Esdes said: "Except for Seleu who still has resentment, the other four don't mind anymore. After all, they only met on the first day, and they didn't have such a big friendship with each other."

Yang Lei nodded unexpectedly, and he guessed it would be the result.

The current empire can be said to be in the hands of the minister, and for the minister, Esdes is equivalent to a weapon to control the empire. As long as it does not involve too many problems, he will support Esdes.

Now they are just dead people, and they are still Esdes' subordinates. The minister can't care, although that guy was dispatched to Esdes by him, and he is still an imperial envoy.

As for Esdes, compared to Yang Lei, what is fashion worth?

After all, Yang Lei even threatened the three beastmen, and more than once said in front of Esdes that they would kill them if they tried to kill them again, but didn't Esdes still choose to condone?

In any case, the fashion is not as good as the three beasts, so Esdes didn't care about his death.

So why did she come here dressed so neatly?

"Yang Leijun, can you tell me your purpose honestly?"

Esdes looked at Yang Lei's eyes seriously and said, "Although I have always expressed wishful thinking that I want to keep you by my side, I still want to know what your ultimate goal is."

Esdes has already seen that they are indeed not the same people. Although she has heard Yang Lei rudely express it before, she has never taken it seriously. She only thinks that she can conquer the other party and train Yang Lei to be her own. .

But now it seems that this may really be her wishful thinking.

"Didn't I say so?"

Yang Lei once again said without shyness: "I want to change this country and eradicate the minister and his henchmen."


Esdes nodded unsurprisingly, she knew Yang Lei would say so.

Moreover, Yang Lei also said that he can't watch people who wantonly play with others. Although he doesn't care about killing people, he can't watch the pictures of killing others.

But the minister's people are not only corrupt and greedy, but also all change T, including herself is one of the best.

In this way, they are really natural enemies.

"I won't let go."

I just know that I know, but Esdes said stubbornly: "Yang Leijun, even if I know it's impossible, I still want to keep you by my side, please be conscious."

Yang Lei rubbed his temples, knowing that Esdes had something to say, and reminded him that he would continue to stay by her side in the future, so don't go too far, and get along well with the other hunters.

"By the way, there's one thing I'm curious about."

Diverting the topic, Yang Lei asked, "What Esdes wants is war, right? Then, if there is a chance for you to lead troops to attack those foreign countries around you, would you like it?"


Esdes really shines, her pursuit is only endless war, and even in order to achieve this goal, she will take the initiative to provoke others' hatred of herself.

For example, when facing the defection of the former general Najeta, the current leader of the night raid, Najeshtan, she deliberately left her to die when she chopped off Najeshtan's right arm and right eye. She left.

As well as the previous northern aliens, except for the prince who was finally killed by her, some high-ranking military officials were released by her.

So what was she doing this for?

That's right, it's just to provoke the hatred of others, and then turn it into a war, so that she can continue to enjoy it, right?

So, Esdes was going to the point where she couldn't even care about anything because of the war, and in the end she was killed in the original book because she enjoyed the war too much.

But now, when Yang Lei mentioned that he wanted her to lead his troops to attack the surrounding foreign nations, Esdes was heartbroken.

"That's the reward I want the most."

Esdes said this, but felt that the gifts the little emperor gave her before were all insignificant garbage, and only what Yang Lei mentioned was what she was most looking forward to.

It's a pity that the empire is now in a period of civil strife, and if it is serious, it will disintegrate itself. There is really no more energy for her to do anything wrong.

Thinking of this, Esdes couldn't help but feel a little lost.


Yang Lei seemed to see through Esdes' heart, and comforted him: "As long as I can achieve my goal, as long as I cut off the minister's henchmen and crusade him together, the empire will return to light once in a short time."

"I don't care what the fate of the empire will be in the future. Before that, I promise that you can get enough military resources and military power to wipe out the alien races around you. It only depends on your wishes."

If you follow Yang Lei's plan, let Ye Xi first slowly eliminate the minister's henchmen, and then he will remove the minister at the last moment, and let the little emperor give Najeshtan the Zen throne.

After that, he didn't care about politics, and just left it to Najeshtan to reform. 370

Then, in order to prevent someone from taking advantage of the situation to launch a mutiny, he really had to let Esdes lead his troops out to play during that time.

In fact, Yang Lei has a simpler way, that is to use other gods to control the minister and the little emperor.

But if you do that, the subordinates who belong to the minister do not need to be killed, because they all become Yang Lei's subordinates incidentally.

But the minister's subordinates are all damned people, Yang Lei will not let those damned people go just for the convenience of the task.

At least now that he has a choice, he will not do that, but is determined to kill the minister.

Now it's all about Estes' choice.

"Esdes, do you choose to continue to ally with the minister? Or do you choose to believe me?"

Yang Lei suddenly resorted to a 'beauty plan', comparing himself with the minister and letting Esdes make a choice.


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