Yang Lei said that it doesn't matter, and he didn't threaten them to form an alliance quickly.

Well, for Yang Lei, the reason for the night attack was that he wanted to save these ill-fated girls by the way. In fact, he didn't need to be so troublesome.

As he had thought before, it is also possible to form an alliance with his physical and shadow avatars.

The specific operation details can be considered in this way, that is, the main body is responsible for stabilizing Esdes, so as to ensure that he will not be kicked out of the imperial camp, and by the way, he can also collect some information.

After all, he can use the demon king's sense of smell, the wolf king's sense of smell, and the power of cause and effect to directly obtain the required information from the minister, so relying on him alone will not be inferior to the night raid and a large group of people in the revolutionary army .

Then send shadow clones and physical clones to incarnate as others to assassinate the minister's henchmen.

And compared to the night attack, he is a more indefensible killer. After all, he used to be in the ninja industry, and his strength is so strong, who can stop his assassination.

It's just that Yang Lei doesn't want to do this. One is that when he was working for a better world, he woke up to a philosophy of life and became unwilling to miss the scenery around him just to complete the task. If possible, he also wanted to experience more of these worlds. fun of.

Wouldn't his life be a lot more boring if he just missed the process just to get to the end?

Another, it is not yet time to give up the night attack.

And didn't Lubbock bring good news before, saying that Najeshtan has the will to form an alliance, although there are some unavoidable reasons.

So let's talk about it first.

. . . . . .

To be honest, they really have nothing to say.

First of all, the ultimate goal of both parties is the same, both to overthrow the ministers and assassinate all those scumbag nobles.

In this case, they were destined not to be enemies from the beginning, just like Yang Lei said when he left last time, even if they could not form an alliance in the end, he would not deal with the night attack.

The reason is very simple, the night attack will only be his help, even if it is not to help him, the night attack will still benefit him.

Then Yang Lei also generously said that even if an alliance is formed, Najeshtan will be the main one.

To put it rudely, this is not like an alliance at all. Instead, it seems that Yang Lei has been merged into the night raid camp. The only difference is that if you form an alliance with Yang Lei, the night raid will defect from the revolutionary army camp.

There is no way, Yang Lei can't have two camps. If he really treats the Infinite System as a fool, he will become a real fool.

And as Yang Lei said, the purpose of the revolutionary army is to build a new feudal empire, so wouldn't it be meaningless to overthrow the current empire?It's just a change of emperor and a group of nobles, but the common people are still common people.

Therefore, Yang Lei's thinking is the most in line with the standard of night raiding people, that is, to completely erase the existence of all noble classes, so that everyone's status is equal, and everyone has a chance to rise, which is much fairer.

As the saying goes, the princes and generals have a kind of kind....

If even the emperor's position can be taken in shifts, then this society is really perfect.

Although no matter which world you are in, as long as it involves politics and politicians, as well as power and money, it will never be black and white, and the water is also the color of muddy water.

But in general, this republic-style national composition makes the night raiders full of fantasy.

As Tazmi said, if they killed people for such a lofty idea and to liberate the people of the world, then they would really be heroes and messengers of justice.

Well, at least it can be called an anti-hero.

. . . . . .

Yang Lei and the others talked a lot and talked for a long time.

Huh?Didn't I say there was nothing to say earlier?

In fact, there is nothing to say about the alliance-related matters. Yang Lei does not take advantage of it at all, but provides a lot of help. Even Esdes, who has always been afraid of Najehitan, said that he would give it to him. What to say.

As for why it takes so long to talk.

That's because the night raiders don't understand what the so-called republic-style political ideology includes and how it works. They can't play.

So Yang Lei had to give them make-up lessons to let them know about Xinzhong..., ahem.

Anyway, as long as we reform according to his ideas, the people will surely live a happy life.

At least not like it is now, it is normal for nobles to kill people. For example, if the minister's son is well, he just made a random excuse to destroy a certain circus, but he has nothing at all. This social phenomenon Just don't break down too much.

Unknowingly, this negotiation continued until the evening, and it was rare for Chi Tong, a foodie, to not be hungry.

The two sisters, Chi Tong and Hei Tong, are also poor children. They were sold to the Empire by their parents since they were young, and then they were trained by the Empire as a killing machine. Until now, the two sisters have not returned to normal human values.

Don't blame the parents of the two sisters, but this is a common phenomenon in the entire empire, just like Ai'er, Fa'er and Luna, who were rescued by Yang Lei and collected by Esdes, were also sold. to the capital.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

There is no way, while they have to suffer the exploitation of the nobles, they also have to pay high taxes to the empire.

Er, the revolutionary army in this world is just like the peasant uprisings in history. It was only when the people could no longer survive that they had to carry the banner of rebellion.

It's just that the revolutionary army here was initiated by the nobles. After all, this is the world background of the Middle Ages. Ordinary people do not have the prestige and enough power to respond.

"Huh, it's finally over."

In the end, even Yang Lei was about to say something dry and dry. He said that he finally gave a rough idea. After that, as long as Najeshtan carries out reforms according to the national conditions, he believes that Najeshtan will definitely be able to show his strength in politics. .

The night raiders looked at each other.

. ....

They would not have been shocked for a long time, and now they are all immune to Yang Lei's advanced thinking.

"Jun Yang Lei."

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