After all, Yang Lei had shot at the northern border before, of course she could see the gap between them.

If it is Esdes, although she can freeze hundreds of thousands of enemy troops, she will definitely lose her strength for a period of time after she makes a full effort.

On the other hand, Yang Lei killed hundreds of thousands of northern alien warriors with a single wave of his hand, and then it seemed that nothing happened. Of course, she knew it.

And since the confrontation for such a long time, she would fall asleep every night by Yang Lei. Unless Esdes was an idiot, she certainly knew that Yang Lei was better than her, otherwise she would have taken him down long ago.

Seeing that the dignified General Esdes respected Yang Lei so much, the six newcomers couldn't help but subconsciously looked over there.

Especially one of the guys dressed like a doctor. His name is Dr. Chic. Not only is he a mad scientist, he seems to be gay.

At this time, he was looking at Yang Lei as if he had seen a rare treasure. He was so obsessed and fascinated that he wished to fight Yang Lei for countless rounds here, and then turn the other party into his own experimental subject, so that he could have each other for the rest of his life.


Yang Lei raised his head and looked over with a feeling, and when he saw Fashion scrutinized his eyes, he couldn't help but stunned, and then he became angry.

"court death."

A nameless fire instantly rose in Yang Lei's heart, and he waved his hand unceremoniously.



No one knew what was going on, they just felt as if the whole castle was shaking three times, and then saw a stream of blood spurting out, and then he heard the fashion scream: "Save me, I'm going to die, who's going to save me? help me."

"You are very bold."

Yang Lei suddenly stood in front of the fashionable, with a grim expression on his face, and said coldly, "How dare you look at me with that kind of eyes, hello, do you know how the word "dead" is written?"

"Also, what I hate the most is people like you who use others as experimental subjects and wantonly 'play' with other people's bodies, but you dare to provoke me, ha."

Yang Lei smiled recklessly, and lifted his foot to step down...  


Pieces of blood fluttered in the sky, and the newcomers around him, as well as Esdes, were all dumbfounded.

No one would have thought that Yang Lei would suddenly go berserk, and he would be such a decisive instant kill as soon as he made a move.

When they reacted, the fashion that was still human has long been trampled into flesh.

"Do not."

The girl named Seleu, who had just been taken care of by Yang Lei a few days ago, cried out in grief, staggered to her knees and fell to the ground, looking at the pool of blood in front of her with an expression of disbelief.

"My parents are dead, my master is dead, and now even my benefactor is dead."

Lostly muttering to himself, when Seleu said this, fierce hatred suddenly burst out in his eyes, and he greeted his emperor that he was about to attack Yang Lei.

"Go back."

Esdes suddenly gave a loud shout, and exuded a powerful aura that shook Seleu back, and also made the other four newcomers who wanted to shoot to put away their movements.


Seleu still wanted to hold on.

"Do you want to die too?"

At this moment, Yang Lei turned around, and there was no blood on his body, so he looked at Seleu with a cold expression on his face.

"I'll make a statement in advance."

I saw him raise a finger and said straight to the point: "Except Esdes, I maintain a zero-tolerance attitude for other people's changes. Not taking action directly is my biggest concession, but if I dare to Come and run wild in front of me, and I will fulfill your attitude of death."

"Just like you Seleu."

Yang Lei continued to stare at Seleu and warned: "Don't let me find an opportunity to shoot at you, otherwise no one will be able to save you."

After speaking, Yang Lei turned his head and left.

Although it seemed reckless to shoot because the fashion vision was too disgusting, he was confident that Esdes would help him suppress this matter again, because he had revealed his feelings for Esdes in the previous words. Different, I believe she will be carried away by love.


"Maybe it's me who gets carried away, but not by love, but by the bottom line of being a human being."

(PS: I remember I described earlier that Yang Lei has his bottom line, and I also said that as long as it is someone who should be killed, he will never be soft-hearted, so here comes the... As for the plot of the original work, of course, we will try to destroy it as much as possible. ...)

(PS: Inexplicable special card, inexplicably even the author's backstage can't get in, I thought the website crashed again, and then I found out that only a few people crashed, and they are also servers... The current situation is that [-] and Penguin browse I can't even log in to the browser, and the Duniang browser is still very stuck, ah ah ah...).

0896 Yang Lei's beauty plan

Yang Lei's shot was really too sudden, and he didn't even think he would make it.

Although Yang Lei knows that among the six people in the hunter, there are changes T, such as Fashion, Seleu, and Hei Tong.

But he also knew that these were the subordinates that Estes valued, so in order to avoid accidents, he concentrated on reading a book after entering the door, but he was still provoked by fashion.

It can only be said that fashion is really too deadly, and he dares to look at him with that kind of eyes, and Yang Lei is sorry for his deadly mentality if he doesn't do anything.

In the evening, Esdes came to Yang Lei's room again.

The only difference from before was that Esdes was well-dressed instead of attacking him at night.

"I've already pressed the matter down."

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