It's just that Najeshtan obviously still had some hesitation, so she asked: "Finally, there are two questions. First, can't we really try to persuade the revolutionary army? The leader of the revolutionary army and I are old friends. , I have worked under him for so many years, for the leader..."

"Needless to say."

Yang Lei interrupted Najeshtan's words, shook his head decisively and said, "Unless he is willing to give up the idea of ​​the revolutionary army and return to the empire, after all, our goal in the future is no longer to overthrow the empire, and we have to abandon those men who fought with him. ambitions are disregarded.”

"But how is this possible? First of all, it is impossible for him to return to the empire, at least not before you ascend the throne. The little emperor and ministers will definitely kill him."

"And then his subordinates will definitely not be reconciled. Maybe in the end, he will be 'added by the yellow robe' and will no longer be able to disband the revolutionary army."

Listening to Yang Lei's judgment, Najeshtan just thought about it and had to nod her head in agreement with him.

"The second question."

Putting away the last bit of hesitation on her face, Najeshtan looked at Yang Lei seriously: "It's still about Esdes. You said you would be responsible for her handling. Are you sure you can solve it?"

Yang Lei thought she was going to say something, but it turned out to be this, so he couldn't help shaking his head amusedly: "I know what you mean, you can see that I have a good impression of her, right?"

"Well, there's nothing you can do. That girl is chasing her too fiercely, and other people will be moved by her, right?"

"But don't worry, if I don't confirm that I can be responsible for her, I will get rid of her before I really like her."

At the same time, there is another sentence Yang Lei did not say, that is: "But if I really fell in love with that guy first, then I'm sorry, maybe the world will be ruined by her...".

0900 I will give you a set of Teijin

In this way, Yang Lei and Ye Xi finally formed an alliance.

In fact, this is a result that could have been foreseen long ago. After all, Yang Lei has such a bug-level existence, you either have to team up with him, or you really can't play.

My God, you can revive the dead without restrictions. This is really going to become an enemy. Everyone in the night raid can't imagine how bad their future actions will be.

What do killers fear most?The most feared thing is the failure of the mission.

Then if this guy Yang Lei is an enemy, the enemy you killed with all your hard work will appear in front of you for no reason tomorrow, what should you do?

And everyone will remember your appearance.

So, either form a team, or you kill him, or you can't play.

But the current situation is that their goals are the same, so they will not become enemies, but can only form a team.

At the very least, teaming up with him is not afraid of death. This is really "two, three, three" too important.

Then that night, Yang Lei didn't just go back like this, but said to the people in the night attack: "Since we have formed an alliance, we are all our own from today. By the way, you can also arrange a room for me or something. ."

Yang Lei didn't mean anything else, but now that there is a physical clone to accompany Esdes to act outside, he'd better keep a low profile.

This is easy to solve. The headquarters of the night raid is very big, let alone one more person, it is not a problem to live in dozens of people.

Then Yang Lei volunteered to go to the kitchen and said that he wanted to show everyone a hand.

Chi Tong, who was in charge of the task of hunting ingredients, quickly caught up with Yang Lei, indicating that there was no time to go out hunting today, and it seemed that there were no ingredients at home.

"It doesn't matter."

Yang Lei waved his hand, and without avoiding them, he directly opened his personal space and took out a Gala crocodile leg bone that weighed several tons.

"I ate it today."

Yang Lei casually carried the Gala crocodile's leg bones, which could not even fit in this conference hall. He didn't know how he did it, so he went straight through the wall and the door to the kitchen.

It seems that it is the laws of space and the convenience of the inner world. There is no need to open the door. If this is mastered by thieves, banks around the world will suffer.

Without further ado, Yang Lei was busy in the kitchen and prepared a sumptuous dinner in a blink of an eye.

Originally, Tazmi also wanted to help, but was called by Najeshtan to try to match the three newly acquired Teigu.

Those are the three emperors seized after the elimination of the three beastmen. They are the emperor of the ring: the water dragon relying on the 'Black Marin'; the emperor of the flute: the military music dream 'Screaming'; and the emperor of the axe with two large axes 'Belzac'.

Black Malin's ability is to manipulate water, but unlike Esdes, who can make ice or freeze out of thin air, Black Malin's ability must only be possible if there is water nearby.

Then the role of screaming is more inclined to support, it is best to use it for military use, the effect is more inspiring than war drums or something.

As for Belzac, this is a weapon that tends to charge into battle. If it cooperates with Berserker, it will have the greatest effect, especially focusing on destructive power.

It happened that there were still three people in the night attack who did not have Teigu, namely Tazmi and his two friends.

Now that Night Raid has already planned to leave the Revolutionary Army, Najehitan will naturally not send Teigu back to the Revolutionary Army headquarters, it is best to digest it internally.

It's a pity that Tazmi doesn't seem to be able to match any of the Teigu, but Shayou and Black Marin matched, and then the young man named Iyeas matched Belzac, and only the scream was left there. way to use it.

"What's going on here?"

While everyone was sitting around the dining table waiting for the meal to start, Tazmi was still doubting his life and complaining: "Obviously, my elder brother and I can be a good match with the evil spirits 'manipulating the armor', how can we get other emperors Wouldn't it be okay to have a tool? Same with the previous five-vision omnipotent 'Observer'."

No wonder Tazmi was so anxious, he didn't want to be left too far by his companions.


At this time, Brand, who was sitting on the side, patted Tazmi's shoulder with his hand and speculated: "It may be that you were full of hatred for the emperor of the three beasts when I was killed by the Liwan guy. , so you can't match."

Brand's explanation was reasonable, and in the end everyone could only accept this explanation.

"Maybe it's something else."

At this time, Yang Lei finally came out from the direction of the kitchen and expressed his own opinion: "It may be because Tazmi has already matched the operating armor, before his body could not support the two emperors to use together at the same time, he It should have been unable to be recognized by other Teigu.”

Everyone pondered, and finally nodded and agreed with Yang Lei's statement.

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