The next day, Yang Lei stood up from the sofa where he had been sitting all night after a black thread drove the reluctant Esdes out.

"It's time for business."

Saying so, he walked out of Esdes' castle.

Walking on the street, Yang Lei seemed to have a purpose and walked straight in a certain direction, and then he met a girl from the police force at a corner.

"Excuse me, is it Seleu?"

Yang Lei resisted the disgust in his heart, called out the girl's name, and activated the pupil technique of Shaking the Eyes of God with a thought.


Seleu only felt that his brain went blank, and then he temporarily lost his will.

"Go and sever all things 'ecstasy', that is, X-cut and bring it to me."

Yang Lei commanded, and looked down at a puppy following Seleu's feet.

"And you guy."

Yang Lei didn't even look at Seleu, who had already turned away obediently. He grabbed the dog-shaped Teigu and easily pinned it down.

Then after 16.

"Let me look for the DNA tissue of the natural girl."

Saying that, Yang Lei used the power of karma and time to search for Xiaobi's past, and soon took out an arm out of thin air. There is no doubt that this is Hill's broken arm.

Of course, Yang Lei could also take out Hill's upper body, but it was pointless to do so. Anyway, he wanted to revive Hill, whether it was one arm or the entire upper body.

And just an arm is not as conspicuous as an upper body.

In fact, Yang Lei can of course interfere with the past, such as using the power of time to save Hill.

But the result of doing that is to change a lot of later plots, and even the current timeline will change. In order to avoid too many accidents, it is better not to do that.

And not long after Yang Lei got Hill's arm, Seleu came back with Hill's emperor with a dull look on his face.

Because she captured this imperial tool after all, it was not difficult for Seleu to take it out.

Of course, if this Teigu disappeared for no reason, she would still be punished, or even jailed.

So Yang Lei didn't mean to take the X-scissors, but swept it with the eyes of the ancients, and then waved his hand to create an identical imperial tool out of thin air.

Well, in his eyes, the so-called Teigu is just a joke, just like a child's toy, isn't it easy to come by?

"Go and send X-Cut back and forget about the experience."

Next, Yang Lei used Bie Tianshen to control Seleu's will, and then turned around and left.

This corner is actually not remote, but for some reason, the nearby pedestrians can't notice the strangeness here, as if Yang Lei does not exist.

This is of course because Yang Lei has developed the relationship between the inner world, so he does not exist in the eyes of others.

After that, Yang Lei ignored Seleu and turned around and came outside the Imperial City.

In a forest near the city, Yang Lei resurrected her with the technique of reincarnation and reincarnation.


Hill pushed his glasses and turned his head to look around with a natural look: "Where is this? Am I not dead?"

Uh, about Hill's clothes and so on, because the setting of Reincarnation is to restore the clothes of the deceased together, like Madara's case, so Sister Hill is not naked, even the glasses are restored .

"I saved you."

Yang Lei said to Hill: "You were indeed dead, but it is not difficult for me to save you."

"That's it."

Naturally's receptive power is still very strong, nodding to show her conviction, after all, she still clearly remembers how she died, so it is not too difficult to accept.

"Take me to the headquarters of your night raid."

Yang Lei stated his purpose: "I have something I want to chat with your night raiders."

While talking, Yang Lei also gave Hill the Digu X that he had just built not long ago.

It's about sending, not returning.

Hill tilted her head and thought for a long time, but her naturally dumb head obviously couldn't understand what the current situation was.

Then I thought that since Yang Lei was willing to save himself and returned his lost Emperor Tool to himself, he should not be an enemy.


At the moment, she nodded, and easily agreed to Yang Lei's request.

In this way, under the leadership of Hill, the two soon came to the headquarters of the night raid.

In fact, Yang Lei had already discovered the headquarters of the night raid. Don't forget that he used voice positioning to lock the whole world. Don't be too familiar with what this world looks like.

"This is our headquarters."

Sister Hill said to Yang Lei, and knocked on the door: "Minna, I'm back."

Hill said it with a smile, and he still had some bad taste in his heart, saying that he must scare his friends later.

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