Esdes was a little panicked. Today, she came to him for this purpose. She just wanted Yang Lei to be more restrained in the future, and not to kill all the new recruits she finally summoned.

In the end, I don't know how the matter developed to this point. Yang Lei is considered to be forcing the palace. If she chooses a minister, I am afraid that when Yang Lei leaves again, she will really not be able to stop her.

"This bastard is really making things difficult for people."

(PS: Wow, I can finally come up, the webpage kept crashing yesterday, I can’t even update it, it’s annoying...).

0897 Hunter's first action

The most difficult thing for Esdes to choose is that the choice Yang Lei gave her also contained the power and support that would allow her to wage war to the fullest.

In this way, without affecting her current status, she only needs to change her teammates who have cooperated and formed an alliance.

Now it only depends on whether Esdes believes that Yang Lei has the strength to overthrow the minister, or whether he is more willing to believe the minister.

That night, Esdes did not give an answer and did not stay.

She didn't come here to attack Yang Lei again at night, and since she had to make a decision on this matter, it was really difficult for her to stay.

But after sending Esdes away, Yang Lei couldn't help showing a dissatisfied expression.

Esdes' hesitation shows that she doesn't trust his ability, and this girl is too opinionated, she should not love him to the point where she can't extricate herself.

"It seems that I am a little self-confident."

Yang Lei laughed at himself.

He thought that this forced palace would have some effect, but he didn't expect that the result he got was nothing.

"Can't count on Esdes."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei recognized the reality. Although Esdes was not an enemy, she was definitely not his own.

"I'll find an opportunity to ask Lubbock tomorrow. If the night raid doesn't give an answer, I'll have to act on my own."

With a plan in mind, Yang Lei fell on the chuang and slowly fell asleep.

Silent all night, woke up early the next morning.

It was still in the conference hall yesterday, where the fashionable bloodstains had already been cleaned up, and the five newcomers who remained had gathered again.

The difference from yesterday is that when they assembled again today, all five people changed into uniform black uniforms, that is, the type of black suits worn by the three beasts and Yang Lei.

Then they all showed strange expressions when they saw Yang Lei who was yawning and called by Esdes.

Especially Seleu, although he didn't dare to criticize Yang Lei, because Esdes' attitude was very clear, Yang Lei had the power to shoot at them at will.

But she was still looking at Yang Lei with hatred, the enemy who killed her benefactor.

Yang Lei didn't care, anyway, he had already defined Seleu as a dead person in his heart, but he just hadn't found a chance to shoot, or was it an excuse?

But don't worry, I believe that opportunity will appear soon.

"New people."."

At this moment, Esdes came right after Yang Lei.

Looking at the new people's outfits with satisfaction, Esdes nodded and said, "We are an organization with independent mobility and ruthless hunting of vicious thieves, so I named it Hunter."

"Let's stay on the road if you introduce yourself. Everyone just got to know each other. I need to know a little about your strength."

"It's just right now. According to the information I got from the men I sent to inquire about the news, there is a thief's fortress around Qiugang Lake recently. Before you can't find the night raiders, let's practice with them."

"team leader."

After listening to Esdes' orders, someone in the team asked: "What should I do if a thief surrenders?"


Esdes pondered for a while, and glanced at Yang Lei quietly, seeing that he was just sitting there bored, without showing any strange expression, and then said: "Surrender is the behavior of the weak, and it is the world that the weak are eliminated. Common sense."

Having said that, there is no need for her to say more. Everyone understands what she means. This is the rhythm of not taking prisoners.

Because the opponent is a bandit who does all kinds of evil, everyone has no objection, even Seleu once again showed his expectant smile.

"Let's go then."

At this time, Estes gave the order to attack without hesitation, and took the lead to walk outside the house.


Yang Lei sighed lightly.

Estes still didn't give an answer, indicating that what happened last night really had to be over.

But it doesn't matter, he has already prepared for it, and he is not too disappointed.

Just that way.

"It will really only be an enemy in the future. It seems that I still have to distance myself from her."

Yang Lei secretly warned himself, and then after everyone else left the room, he walked out of a physical clone from behind with a thought, and let the physical clone follow Esdes and the others to continue to move, while the main body turned and was swallowed by the inner world.

Although the road to Qiugang Lake is not too far away, it is definitely not near. In addition, it is a city to be attacked, and there are a large number of bandits in it. I am afraid that it will take at least three to five days for the hunters to return.

We don't care about the actions of Esdes and the others, we only look at Yang Lei's side.

Walking in the inner world, Yang Lei's existence was not known to outsiders. He walked through the streets and alleys, and finally he came to a bookstore.

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