Yang Lei nodded: "You guys go to rest first, I'll go in and see how they are."

After that, Yang Lei pushed Will's room away and walked in.

There must be rooms for everyone in the headquarters, but they can choose not to, and people like Poros who have a family and a business will definitely go home often.


Pushing the door and entering, Yang Lei saw Will lying on the chuang as soon as he opened his eyes. He saw that he was wrapped in several bandages at this time, and he should have been cut by a knife blade.

"You're back."

Will was overjoyed and quickly asked, "Now that you're back, what about the captain?"

"Of course he's back."

Yang Lei replied casually, and then asked, "How did you get hurt?"

"It's those damned Wild Hounds. Fortunately, we happened to visit Mr. Poros's house, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

From what I heard, it seems that Poros' wife and daughter were not abused by the wild hound, uh... well, it's okay.

However, even so, Yang Lei had already killed the Wild Hound.

Originally, he wanted to wait until the evening, because he didn't want to make extra troubles.

But now it seems that they can no longer see the moon rising at night. .

1142 Sudden Ending (7)

Strictly speaking, in fact, the wild hounds are not only to replace the work of the hunter during the period of inactivity, but most importantly, they are to help the minister clean up his political enemies.

That's right. On the surface, it is said that it is someone who is going to deal with the night attack. In fact, the minister is only trying to eliminate dissidents.

That's why wild hounds are so unscrupulous.

Anyway, from Sheila's point of view, the entire empire belongs to their father and son, so it's okay for him to use this country as a toy or something.

It's just that he encountered a little trouble today. The pair of sons and daughters he saw on the way turned out to be the wife and daughter of a guy in the hunter, which was a disappointment.

Originally, he wouldn't care whether Boros was a hunter or not, but Boros and the others were a little too tough in their resistance. Even they bullied the few of them because they had more people. Later, another empire was disturbed. General Bud, this is a little troublesome.

"That damn old stubborn."

On the road, Sheila was still cursing constantly. If it wasn't for General Bud's blocking, Will and the others would definitely not be just injured.

Sheila was the one who really dared to kill the hunter, and then harm Porus's wife and daughter.

After all, in Sheila's view, even Esdes is his father's subordinate, so wouldn't her subordinates have no "zero nine three" status?

At this moment, when Sheila was still angry, they happened to meet a big theater company on the road that was about to move.

It just happened not long ago that the Wild Hounds killed a theater company. Of course, they dared not stay in the imperial capital, because no one knew who would be unlucky next time.

But no one thought that they would be so unlucky, just in time to meet the wild hound today, and Sheila was still angry.

"There must be something wrong with leaving in such a hurry, search for me."

Following Sheila's order, the Wild Hound's people took action one after another, and just a few people surrounded the large theater troupe with hundreds of members.

"I'm in charge of those lovely girls."

"That man will go home."

"There are kids there, wow, so cute."

As the saying goes, people gather people according to their likes and divide them into groups. For a rubbish like Sheila, his subordinates are naturally not good people.

"Clap, clap."

Suddenly, before Sheila and the others could act, a crisp footstep sounded, and then, a tall and perfect woman with delicate features like a fairy descended from a distance. come over.


Sheila was stunned, thinking that she was such a beautiful woman, but for some reason he had been in the capital for so long, but he had never known the existence of such a peerless beauty.

But if you think about it again, there are so many people in the imperial capital, and it may be that they have never seen it.

Just like this troupe, it is unfortunate to leave sooner rather than later, but to leave at this time.

"Who is coming?"

Pretending to be, Sheila stepped forward to greet her and gave a dignified shout. Then, before the beautiful woman could speak, he waved his hand and shouted: "Take it for me, and I will search her in person."

Searching for your sister's investigation is just thinking about that.

It can be seen how arrogant and domineering Sheila and the Wild Hound are, they dare to kidnap people in the street in broad daylight.

"This country has really rotted to its roots."

The woman shook her head and said this.

"Sure enough, the rebels."

Sheila's eyes lit up, which made her more excuses.

It was only after the woman suddenly pulled out a long knife that he realized that not all women could only be bullied by him, especially the person in front of him was not an ordinary person, she was the female form of Yang Lei.

After drinking more than one soup of Earth's full meal, Yang Lei has mastered the ability to change sex, and now he can transform into a woman even if he doesn't drink soup.

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