The monster let out an ear-piercing low roar, and first glanced up and down at the beautiful woman, perhaps recognizing that she was a pregnant woman, and saw that it suddenly fixed the beautiful woman's belly with both hands.

"Please don't touch my stomach, please..."


Before the mother's plea was finished, as the belly was torn open, the child who had not yet arrived at the birth date had come to this world ahead of schedule.

It's just that it's not the cheers of the parents who greet the newborn, but the maltreatment full of malice.

. . . . . .

After the crusade against the bandit stronghold, the hunter did not stop there, but continued to act under the leadership of Esdes, and in a blink of an eye, all the outlaws near the imperial capital were cleared.

With the return of the troops, Yang Lei finally left the night raid headquarters and returned to Esdes from the main body.

Then after receiving the memory of the entity clone, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

To dare to say that the main body is not, is really against the sky.

But on second thought, even he himself laughed.

The physical avatar is equal to him, but he is subject to the main body, which is really jealous of himself.

However, he does not intend to change in this regard, nor does he share his wife's hobbies with others, even if the other person is himself.

In other words, after returning to the imperial capital, Esdes had to go to the palace.

After all, there is a report on this operation that needs to be reported to the little emperor, and she has to meet with the minister.

Of course, you can meet in peacetime, but after all, the influence is not good, so it is best to avoid suspicion if you can, and it will not be troublesome anyway.

Originally, Esdes also planned to take Yang Lei to the palace, because the little emperor seemed to be very curious about Esdes' love, so he wanted to meet Yang Lei and see what kind of person could make the generals of the empire fall for it. infatuated.

It's just that Yang Lei didn't give any face, no matter what Esdes said, even if he said it was an order, he wouldn't move.

Relying on the special treatment of Esdes, this guy is already a little fearless, and he can even ignore Esdes' orders.

Esders was very angry. A personal relationship is a personal relationship, and a business is a business. She said that this time, she would take care of (tune) and pick up (teach) Yang Lei no matter what.

In the end, Yang Lei asked back, was her idea of ​​taking him to meet the little emperor a personal affair or a business matter?

Estes was speechless again.

If this is a public affair, then there is really no private matter.

In the end, Esdes left alone.

. . . . . .

"Is it really good to be like this to challenge the authority of that adult all the time?"

The good old Will seemed more worried about Yang Lei.

Among the hunters, there are not many normal people, at least on the surface, that's right.

You see, the black pupil is a necrophile, ahem, superficial.

Then Seleu needless to say, the distorted personality even makes people feel sick.

Look at Poros again, that guy doesn't know why he always likes to wear a mask on his face, it looks scary.

Especially this guy obviously has a big brother's figure, but his movements are so feminine, wow, so scary.

As for the remaining guy named Lan, it's normal, and he's still a handsome guy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·????

I just don't know why, Will always feels that although Lan seems to be a good guy on the surface, he has never been able to trust him.

On the contrary, Yang Lei, who had mutilated his companions in front of everyone before, reassured him more and made him speechless.

So during this trip, Will has already made a little friendship with Yang Lei's physical clone, so he hurried to pay attention.

In the face of Will's concern, Yang Lei shrugged indifferently: "This is called hard-to-find, if you keep following her words, you have to kick me aside in three days, and you have to be so close and far to hold her firmly. Hold it in my hand."

Will stared at Yang Lei dumbfounded, and said in his heart to return my trust to me.

Wow, I didn't expect this guy to be a scheming man. He had been so resistant before, and they mistakenly thought it was Esdes robbed him.


As a result, he suddenly said such a sentence, so cold.

. . . . . .

Look at Esdes.

After coming to the palace, she quickly adjusted her state and did not bring in the anger caused by Yang Lei.

Then, when she met the little emperor, she had to lie to avoid the little emperor's questioning because Yang Lei had wasted a lot of energy in the previous battle.

After a brief report on the operation to the little emperor, the minister said that he would send off the general, but he was transferred to another palace on the way.

The minister had already had his own residence in the palace, as if he was the emperor.

"The little emperor seems to be very interested in the general's romance."

Hearing the minister say this, I don't know if it's a joke or a casual greeting.

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