three beasts hurriedly thanked them, they really looked like Esdes' pets, and the meaning of their existence was to please her.

Well, after all, the name of the group is called the three beasts, they are beasts....

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