Estes didn't talk to him either, and didn't want to discuss his love with others.

The minister shrugged boringly, and continued: "Forget it, let's stop chatting here, this time I'm looking for you for something I want to ask you."

"You also heard about the recent incident, right? About the new dangerous species."

"I heard that they were only active in the deep mountains, but recently there was a news about the villagers being eaten."

"And it's interesting to hear that they are still humanoid."

"This is what I want to ask you, please crusade and capture them and bring them to me, I guess it should become a very interesting toy."

(PS: Chapter [-], although it is not updated from the morning, but I still have to persevere and see how many chapters I can write until ten o'clock in the evening...).

1137 Killing New Dangerous Species (2)

"That's it for the next mission."

After Esdes came back, she announced the next mission, which was exactly what the minister asked the hunter to crusade against the new dangerous species that suddenly appeared, and to try to bring him back alive.

"I see."

"Are you going again? Great."

Everyone in the hunters was full of interest, especially Seleu.

In her opinion, those dangerous species have threatened the safety of the people, so they must be eradicated as soon as possible.

Um..., if this guy wasn't so twisted, maybe he'd be cute.


"Caught alive?"

On the other side, Yang Lei sneered.

"what happened?"

Estes looked over.

"It's nothing."

Shaking his head, Yang Lei muttered, "I just feel a little too playful."

"It's not "one hundred and zero". After all, this is the commission of the minister, and it has his style. If it is not so playful, it would be surprising."

Estes sighed helplessly.

Well, who told her to fall in love with an aspiring young man, it is only natural that she will target ministers everywhere.

Not only Yang Lei, but Will and Lan also seemed unnatural, and only the others didn't care.

It is also related to the education received. In the eyes of Hei Tong, Seleu and Boros, obeying orders is their duty.

"But forget it."

Yang Lei spread his hands indifferently: "The task of catching alive is handed over to you, I will not show mercy."


Esdes rubbed his temples with a headache, and replied, "I will freeze one or two in time to explain to the minister."

No wonder Yang Lei is so resolute, a few people around say that you are a little too 'accustomed' to him, right?

. . . . . .

It's not just that the hunters have taken action against those new dangerous species, but the night attack was also going to be launched.

It was only because Najeshtan ran to find the revolutionary army again, and then Chi Tong, who was temporarily acting as the boss, was persuaded by Yang Lei in time, and the trip didn't happen.

Before the hunter attacked, Yang Lei quietly used teleportation to come to the night raid headquarters. After he said that he and the hunter would be in charge of the new dangerous species, they could do other things while the hunter had no time to stare at them. Tasks, such as continuing to cut off the minister's henchmen and the like.

Although it was not able to draw Esdess over, it could also be regarded as a two-line operation. One of Hunter and Night Raid was responsible for the new dangerous species, and the latter continued their assassination operation. This cooperation is not bad.

. . . . . .

This day, it was evening again. At this time, on an official road near the imperial capital, a carriage was rapidly approaching in the direction of the imperial capital.

"Hurry up, hurry up and hurry up."

There were two people sitting in the driving position of the carriage, one was the coachman holding the reins, and the other companion was urging: "While it's still light, hurry to the imperial capital, after all, this neighborhood is not only dangerous. This is an area where this species is often infested, and a new dangerous species has recently appeared, which is very dangerous."

"I know that too."

The groom replied angrily: "Of course I also want to leave this dangerous area quickly, but..."

"Be careful ahead."

Before the groom could finish speaking, his companion suddenly interrupted, pointing to the front and exclaiming: "Oops, a new dangerous species has appeared."

Right in front of the carriage, a group of more than a dozen giant humanoid dangerous species suddenly appeared, blocking the carriage's forward direction.

"Oops, I can't stop."

The groom also exclaimed along with him, but just now he was only focusing on speeding up, and now there is no room for turning around, what is this good.

Seeing that the carriage and the new dangerous species were getting closer and closer, and they were about to collide, even the groom and his companions closed their eyes in despair.

at this time.

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