By the way, because some readers said they wanted to see Zhanmei, I picked it up and wrote it, but after writing it for a day, I found that no one was chasing after it, and I was a full-time author, so I must be very concerned about money, since this volume has been If it's invalid, let's write an end and start a new story. Don't blame me, I can't help it. . .

Everyone wants to fight for their dreams, but who can really persevere?My dream was to write a story I wanted, but the writing was really bad, so I could only come to my fanboys to make money. It was all forced by life, so I couldn’t write fangirls for the sake of making money. Wouldn't it be better for me to write originals?

A small complaint with everyone, don't blame it. . .This time I really won't come back to pick it up again. . . ).

0901 Become a servant of Rin Tohsaka

After one o'clock in the morning, in an ancient castle somewhere in Fuyuki City.

"Good wavelength."

In a dark room, a good-looking girl wearing a red top and black short skirt with long shawl and long hair was muttering something: "My magic power will reach its peak at two o'clock."

I don't know what the girl was talking about, but she seemed proud from the look on her face.

"If you summon it at this time, even if you don't need a catalyst, you will summon a saber for you to see."

Saying so, the girl opened her mouth to sing.

"The grand duke of silver and iron, the foundation of stone and contract, the ancestor is my master Shubein Ogu, who closed the door of the four directions and came out from the crown."

"Tick, tick."

While the girl was chanting the spell, she held a handful of colorful gems with her right hand stretched out in front of her. At this moment, a drop of silver glittering water was falling down, and after being drenched on the ground, it slowly flowed out As if to paint a picture.

"Full of it, full of it, full of it..."

The girl's singing has not ended yet, and continues: "I declare that you obey my orders, my life is with your sword, and you should answer the call of the Holy Grail.

"I swear here, I would like to accomplish all the good deeds in the world, and I would like to slay all the evil deeds in the world."

"You are here for seven days surrounded by the three spirits of speech, from the wheel of repression, the guardian of Libra."

"Om." 16

As the last syllable of the incantation fell, the magic circle under the girl's feet suddenly burst into dazzling light, and it slowly dimmed after dozens of seconds.

"It should be a success, right?"

A puzzled expression appeared on the girl's face.

It stands to reason that the Heroic Spirit Servant she summoned should have come directly from the magic circle, but now there is no Servant at all, which makes her very strange.

But if she failed, it would be wrong, because the Command Spell had already appeared on the back of her right hand.

The Command Spell is an 'absolute' command used to restrain Heroic Spirit Servants. After all, Heroic Spirits are existences that are absolutely higher than humans. Only when they reach the level of saints or gods can they become Heroic Spirits.

In this way, it is inevitable that the Heroic Spirit Servant will not obey the Master's orders, and then it will be the turn of the Command Spell to work.

at this time.


In the sky above this relatively old castle, there is something rapidly descending here.

"Why does this happen?"

Yang Lei folded his arms and tilted his head. Although he was quickly smashing to the ground with his head above and below his feet, he was not flustered at all, but wondered, is the Infinite System messing up?How did you send yourself to the sky?

And it seems that there is a force that binds him at this time. Although Yang Lei can break it by just moving his hands, he wants to see what force is pulling him.



When Yang Lei was too lazy to adjust his whereabouts, it was no surprise that this guy directly smashed through the ceiling, revealing a large 'skylight'.


Looking at the girl's side again, she finally reacted, and she didn't know what was wrong, causing her summoning magic circle to be in a little situation. The heroic spirit Servant did not come out of the magic circle, but appeared elsewhere. The place.


Bumping open the door, the girl hurried out and rushed in the direction from which the voice came.

Finally, the girl came to the door of the study.

"Crack clap."

Only to hear the doorknob being twisted forcefully by her.

"The door is broken? Really."

Shouting in her mouth, the girl used a little magic power, and then slammed it hard.


The entire door was torn down by the girl and slapped on the ground.


Looking inside the room, on the dusty sofa, a handsome man dressed in a black suit who looked like a modern white-collar was sitting there. At this time, he saw the girl come in and raised her hand to say hello and asked: " Are you my Master?"

The girl was stunned for a moment. As far as she knew, it seemed that the Heroic Spirit Servants were all those legendary heroes, or gods in fairy tales.

But Yang Lei looks like a modern ordinary office worker, no matter how you think about it, she doesn't look like her servant.


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