Tohsaka was sullen, because Yang Lei seemed to be right, she really didn't have any friends who lived alone.

"Don't you have a sister?"

Ignoring the danger of exposing something, Yang Lei pointed it out: "It's the beautiful girl we met on the way back yesterday. I feel that you and her are related by blood. She should be your sister, right?"


Tohsaka Rin's eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Yang Lei as if he could release a weapon in his eyes, and did not speak, his expression was very gloomy.

After a long time, Tohsaka Rin said in a complicated tone: "Sakura is no longer my sister, because she..."

"It was given to someone else, right?"

Yang Lei was the first to tell the truth, how could he, who used to be a senior otaku, not know the slogan 'everything is Tokiomi's fault'.

"The children of the magic family are so 'happy'."

Tohsaka Rin laughed at himself with a bitter smile.

Although she didn't know Matou Sakura's experience over the years, she felt that her sister was not happy, and most importantly, she was also very lonely and lonely.

She is the only one in the Tohsaka family now. She is only seventeen now, so how could she not feel lonely.

Moreover, she has been taking care of the Tohsaka family alone since ten years ago, and then her mother died early, and the bitterness of it is unimaginable to outsiders.

Moreover, she still has to maintain her own magic, and the Tohsaka family's magic is expensive, so the pressure is simply too much.

To say that Rin Tohsaka has wronged his father.

How should I put it, maybe she was too old, or she was too young when Tokiomi died, so she couldn't say whether she was ruthless or not.

It's just that she really hasn't had a good life these years, so she sighs like this now.

"At least you are still in the relationship between senior and junior, aren't you?"

Yang Lei opened up and published a chicken soup article: "Also, the blood relationship will not be cut off so easily, as long as you want, you can still find your sisterhood with her, even if you don't have the same surname anymore. Or sisters."

"But if you don't do anything, I'm afraid you will really lose your sister."

Yang Lei's words are not alarmist, just when they met Matou Sakura by chance, Yang Lei's pupil technique saw something, and he found that Matou Sakura didn't know why it was transformed into a pseudo-Holy Grail.

It means that these people are really crazy. In order to obtain the Holy Grail, not only did they cheat in various ways, but even a living person was transformed into a fake Holy Grail.

You must know that when the Holy Grail comes, the life that is the carrier of the Holy Grail will be swallowed up by the Holy Grail at the first time.

In other words, if Matou Sakura continues to be transformed, she will be swallowed by the Holy Grail sooner or later.

Thinking that the Holy Grail is now contaminated, it is conceivable that Matou Sakura may have to turn black before being swallowed.

That's why he enlightens Tohsaka Rin like this now, just because he doesn't want her to regret it later.

"If you want."

Yang Lei looked into Rin Tohsaka's eyes sincerely and promised: "I can help you, whether it's killing everyone else in the Matou family or helping you find your sister, I can help you."


Tohsaka Rin was taken aback, and only felt that Yang Lei's words were extremely terrifying, making her whole back feel cold, which was due to the cold sweat.

"never mind."

Yang Lei suddenly waved his hand: "Let's take a step by step in the future. What you say now is just an empty promise, and you may not agree with it."

Yang Lei knew that until Tohsaka Rin didn't know how much torture Matou Sakura had suffered over the years, he would definitely not be willing to take action against the Matou family. Even Matou Shinji did such an extreme thing to her in the original book, and she finally refused. Or spare Matou Shinji?


"This is also a little Virgin."

Yang Lei complained with a smile, then before Tohsaka Rin could speak again, he shivered and disappeared as a spirit child...  

After that, Tohsaka Rin was silent for a long time before he let out a light breath, tidied up his clothes a little, hesitated a little while holding the bag containing the three bento boxes, and then gritted his teeth and took all the three bento boxes together.

Walking out of the house, Tohsaka Rin was not in a hurry and chose to rush to the school on foot.

It stands to reason that after becoming a Master and participating in the Holy Grail War, in order to prevent being attacked by other Masters or Heroic Servants, they would choose to act cautiously.

However, because the rules restrict the battle between the master and the servant to avoid being seen by ordinary people, Tohsaka Rin is not worried that he will meet the enemy in a place with so many people in the school.

Of course, this must be because she was too naive, but Yang Lei didn't stop him, he had the confidence to protect Tohsaka Rin.

And he also knew that he would definitely not be able to persuade Rin Tohsaka not to go to school, so he simply didn't say anything at the beginning.

Along the way, Yang Lei and Tohsaka Rin had a little bit of spiritual communication.

The Master and the Servant can communicate spiritually, and can even transmit voices over a thousand miles.

It was not until Rin Tohsaka came to the school that Yang Lei stopped talking.

Not because he was afraid of disturbing Rin Tohsaka, but because of it.

"Did you notice it? Rin."

It was not until Rin Tohsaka came to a corner of the school that Yang Lei spoke again.


Tohsaka Rin nodded, there was some cold sweat on his forehead, and she heard her say: "This is not the degree of heavy air, but the barrier has been opened, right?"

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