However, he also has a piece of good news to offset his embarrassment, that is: "Then let me tell you good news, I disappeared with Esdes before, and this month, I have taken her to the rescue. down."

"real or fake?"

Everyone in the night attack was shocked. Everyone who knew Esdes knew that she was the best in terms of shaking S, otherwise she was the queen.

Unexpectedly, even that Esdes was attacked by Yang Lei, this guy is amazing.

Thinking of this, Rab, Tazmi and the little guy named Iyeas in the room suddenly showed vigilant expressions.

It seems that they are worried that their sweethearts will be taken away by Yang Lei. As for who their respective sweethearts are, they will not say who they are, lest everyone say that they will send their daughters away, ahem....

After that, everyone continued to communicate, and Yang Lei also roughly understood what Ye Raid's actions in the recent month were.

No wonder the minister would stop the hunter and then support the wild hound again.

It turned out that the action of the night attack was too quick and the results were too great.

First of all, some relatives of the minister were beheaded, and many of his henchmen were also beheaded, and even the chess pieces hidden in the dark were not able to escape.

The most serious one is the dark son who sneaked into An Ning Dao.

You know, that Anzi was trained by him to the status of the deputy leader, and the energy and financial resources spent in it were not small, but now he was easily killed by the night attack, which made the minister feel a little heartache.

"Not bad."

After hearing the explanations from Ye Xiu, Yang Lei nodded in satisfaction, and finally said, "It seems that it's time for the final battle."

Although there are still many chess pieces that have not been removed in time, with Esders' surrender, the Revolutionary Army can officially issue the final battle clarion call.

That's right, the final battle, which may have been delayed for several months, has been brought forward, which shows how great the influence of Esdes should be.

After all, according to Najeshtan's estimation, it would take at least [-] elite soldiers and more than [-] Tegu envoys including Chi Tong to defeat Esdes, but the actual combat power required may be far more than this. data.

In other words, Esdes alone can be worth [-] to [-] elite soldiers, and her important role is evident.

Moreover, Esdes also has a legion of troops, and that is a good soldier. Once they also merge with the revolutionary army, the increase in strength is really too great.

"I didn't expect this day to come so quickly."

Everyone suddenly felt a little emotional.

The same is true for Yang Lei. It hasn't been long since he came to this world, and the result is already at the end, and the rhythm is a little too fast.

But since this time has come, they will not back down, even if the war ahead is more tragic, it doesn't matter, they have to fight until the last moment.

"Get ready."

Yang Lei said to the crowd, "According to what Najeshtan said, the revolutionary army is already marching towards the imperial capital, and it will arrive in three days."

"Then, three days later is the time for the final battle."

That's right, it's all over in three days.

However, will the development of the plot really follow Yang Lei's plan?

How is it possible that he is not a strategist who is good at strategy, and how can the plan keep up with the rapid changes.

Before anything happened to Esdes, the Wild Hound started to kill again, and this time they found Poros' wife and daughter.

. . . . . .

When Yang Lei bid farewell to the night raiders and returned to the imperial capital, he heard some news on the street before returning to the Hunter headquarters.

"They really deserve to die."

Shaking his head speechlessly, Yang Lei quickened his pace and rushed back to Hunter's headquarters.

After returning to the headquarters, he found that Hei Tong was the only one in the room sitting in the corner and was eating candy all the time.

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"What about people?"

Yang Lei deliberately asked Hei Tong, in fact, he already knew that everyone else had been sent back to their respective rooms because of their injuries.

"They're in the room."

I heard Hei Tong casually reply, but during this period he didn't even raise his head.

Yang Lei didn't mind either, he was deliberately alienating the hunters before, because at that time he didn't think that he would be able to turn against Esdes, so now, apart from Will and Lan, his relationship with other people is not the same. not good.

"That's it."

Yang Lei nodded, and then walked inside.

In some of the sleeping areas inside, Yang Lei saw the three girls in the corridor outside the door who had just wounded a few people. They were Fa'er and Aier who were rescued by Yang Lei before.


"you are back."

The three girls looked at Yang Lei in surprise.

It was not until they lived in the imperial capital for a period of time that they understood that the imperial capital was not so glamorous, it was a cannibal city.

Fortunately, they were lucky enough to meet Yang Lei, otherwise they would definitely end up miserably.


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