"By the way, why are there three more young ladies?"

At this time, Niu, one of the three beastmen, found Aier and the others, and couldn't help but lean over with interest.

"Cough cough."

Yang Lei, who had been sitting silently reading a book, coughed lightly, "I'll kill you."

Without any foreshadowing, Yang Lei directly said that he will kill you if he gets closer.


Niu was startled and quickly took a few steps back.

The three beasts have already communicated privately, and they also took the opportunity to ask Esdes. They understand that the boss's feelings for Yang Lei are special, and they have already seen the horror of Yang Lei, so they naturally dare not provoke them easily.

The three girls breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't dare to resist at all. If Niu really wanted to do something to them, I'm afraid they could only bear it silently.

Fortunately, they had Yang Lei's protection. Although they still did not dare to approach Yang Lei or even look him in the eyes, they were still full of gratitude in their hearts.

"All right."

At this time, Esdes stood up to smooth the game, and explained to the three beasts: "You go back to rest first, and the next work will not be easy at all."

"And Yang Leijun."

Esdes looked at Yang Lei again and said in a commanding tone, "I'm going to take a bath, come and rub my back, this is an order."


Yang Lei put the book in his hand on his face without even thinking about it, and while blocking the emotions that might be showing in his eyes, he refused in a loud voice, "I'm not your slave, don't ask me for this kind of thing. ."

"whispering sound."

Estes smacked his lips, but he was not too disappointed with the result, and turned around and left by himself.

"Three beasts."

And just when the three beastmen were about to leave together, Yang Lei took down the book covering his face and looked at the three seriously: "Don't kill yourself, or I will really do it, I believe you have heard about me. Today's achievement?"

Yang Lei's bloody abuse incident in a five-star hotel has already spread, and although he doesn't know the specifics, people still know that he did it.

It's just that I don't know how Esdes solved it. In the end, Yang Lei had nothing to do, and the minister didn't make any statement, as if only a few civilians died.

That's right, in this world, civilians have no human rights, and some nobles with bad personalities even dare to play the game of trampling on horses in the street, which is evident.

Leonae started killing people because he couldn't stand that kind of thing, and then joined the night raid.

Facing Yang Lei's threat, the three beastmen looked at each other, especially Liva and Daidas looking at Niu together.

"Why are you looking at me?"

Niu quickly raised his hand and said, "I won't do anything to those three young ladies. Although they are really beautiful, they really want to turn them into collectibles..."

"To shut up. ......"

Liwa quickly blocked Niwu's mouth, because Yang Lei's eyes were getting colder and colder.

"We remembered."

Daidas also had a rare insight, and quickly agreed to Yang Lei, and then the three quickly left.


At this time, three girls came over timidly.

"Thank you, thank you for your help."

Although they still didn't know what was going on, the three girls couldn't imagine what would happen to them without Yang Lei, but they already understood that the person in front of them definitely wanted to help them, so they gathered up the courage to run over and thank Yang Lei repeatedly. It's just that his speech is a bit intermittent, as if Yang Lei is very scary, which makes him very hurt.

"It's nothing."

Yang Lei shook his head and instructed them: "Emperors are very dark and corrupt, so you'd better stay here and don't go out. If anyone dares to make trouble for you, you can report my name. My name is Yang Lei. I believe my name is very good. It will soon reach the point where it will frighten those 'human-shaped monsters'."

After saying that, Yang Lei also stood up, and also turned around and went back to the room.

It's just that Yang Lei never thought that this guy Esdes was so daring, he ran over to attack at midnight, and he was only wearing a white shirt, it was really too much.

Yang Lei tried his best not to follow his instinct to pounce on him, but used acupuncture points to put Esdes to sleep.

"This guy."

Gritting his teeth, Yang Lei couldn't bear it any longer and slapped Esdes's little cockroach and fart, only to feel that Bairou almost 'blinded' his eyes.

"How long can I hold on?"

0.0 Looking at Esdes' undefended lower body, as well as his seductive and seductive dressing and sleeping posture, Yang Lei asked himself, under Esdes's strategy, his resistance seemed to be getting lower and lower.

"Maybe one day I will follow her."

"No, it seems that I have to find a way. If she is really taken, what do I need to do to completely bend her character back."

"It's definitely not good to be a god. That's forcibly changing the will of others. What I want is not a doll."

"There's no other way, maybe it's just cruel."

(PS: What Esdes did is not my nonsense, but this girl did it in the original book, but it was for Tazmi... Then we must accept Esdes, or else I won't waste so much ink describing her emotional scene with the protagonist. Of course, I will definitely not keep the ink on it. I haven't read a few chapters before the protagonist will surrender, lol...).

0891 Resurrection Hill, Shocking Night Attack

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