Yang Lei waved his hand carelessly: "I'm not a big mouth person, and you think you can really hide from that woman's eyes with such a simple person? I'm afraid she already knows your thoughts, but it's inconvenient to deal with it now."

Lubbock thought the same thing, so he stopped arguing, but was silently busy with the things in his hand, planning to put the bookstore in a simple place and then go back with Yang Lei.

After that, Yang Lei stopped joking about Lubbock, but speculated in his heart, wondering what conditions Najehitan would put forward.

In fact, as long as it's not too much, Yang Lei doesn't care about any of Najeshtan's conditions.

You think, firstly, he is not greedy for power, secondly, he is not short of gold or silver, on the contrary, he is in a mess, and thirdly, he is not the kind of villain who likes to be a womanizer. What do you think he is still obsessed with?

It can be said that as long as it's not something he can't agree to, no matter what the conditions are, he can agree to it. Anyway, as long as he completes the task, he will leave this world, and it doesn't matter what conditions he pays.

Thinking about it, Yang Lei made it clear when he came to the night attack before. After their goal was achieved, they would let the little emperor cede the throne to Najeshtan, and then let her promote the new policy.

Even the empire has been given to her, what conditions are there to discuss?

. . . . . .

After coming out of Lubbock's bookstore, Yang Lei opened the world again and walked in it, unwilling to be seen by others.

On the bright side, he was acting with Esdes at this time. If others saw the news of his appearance again, Esdes would figure out something in an instant, and the minister would be even more suspicious of him.

Also, if he walks with Lubbock openly, he will definitely make Lubbock's identity suspicious. Although he can save others, he does not want the existence of the night attack to be excavated, let alone May it be known now that he cooperated with Ye Raid.

Don't forget that he can't be kicked out of the Empire camp for the time being, or he won't be led by the nose in front of Esdes.

In this way, the two came out of the city gate smoothly without attracting the attention of others, and came to the night raid headquarters again.

"How? Can you still save Brand?"

In a room (bgce) of the night raid headquarters, Brand's body was placed on the ground, because the weather was not too hot yet, fortunately, the body was not decomposed, otherwise it would be really hard to see.

At this time, the night raiders all gathered around and looked at Yang Lei. Everyone's expressions were full of anticipation and anxiety. They hoped that Yang Lei would be like the two companions who resurrected Hill and Tazmi before. He was also resurrected, and at the same time, he was afraid that Yang Lei would suddenly shake his head to indicate that he could not be saved.

"small issue."

Yang Lei nodded and gave the answer, indicating that he could save it.


Everyone was relieved, especially Tazmi, who was the one who acted with Brand before, but he came back alive and Brand died, which made him feel very guilty.


Before starting to save Brand, Yang Lei looked back at Najeshitan and reminded: "You should really think about it? The conditions for forming an alliance with me and so on, I hope we can confirm the alliance after a while."

"As for now."

Turning back, Yang Lei looked at Brand's body and said, "I'll help you resurrect him first."

As he spoke, Yang Lei raised his hand and grabbed Brand's hand, and then shook it up and down.

"Get me out."

After saying something to me, as Yang Lei's voice fell, I saw a cloud of black smoke drifting out of Brand's body suddenly and quickly. This is the highly poisonous thing that caused Brand's death.

Then, with the old method of reincarnation and reincarnation, Brand slowly opened his eyes.


Brand, who had just recovered, was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted: "It turns out that I was also rescued, thank you very much."

He had witnessed Yang Lei's resurrection of Shayou before, so he could react so quickly.


Standing up, Yang Lei walked out of the crowd who happily surrounded Brand and stood in front of Najeshtan.

"Speaking of which, I wanted to do it last time. Is your injury caused by Esdes? Can I help you heal it?"

Yang Lei knew from the very beginning what happened to Najeshtan's injury. It was cut by Esdes who was chasing after General Najeta's mutiny.

It was only because of Esdes' bad character that Najehitan escaped. She was told by Esdes that the purpose of letting her go was to ask her to come back to seek revenge for her. That's right, Esdes is so eager People in chaos.

"is it okay?"

Najeshtan's eyes lit up, who wouldn't want to be a healthy person if they could.

"of course can."

Yang Lei nodded, this time, there is no need to be too troublesome. After removing the prosthesis and the blindfold for Najeshitan, he just shook it in front of Najeshitan, and then she recovered.

Uh..., Yang Lei's treatment methods have been inspired a lot by the disciples of Kaiwang God, plus he has also mastered medical ninjutsu, the way of death, and the healing magic of magicians in the fairy tail world, and The healing magic of the beautiful world, now, he doesn't need to cooperate with reincarnation and reincarnation to resurrect others, let alone just treat others casually.

Well, it can only be said that Jian Jigu's eyes are too heaven-defying, and the people he has recruited to learn from are not simple, otherwise there will be no drama.

"All right."

After helping Najeshtan recover, Yang Lei only gave everyone three minutes to celebrate, and then reminded: "Don't forget there is one more thing to deal with, come on, let's do it right, thoroughly. Let's talk about it.".

0899 Finally negotiated an alliance

Since the very beginning of Hill, Ye Raid really owes Yang Lei countless favors.

Not to mention Tazmi's two companions, although they seem to have joined Ye Raid now, but at least they were not companions before, so the favor is not counted in Ye Raid's body.

But it's just Hilgabrand, plus the healed Najeshtan, and the three of them have enough affection~.

Therefore, before talking to Yang Lei about the alliance, everyone in Ye Xiu would inevitably thank him sincerely.

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