
Missed out.

Yang Lei didn't mention his wives when he told his story before.

But if you think about it again, it's time to make it clear to her.

Anyway, all the things that should be done are done, so you won't be afraid to fly away when you eat what you eat, right?

This guy.

".. Esters."

The expression on his face suddenly became more serious, and he heard Yang Lei explain: "I have to be honest with you about one thing, that is, you are not my only one. Before you, I had many wives in other worlds."


Estes raised his eyebrows and didn't respond.

Now that she has traveled through the vast universe and seen other beings on other planets in the universe, naturally, she can also accept the statement that there are other worlds outside this world.

Next, I heard Yang Lei tell the love story between himself and the other girls. Esdes was a little unhappy at first, but then gradually softened.

There is no way not to soften. After all, those girls are the former, and she is the latecomer. Even what they can accept, why can't she accept it?

It's ok if you can't accept it, then you can quit by yourself. You can't expect Yang Lei to give up most of her people just for you, right?

Moreover, in fact, this world is not monogamous, such an ancient feudal society must be polygamous.

So Esdes can agree, but she can't accept it when she suddenly learns the news.

In the end, Esdes asked Yang Lei to make a contract with her for three chapters, at least in this world, she wanted to be his only one.

And Esdes also promised that as long as Yang Lei promised her not to go out and fool around, she would not only become his best wife, but also support Yang Lei in political standpoint.


In the end, after the two established a relationship, Esdes was turned against.

Love, love, tsk tsk.

A woman in love, tsk tsk....

(PS: I wrote four chapters in one afternoon, and the record is not bad. I’ll have to eat a bite later, and then continue to fight. I will try to write four or five chapters in the evening, okay…).

1140 Finally Returning to the Imperial Capital (5)

How long can a person live?

Generally speaking, it is rare for a person to live for seventy years, so it can be seen that the lifespan of a person is not very long, at least not reaching the level of living for eighteen hundred years without dying.

And after Yang Lei took Esdes to open the long river of time to 'tour', it can be seen that they have spent thousands of years together.

In this case, what else do you think Esdes can't look at?

Whether it's about Yang Lei and other women in other worlds, or what she once insisted on, or her alliance with the minister, she can easily let go.

Now the only thing she still cares about is her feelings for Yang Lei.

No way, who asked Yang Lei to accompany her all the time, otherwise...

Time is really a ruthless blade, it can make people forget many unforgettable memories. If they are separated for thousands of years, Yang Lei is not confident that Esdes can still remember such a person as him.

After all, the current Estes does not have as good a memory as him.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Esdes suddenly said that he would come to help Yang Lei or something. This is normal.

Yang Lei is naturally very happy, this is simply an unexpected joy.

He didn't expect to have such a gain by the way. He still thought about it, otherwise he would live here with Esdes, and as for the imperial capital, he could let the entity clone deal with it.

In the end, Esdes was turned back by him, which was a miracle.

If I had known this earlier, do you think he was still so entangled in front of him?I really regret it.

Having said that, little Estes is really cute.

No, that switch must be turned off.

Suddenly, the shadow of a little girl I saw 'not long ago' jumped into my mind, almost causing Yang Lei to turn on a certain switch.

Especially the picture of the big Esders standing on the left and the little Esdess standing on the right, is it difficult for ordinary people to control?

Fortunately he held on.

"Should we go back too?"

At this time, Esdes suddenly made a proposal to go back.

"What? Are you tired?"

Yang Lei asked with a smile.

"Not at all."

Esdes shook her head, as long as she was with Yang Lei, she would not be bored no matter where she was.


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