"I almost forgot what my subordinates looked like."

Esdes suddenly missed the Empire a little.

"That's it."

Yang Lei nodded: "It's really time to go back."

It's been a month since I came out, and it's time to go back.

Also, because he and Esdes suddenly disappeared for a month, it seems that there is no peace in the empire.

"Just in time to go back and kill that damn guy. I spared him once last time, but I won't let him escape again this time."

What Yang Lei said was about Sheila.

Although he has been staying on this small island, Yang Lei can observe the situation of the imperial capital at any time, so he found that the wild hounds were formed in advance.

With the captain's disappearance for no reason, the hunters have been temporarily suspended, and the wild hounds have been in charge of their work in recent days.

It's just that the mission of the Wild Hound doesn't seem to be to protect the people. It's more like a special agent sent by the enemy behind the enemy. In just a few days, the imperial capital has become a mess, and one of the theater troupes has been destroyed by them. Outrageous.

Before, Yang Lei couldn't make time because he wanted to bend... to correct Esdes' bad character.

And now he's coming back.

"Wild Hound? And Sheila, let's start with you first."

. . . . . .

Now that he has decided to return, of course Yang Lei will not delay any longer. He will put away the seaside villa first, and then take Esdes to open the door of space, and he will return to the imperial capital from the far south in an instant.

The return of Esdes will naturally cause a sensation. Before, I had been looking for her for more than a month, but there was still no news. Now I finally got to see the general himself, and a group of people rushed up.

"You go back first, I'm going somewhere else."

The next moment he just came back, Yang Lei muttered something in Esdes' ear, then (bgfd) turned around and left.

Esdes didn't ask anything, because they had already met frankly on the deserted island. She already knew everything she needed to know, and even knew where the headquarters of the night raid was, so she just watched Yang Lei go away and turned her head to go. Go the other way.

It's just that she was different from when she was with Yang Lei. After Yang Lei left, Esdes' complexion naturally cooled down, as if she had suddenly switched from summer to winter, and returned to her queen character again.

"Go to the palace first."

Not in a hurry to return to the Hunter's headquarters, Esdes plans to go to the palace to report to the little emperor. After all, she is still the general of the little emperor on the surface, so there is still a face project to do.

And she has another purpose, which is to collect some intelligence.

She didn't need those before, so she ignored it.

And now that she has promised to help Yang Lei with all her strength, and they are all together, of course she will try her best to help Yang Lei deal with the minister.

Thinking like this, Esdes already has a pretty good plan.

"Why don't I come to Qingjun's side!"

. . . . . .

Yang Lei didn't know Esdes' bold idea yet, otherwise he would definitely be scared into a cold sweat.

Now he hasn't used Dragon Ball to make Esdess become a goddess, that is to say, the current Esdess is still the original Esdess, and there is no difference in strength and strength.

So, does she have the power to kill the minister?

Originally there was, because although the minister was originally a relatively martial person, but after so many years of pampering, he had already abandoned his martial arts, not to mention Esdes is known as the strongest in the empire.

It's a pity that the ministers also have emperors. If Esdes is not prepared, she will be the one who suffers in the end.

In particular, the emperor that Esdes chose is different from others. It is a kind of blood that can change her own constitution. If she is really going to be abolished by the minister's emperor, even her body will collapse along with her.

It can only see whether the minister will give her a chance to kill, and whether Yang Lei can detect the situation on Esdes in time.

Let's not talk about Esdes, let's look at Yang Lei.

After returning to the imperial capital, the first thing he had to do was to come to the night raid to see the situation, and he also needed to grasp their dynamics, that is, what stage of action they had reached, and how many of the minister's henchmen remained unpaid.

Last but not least, there is one more thing that needs to be confirmed, and that is what the attitude of the revolutionary army means, want to know if they are the enemy or their own, and then he can make the final battle plan.

(PS: I really see that not many people are watching Zhanmei, and no one is chasing Zhanmei in the background subscription, so let's speed up the pace and end it quickly, don't delay...).

1141 Dead Wild Hound (6)

After arriving at the headquarters of the night raid, Yang Lei suddenly saw a newcomer. This is the support that Najeshtan brought back from the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

That's right, this newcomer is exactly that Chelsea sister.

It's just that Najeshtan went back to the headquarters to have a showdown with the revolutionary army?Is this~ is...?


I saw Najeshtan's expression was very excited, because she brought back good news from the headquarters, that is: "The comrades in the revolutionary army are quite optimistic about your so-called 'republic' concept, and they said that they will fully support us. of."

"I see."

Yang Lei nodded and apologized: "It seems that I have treated the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I'm really sorry."

He didn't expect that the people of the revolutionary army would be so righteous, and they could not even want the throne at their fingertips.

No wonder he thinks like that, ordinary people have ambitions, but the people of the revolutionary army care more about liberating the people of the world.

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