Next, Kotomine Kirei and Tohsaka Rin also talked a little about other topics, and during this period, Yang Lei had already found Kotomine Kirei's whereabouts by following the electromagnetic fluctuations and the positioning of the sound, and 'seeing' The Servant Lancer he took from someone else.

"How? Do you want to come here?"

At this time, Kotomine Kirei sent an invitation to Tohsaka Rin: "There are things left by your parents here."

On the other end of the phone, Yang Lei clearly 'saw' that Kotomine Kirei said this with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, so he couldn't help but shook his head at Tohsaka Rin.

Tohsaka Rin raised her eyebrows, fortunately she never thought of going, but she didn't need to be noticed by Kotomine Kirei because of a temporary change of mouth, and casually refused: "Does that refer to my father's last words? I have already interpreted that. Got it, so no need, bye."

After finishing speaking, Rin Tohsaka hung up the phone with a click, regardless of what Kotomine Kirei was waiting for.


Rin Tohsaka looked at Yang Lei with his arms folded and asked, "Why did you shake your head to stop me from accepting Kirei's invitation?"

"He is the enemy."

Yang Lei can only say that, otherwise he can't say that in the previous fourth Holy Grail, your father Tokiomi was killed by that guy, right?


Tohsaka Rin was taken aback.


Yang Lei nodded and continued: "I just found him a little bit, and then I felt the breath of the heroic spirit on his side. I guess he is also one of the Masters."


Tohsaka Rin showed an unbelievable expression.

"Am I still lying to you?"

Yang Lei snorted angrily, thinking that if you knew that Kotomine Kirei not only has a Lancer Servant, but also has an Archer Jin Bing who survived the last Holy Grail, I don't know. Wouldn't you be more surprised.

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"Speaking of which, I didn't feel the golden glitter on Kotomine Kirei's side just now."

Yang Lei whispered to himself in his heart. He didn't know whether Jin Twinkle didn't want to be felt by Lancer or he was too independent, and he didn't even want to stay by the Master's side. It was simply too personal.

"In this case."

Tohsaka Rin didn't see the thoughtful expression on Yang Lei's face, and at this moment lowered his head and thought: "That guy Kirei is actually one of the Masters, and I haven't heard him mention it, it's too cheating, right? As a supervisor Participation in the war or something, is there such a setting?"

It seems that Tohsaka Rin still knows too little about the Fourth Holy Grail, otherwise she would understand, after all, her father and Kotomine Li was playing like this before.

"Don't be so confused."

At this time, Yang Lei first came back to his senses, and seeing Tohsaka Rin's face full of troubled entanglement, he couldn't help but enlighten him with a funny smile: "I said that just to remind you to be careful about that guy, he is an enemy, not his own. "

"But you don't have to worry too much. Anyway, there are six enemies that won't change, so what's there to care about?"

It's just that Yang Lei said so, but he didn't think so in his heart, because he had already locked the entire Fuyuki City with voice positioning, so he noticed one thing, that is, cheating in this Holy Grail War Not only Kotomine Kirei, but also the Caster camp.

Yang Lei noticed that the Servant of Caster had summoned an additional Servant of Assassin, but after all, this involved cheating, so this Assassin was just a fake Assassin, and even his actions were limited to a certain amount. within the range.

So, since there is a fake .Assassin, will there be a real .Assassin?

Of course there is.

Yang Lei found that all the servants except Saber have not been summoned yet, and the master of the real Assassin is the Matou Clan's master, Matou Zoshien.

That's why Yang Lei would say that there are not only six enemies, if only the followers are counted, including the pseudo-Assassin, a total of seven followers will be needed to win.

No, plus that golden glitter, you have to defeat eight Servants.

I made it together, and if I added five Servants, it would be a big melee between the red and black camps. .

0905 The school was enchanted

Another night of silence.

Originally, Yang Lei had some ideas, but unfortunately Tohsaka Rin would definitely not agree, at least he didn't want to use that method to make up for his demons yet...

Then get up the next morning.

Yang Lei arranged a table of exquisite breakfast in a new way, making Tohsaka Rin, who also suffered from headaches, a little better.

"It's just useful for housework."

It's just that she couldn't help but complain, she was obviously a Servant who was used for battle, but she turned out to be very talented in housework. What's the matter?

Yang Lei was used to Tohsaka Rin's poisonous shenanigans, but he didn't react much to it. He just ate with her, and then cleaned up the mess and prepared a love lunch for her.

"Is the portion a little too much today?"

Tohsaka Rin shook the bag in his hand with some doubts, and when he opened it, he realized that there were not only two bento boxes, but three.

Tohsaka Rin knew that two of the bento boxes belonged to her and Yang Lei, so who's the third one?

"It's for you to take to entertain friends."

Yang Lei took the initiative to explain without waiting for Tohsaka Rin to ask a question, and finally sneered: "Or, does Rin even have a friend in the school?"

This is the poisonous she before returning Tohsaka Rin.


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