However, when the gate of the base was opened and a fist was punched in the face, she was directly beaten and cried.


Hill was completely unprepared, and even his nosebleed was shot out. It was a sad thing to crouch on the ground and cry.

"Is it the enemy?"

The night raiders all rushed out and quickly surrounded Hill and Yang Lei.

"Definitely the enemy."

At this time, I heard Chi Tong say with certainty: "There is an imperial tool called the March of the Dead 'Eight Houses' in my sister Hei Tong's place, which can make the corpse continue to move, so Hill is no longer a companion."

Having said that, Chi Tong's expression looked very sad.

No matter how I think about having to fight with my comrades, I'm not happy.

"Are you OK?"

Yang Lei ignored the communication of the night raiders around him, but looked at Sister Hill, who was still crying, and had nosebleeds, with a good laugh.

However, he was still very soft-hearted. He couldn't bear to see Hill's nose bleed all the time. He raised his hand at her and said, "Let me treat you."

As he spoke, he didn't know what Yang Lei had done. He looked at Hill, who might have been smashed into a fracture by Leonai's punch just now. If it wasn't for the tears and blood on his face, I was afraid. No one would believe that she was injured so badly before.


Everyone at the scene couldn't help but exclaimed. They had never heard of this magical ability. What kind of magic is this?

And this is not a magical world.

"Can we talk now?"

Only then did Yang Lei turn to look at the people around him, especially Najeshitan, who was standing in one of the directions, that is, Najeta, the former general of the Empire.


Najeshtan frowned and looked at Yang Lei and then at Hill, took a deep breath, and then asked, "Before we talk, can you please explain what's going on?"

"It's simple."

Yang Lei shrugged: "I resurrected her on the way here just now, which represents my goodwill."

(PS: So what, the fifth chapter will be posted tomorrow. I accidentally fell asleep this afternoon, delaying the time. I will try to write the fifth chapter as early as possible tomorrow...).

0892 Shall we form an alliance?

Suddenly a Yang Lei popped out, and then said that he had resurrected the dead sister Hill, which made the night raiders simply unacceptable.

Just like what Brand said to Tazmi when he explained to Tazmi not long ago, there is no ability in Teigu to bring people back to life, otherwise, the first emperor of the empire who created forty-eight emperors would not die. .

Then this world is not a magical world, and they naturally cannot accept the setting of resurrection from the dead.

But the fact that I saw before is like this, Hill is back, what can I say?

After all, Hill's death was what Maine saw with her own eyes, and she felt guilty and guilty for a long time. It was impossible to lie, and there was no reason to say such a lie.

So, what's going on?

"Please give us proof."

In the end, Na Jehitan, the boss of the night attack, said: "It happened that Tazmi's two companions also died not long ago. If you can bring them back to life, we will believe you."

"no problem."

Yang Lei was naturally not afraid of Najeshtan's temptation to him, after all, he didn't lie, and he wasn't a liar.

In this way, the night raiders continued to guard the two people while taking Yang Lei to a forest near the headquarters of the night raid.

"That's their grave."

Pointing to the two unnamed grave bags, Tazmi looked at Yang Lei expectantly.

"give it to me."

Yang Lei nodded, raised his hand to open the tomb bag, and then ingested the two corpses inside that were slightly decomposed and must have suffered a lot during his lifetime.

"The art of reincarnation in dirty soil."

"The art of reincarnation."

It was still the old way, the forbidden technique level ninjutsu plus the reincarnation eye pupil technique smashed over, and saw that the two bodies were first completely repaired, and then slowly opened the eyes that had been closed before.

"Huh? Where is this?"

"Tazmi? What? Could it be that you were also killed?"

The two people who had just been resurrected had not yet reacted to their situation, especially the young man among them was looking at Tazmi with sad eyes, mistakenly thinking that he had died just like them.

"Sayo, Ayeas, welcome back'".

Tazmi pounced on him, ignoring the earthy and rotten smell of the two companions, and hugged his dear friend who had come back from the dead with tears in his eyes.


Yang Lei put down his hand, looked back at the other people who were stunned, and asked, "Can we talk a little bit now?"

. . . . . .

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