Moreover, he can also degenerate others. When dealing with certain people, this method can be said to be extremely cruel.

Yang Lei is naturally not a shemale, and he has no idea of ​​becoming a woman. He just doesn't want to make trouble at the last minute, so he turns into a woman again to kill the wild hound.

That's right, the purpose of her coming here at this time is to kill these damned people.

I just didn't expect that Sheila was really going to die, and even dared to fight her idea.

"I can't bear to kill you anymore."

Yang Lei said after taking off Sheila's head: "I really want to experiment with something on your body, but forget it, you will pollute the air if you exist for another second."

Sheila is actually not dead, because Yang Lei's knife is too fast, if no one tells him, he can even live forever.

It's as if the fish were plucked and not killed.

It's just that now that Yang Lei has told him that you are dead, he naturally can't live.

"She killed Lord Sheila?"

"She killed the minister's son?"

The people of the Wild Hound were all frightened, and Sheila was killed in front of them. If they went back without any explanation, they would probably die soon.

"Take her down."

I can't take care of that troupe anymore, and everyone gathered around.

"Don't worry, come one by one."

Instead of retreating, Yang Lei advanced. She went up to talk and waved the knife. As she said, one step kills a person. As she said, every time she swings the knife, a person must be beheaded. In a blink of an eye, the wild hound will Destroyed by the group.

The surrounding people silently cast their grateful eyes on Yang Lei. Although they have endless gratitude to her in their hearts, they dare not express it. They have to say that this country is really going to perish.


After killing people, Yang Lei felt much better physically and mentally.

When she was on her way back to the imperial capital, after hearing about the Wild Hound's evil deeds, she always felt extremely suffocated. Aren't so many people killed?

After all, Yang Lei has always been a person with a bottom line and a good person.

So she feels very guilty.

And now it's not necessary, Sheila and the others are dead, and she has an explanation.

"Next is the Minister."

Turning his head, Yang Lei glanced in the direction of the minister's mansion before leaving.

Originally, she just glanced at it subconsciously, but this glance almost didn't make her heart fall out.

what did she see?She actually saw Esdes lying weakly on the floor of the minister's house, and the minister was undressing with a grin?

"damn it."

With a roar in his mouth, Yang Lei instantly turned back into a male body, and then came to the minister's mansion at a speed far exceeding the speed of light.

The minister didn't feel anything, and was directly smashed into pieces by Yang Lei.

"How is this going?"

Yang Lei came to Esdes, he was distressed and hurriedly hugged the little liver, and carefully looked back in time to see what happened, and then he was relieved.

It turned out that Esdes had rebelled against the minister and planned to behead him while the two were alone.

As a result, Esdes was careless, she didn't cut off the minister's head decisively, but the minister's emperor abolished her own emperor, so her body collapsed and she could only fall to the ground weakly.

Fortunately, Yang Lei glanced here in a sense at this time, and just came here to save his wife, otherwise, he would regret it for the rest of his life and wear a green hat for the rest of his life.

"I was too careless."

Yang Lei blamed himself again and again: "Because I look at you too highly, so I didn't pay attention to you all the time, otherwise I wouldn't put you in danger."

Esdes, who had just reacted, rolled his eyes before he could say thank you to Yang Lei. What do you mean?What does it mean to look down on her?Does this mean you want to fight?

However, today's Esdes doesn't even have the strength to speak. With the abolition of the emperor's body integrated into her body, it can be said that her blood has evaporated, and she can barely survive. It has to be said that she really deserves to be Esdes.

At the moment, Yang Lei did not dare to neglect, and quickly took out the dragon ball to summon the dragon, and then made a wish for Esdes, so that she gained the power of God in one fell swoop.

. . . . . .


With the death of the minister, it can be said that the empire is powerless.

In the end, General Bude was unwilling that he had no camera all the time. After the revolutionary army came to the imperial capital, he planned to fight. Of course, he was killed by the night attack and the hunter.

That's right, under the order of Esdes, Hunter also joined the revolutionary army and made some contributions to the revolutionary cause at the last moment.

With the death of the last great general, the little emperor had no choice but to surrender.

Later, when he walked in the imperial capital and heard the true voice of the people, only then did he realize that the empire had already reached the point of hopelessness, and he finally knew who the bad guys were.

Too bad it was all too late.

However, the little emperor still made some contributions. He willingly gave the position of Zen to Najeshitan, which made some stubborn places also give up resistance, and the empire was destroyed, but not the country. A new country was established on top of the empire, and its name was the Republic of XX.

(PS: You have to interject, don't start a fight, everyone understands...

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