Inside the Night Raid headquarters, in the council room, except for Tazmi, who had gone elsewhere with his two best friends, everyone else who belonged to the Night Raid was here.

After Yang Lei proved that he really had the ability to resurrect Hill, they still accepted this miracle that should never have happened. No, it should be called a miracle.

Then, Leonai quickly apologized to Hill. Maine and Chitong were also telling Hill about their longing, while Najeshtan invited Yang Lei to come in to talk. She wanted to know who he was. What is their purpose.

"Introduce yourself first."

Standing opposite the Ye Xiu crowd, Yang Lei introduced himself: "My name is Yang Lei, I am [-] years old this year, and I am [-] meters tall..."

"Please try to skip these unimportant things."

Najeshtan rubbed her brow with her intact left hand, thinking that this guy looks very reliable, but what is this self-introduction?Are you kidding me?

"Alright alright."

Yang Lei shrugged in disappointment, complained, "You really don't have a sense of humor," and then continued: "I think you want to know my identity, right? I'm not afraid to tell you, I am now the imperial general Esders. Guards, the status is equivalent to the three beasts."


This really caused a thousand waves, and all the people present were startled and expressed their hostility again.

"Please don't be so hostile to me, I'm not your enemy."

Yang Lei waved his hand carelessly, and continued: "I originally wanted to join your revolutionary army, but that bastard Tazmi tricked me. After that guy filled out the application form, he ran away, and it was my turn. Before I could react, I was forcibly pulled in."

Yang Lei's words made the night raiders look weird again. One was deliberately trying to refute their relationship with the revolutionary army. After all, they were killers. If anyone knew of their relationship with the revolutionary army, it would discredit the revolutionary army.

So, they are really very conscious. They clearly know the identity of the killer, but they can't be named after they die, but they still do it. Everything is just to overthrow this rotten empire and bring happiness to the people. .

At the same time, they also wanted to laugh, thinking that Yang Lei's statement that he was tricked by Tazmi was a bit too funny.

It's just that Najeshtan asked in a puzzled way: "Since you and we are comrades, then you can rebel now."

"The crux of the problem is," Yang Lei shook his head in distress and said, "I can no longer escape from the imperial camp."

Of course, Yang Lei also knew that the night raiders couldn't understand their troubles, and he didn't think about giving them a detailed explanation, so he simply skipped this topic and said, "Forget it, let's not talk about that."

"...What, let's talk about the purpose of my coming to you."

"Hey, Najeshtan, and the rest of the Night Raiders, I would like to ask what you think of the Empire and the Revolutionary Army?"

Yang Lei's words made everyone in Ye Xi look at each other in dismay.

"and many more."

But Yang Lei interrupted first, and reminded: "Don't say those high-sounding words, like what to bring happiness to the people, overthrowing an empire will only build another empire, it's just a privileged class. It's just a different batch of people, but it hasn't actually changed at all, has it?"

"Now, please speak."

What the hell, you rejected the existence of the revolutionary army from the very beginning, what else can they say?

"What do you mean?"

Najeshtan's eyes suddenly turned cold: "Is the purpose of your visit today to break our will? If I remember correctly, Esdes' character should not be this kind of person, for that As a fighter, she'd rather kill us than surrender."


Yang Lei nodded, and unceremoniously followed along to complain about his boss: "That guy is a fighting maniac, she doesn't care whether the country is dead or alive, all she wants is fighting."

"So, the purpose of my coming here today is all my own will, and it has nothing to do with Esdes."

"Seriously, I want to ally with you, but I don't want to ally with the Revolutionary Army."

"Hey, everyone in the night raid, have you ever thought about not wanting those people of the ruling class, not the nobles, not even the emperor, to build a republic that is completely owned by the people of the world, and even the people have the opportunity to be the masters of the country?"

(PS: Will it be a river crab... In other words, I got up at ten o'clock today, and then I was called by my buddy into the game to play unlimited firepower for a long time. Because I kept losing and losing, I kept playing and was delayed. A lot of time, I'm sorry everyone, otherwise this chapter should have been published in the morning or noon, but it's only now, I apologize...).

0893 Yang Lei's Reform Thought

Yang Lei's thinking is simply too advanced.

The current empire is still in the feudal society of slavery, and as a result, he will start some kind of republic, doctrine, and righteousness as soon as he comes up, and his steps are too big.

Speaking of which, this is like Wang Mang's reform.

But fortunately, the only people he is communicating with now are the group of people who attacked at night. If this is said outside, the impact may not even be able to protect him.

Moreover, in the night attack, only Najeshtan and Lubbock had a shock to the republic described by Yang Lei, and the others did not feel much about his thoughts.

This is because Najeshtan used to be a general, and Lubbock came from a noble family, so they understand how much Yang Lei's words will bring about a big change to the existing ruling class, and it can even be said that he is a To destroy the entire aristocracy.

As for Brand, who also served in the Imperial Army and had a high status.

It seems that he came from a commoner's family and he didn't feel anything, but he was looking forward to the picture described by Yang Lei.


After all, this is just a rhetoric that Yang Lei said casually, and the prospect is still so big, it is easy to make people feel unrealistic.


With a long exhalation, Najeshitan eased her mind and looked at Yang Lei deeply, only to feel that this guy's ambition was unexpectedly large.

She could see that Yang Lei's heart was not in the empire or the revolutionary army, but was truly on the side of the people.

After all, what Najeshtan has to admit is that the ultimate goal of the revolutionary army is to build a new empire after overthrowing the empire.

In that case, no one can guarantee that the new empire will not go to the current stage in the future.

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