"It's here."

Glancing at the bookstore, Yang Lei saw Lubbock, who was guarding the bookstore, without any accident. He walked forward without opening the door of the bookstore, and went in directly through the door panel.


It was not until after entering the door that Yang Lei appeared and made a sound that startled Lubbock.

"Oh my god."

At that time, Lubbock threw on the ground a photo book of beautiful women that he was looking at with relish in his hand.

"Scared me."

Lubbock roared at Yang Lei with tears in his eyes: "Is this guy a ghost? You don't make a sound when you walk. It's really hateful."


Yang Lei raised his head and smiled happily, then lowered his head and said to Lubbock expressionlessly: "I didn't expect to be discovered by you, yes, I am a ghost, didn't you realize that I came in without even opening the door? Yet?"

It was only then that Lubbock realized that he did not hear the sound of opening and closing the door.

"Don't scare me."

Lubbock subconsciously wiped his forehead and realized that his forehead was already covered in cold sweat.

People are not afraid of the enemy in the face, but the fear of the unknown.

(of Lee's)

"You really believe it."

Yang Lei shook his head speechlessly, thinking that if I was just a ghost, how could Hill and the others be resurrected in front of me?Even if you want to guess, you should guess that he is a higher-level existence.

As everyone knows, it is because Yang Lei's methods that he showed before are too powerful, so the people in the night attack have discussed his identity behind his back, thinking that this guy is definitely not an ordinary person.

Then Lubbock died, and Zeng arrogantly said with a smile that Yang Lei might be a ghost who climbed up from hell, so he has the ability to help other people's souls return to the world.

Then it happened today that he would be so frightened that he would kill himself, we don't need to care about him.

"Speaking of which, Lubbock."

Yang Lei stopped frightening Lubbock, turned around and rummaged through the books on the bookshelf to find some of his favorite genres to put away, and asked without looking back, "Have you made a decision about the night raid? Waiting for the answer.".

0898 Rescue Brand and heal Najeshtan

Facing Yang Lei's inquiry, Lubbock took a deep breath and said, "BOSS has already made a choice."

"Oh? What is it?"

Only then did Yang Lei turn around, and he already had more than a dozen books in hand.

"She has decided to ally with you."

Lubbock replied.


Before Yang Lei could express his views on this, or praise Najeshtan's current affairs, Lubbock continued: "The BOSS wants me to make it clear to you, first of all, you must ensure that you can help us unconditionally to attack us at night. Resurrection of accidentally sacrificed companions."

"That is to say."

Yang Lei scratched his hair with the other hand in distress, and told the truth as he understood: "Is it because another comrade has sacrificed, so I had to make the decision to form an alliance with me?"


Lubbock nodded earnestly: "That guy Brand was accidentally spelled out by the three beastmen, so we need your help now."

"That's it."

Yang Lei nodded, but he was not very dissatisfied, and said actively: "Then let's go, let's go and see the situation called Brand, it happens that some details about the alliance have to be discussed with your boss, after all, you can't be the master. ."

Yang Lei has already understood it all. Najeshtan may not have made a decision yet, but to her helplessness, there are casualties among her subordinates, and she has to seek Yang Lei's help for this.

So it is conceivable that the current situation is that although Najeshtan relented and said that he was going to form an alliance, as Yang Lei said, Lubbock can't be the master. This is only a verbal agreement. Jehitan needs to talk about 217 in detail to make sure.

Anyway, Yang Lei had to go to the headquarters again at night, and he had to help them resurrect the dead Brand first.

"That woman is well suited to be a politician."

Yang Lei suddenly said such a sentence, only that Najeshitan's intelligence is still very good.

"of course."

Lubbock suddenly said proudly: "After all, the BOSS was a general before."


Yang Lei glanced at Lubbock. As someone who had come here, he instantly saw through Lubbock's careful thoughts.

"It's hard to see such a strong woman, and she's your immediate boss, isn't it?"

Yang Lei joked.


Lubbock was startled, and he tried to quibble with Yang Lei again, but he didn't give him a chance.

"calm down."

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