"Unfortunately, it's still the same sentence. If the battle is too fierce and intense, I'm afraid that the required magic power will consume you to death."

Listening to Yang Lei's words, Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but fell silent.

Indeed, she found that she was already struggling to supply Yang Lei's magic power. Every time she woke up in the past two days, she would have a headache for a while, which was a manifestation of the excessive consumption of magic power.

Moreover, she has seen Yang Lei's strength, but if he is so powerful in the standby state, if he outputs with all his strength, it is indeed possible to kill Lancer in one blow.

Just..., do you really want to give it to him?own pure body.

But if you don't do this, the battles in the future will only become more and more fierce and fierce. Even if you don't compromise now, you will still compromise in the future, unless she chooses to admit defeat as soon as possible.

"Let me reconsider."

Tohsaka Rin was no longer entangled or angry like the previous few times, but replied earnestly, saying that he would consider it carefully.

Yang Lei was a little dissatisfied, and couldn't help reminding Tohsaka Rin that she had said before that if he could show her strength that satisfied her, she would give him a day and a night, how could she go back on it?


Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but burst out completely: "Didn't I say to think about it? And don't urge girls about this kind of thing, do you have any conscience? Is this forcing good to be a prostitute?"

Having said that, in order to get rid of Yang Lei's entanglement, Tohsaka Rin asked aside the topic: "By the way, if you talk about it, is the guy you rescued just now all right? Lancer won't look back for him again, will he? "

Although Yang Lei was dissatisfied, he did not continue to urge, but said against his conscience: "It's okay, that guy will live to the death, trust me."

"That's fine."

Tohsaka Rin made a relieved expression, and then reacted in the next second: "What a shit, live to death? You guy, that is, will Lancer find that guy? Quick, bastard Archer, follow me.".

0909 Saber finally shows up

I don't know how the magician got the information. In short, Lancer quickly learned about the fact that Shirou Emiya was not dead, and went to kill him again.

As for Rin Tohsaka, Shirou Emiya was the one who finally rescued her, although Yang Lei did it.

And since Matou Sakura likes Emiya Shirou, she doesn't want to see Emiya~Shirou die again.

Therefore, after she woke up, she was also urging Yang Lei to ask him to rush to the Wei-gong family mansion as soon as possible.

For the sake of speed, Yang Lei picked up Tohsaka Rin and quickly shuttled through the city according to her instructions.

Fortunately, it was getting late, and there were not too many pedestrians on the street, otherwise they would have silenced others.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin's awakening was still a step too late. When they came to Emiya's house, they already felt Lancer's breath inside.

at the same time.

"and many more."

Yang Lei suddenly stopped.

"what happened?"

Tohsaka Rin was stunned for a moment, and urged: "Hurry up and save people."

"Be careful."

Yang Lei put down Tohsaka Rin, and took out two slender swords again to make a defensive posture. At the same time, he did not forget to remind Tohsaka Rin: "Rin, Servant's breath has become two, be careful."


Tohsaka Rin was stunned again.

"That is to say."

She seemed to have guessed something and murmured: "That person is also one of the Masters, and summoned the last Servant, the saber who never appeared?"

"It should be."

Yang Lei nodded and agreed with Tohsaka Rin's guess.


Tohsaka Rin showed a dumbfounded expression. Unexpectedly, the guy she wanted to rescue a second ago turned into an enemy competitor in a blink of an eye. This transformation was too fast and too unexpected.


At this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the Emiya family mansion.

Yang Lei frowned. He had already noticed that Lancer's aura had disappeared. So, is Saber treating him as an enemy to repel him?

"It's really underestimated."

Yang Lei snorted lightly, seeing that after the figure rushed out, he was slashed head on, without any hesitation.


Naturally, Yang Lei wouldn't stretch his neck to let her hack him to death, but stabbed him with a backhand and instantly fought Saber.

"Stop it, saber."

At this moment, another person rushed out from the gate of Emiya's house behind him. It was Shirou Emiya.

The reason why he stopped Saber was that he hadn't figured out the situation, and he didn't like fighting with people, so he spoke subconsciously.

It's just that he didn't expect that his inadvertent opening was actually activating the power of the Command Spell.


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