An invisible wave instantly enveloped Saber, and then, she could no longer attack Yang Lei.

As for Yang Lei's words, of course he didn't bother to take the opportunity to defeat Saber, but took a few steps back and withdrew from the battlefield, returning to Tohsaka Rin's side.

"Shirou, why did you stop me?"

Saber was still working hard to maintain a fighting posture, but because of the Command Spell, he couldn't move, and could no longer attack Yang Lei. He couldn't help asking Shirou Emiya in confusion and anxiety.

"Because he's a rookie Master, he still doesn't know the situation."

At this time, Tohsaka Rin had calmed down from the dazzling eyes just now, and looked at Emiya Shirou with a smile at this time, and said hello: "Am I right? Emiya classmate."

"Tohsaka-san? Why are you here?"

Only then did Emiya Shirou notice Tohsaka Rin, and nodded in agreement: "Yes, saber, I have no idea of ​​the situation at all. Since you called me Master, at least explain it to me."

"The enemy is in front of you, what are you talking about?"

Saber was speechless to Emiya Shirou, obviously the enemy is right in front of you, so how can I give you a make-up lesson now?


At this time, Yang Lei stopped Tohsaka Rin, who wanted to say something more, and reminded: "I think we should go back, otherwise it will only cause unnecessary misunderstandings, anyway, the purpose of coming here has been completed, right?"

Tohsaka Rin thought for a while, and felt that Yang Lei was right. She came here only to ensure that Shirou Emiya could survive, otherwise her sister would definitely be sad.

And since Emiya Shirou is not only okay, but also summoned Servant, then they don't have to worry about him anymore.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????


Nodding, Tohsaka Rin smiled and greeted Emiya Shirou and Saber on the other side: "Then, goodbye, Emiya classmate, and Saber, if you have any questions, you can go to the church to consult by yourself. a bit."

When greeting Saber, Yang Lei could clearly see that Rin Tohsaka showed a disappointed look. It seemed that she was still disappointed that she could not summon Saber.

"This guy."

Yang Lei rolled his eyes speechlessly, and without waiting for Shirou Emiya and Shirou to speak again, he had already skillfully picked up his Master in a princess hug, and jumped to the roof of a nearby house with his feet, and quickly walked away. .

Originally, this would be a turning point in the relationship between Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou, but under Yang Lei's interference, they missed this opportunity and may only become enemies in the future and cannot form an alliance.


This is of course Yang Lei did it on purpose. He wouldn't care that multiple allies have an extra chance of success. Even if it's just one person, he is confident that he can achieve the final victory for Tohsaka Rin.

So, Tohsaka Rin is probably just him.

In this way, the two of them left Shirou Emiya, who was bewildered, and Saber, who was unwilling, and both returned their homes.

After returning home, Yang Lei quickly prepared dinner for Tohsaka Rin, and then they each rested.

Yang Lei wanted to ask Tohsaka Rin's thoughts again, but because of Tohsaka Rin's previous crazy complaints, he said that he seemed to be forcing the good into a prostitute, and finally he could only bear it.

In fact, Tohsaka Rin was also thinking about it. She already had a hunch that with the last Servant being summoned, the Holy Grail War was finally about to officially begin, and maybe one day she would face the predicament of having to lose her body. .

"It seems that it's not good for a Servant to be too powerful."

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but complained, if the Servant is too strong, the mana consumption will be more serious, of course she will not be able to bear it.

But if the Servant is too weak, it won't work, if no one can beat it, is it not good to admit defeat from the beginning?

"You can only take one step at a time."

Tohsaka Rin still did not make a decision in the end, but planned to delay it for a while.

And Yang Lei's words.

"There will be a tough battle soon, and maybe my chance will come."

0910 Finally get rid of the soul-eating barrier

The next morning, Rin Tohsaka found that his headache seemed to be getting worse.

"Maybe it has something to do with yesterday's battle."

Tohsaka Rin made a guess that although the magic power was not consumed too much, Yang Lei still had some exercise after all, maybe because of this, her magic power consumption was increased a lot.

"Sure enough, that guy was right."

After slowing down, Tohsaka Rin stepped on her slippers and came to the ground. Although she didn't want to admit it, what Yang Lei said before was correct, and her burden on magic was really going to be a problem.

But at least she can persevere now, so she doesn't pay much attention to it.

First went to the bathroom to wash up, and after changing clothes, Tohsaka Rin came downstairs and saw that Yang Lei had already prepared a delicious breakfast waiting for her.

"It would be much more convenient to have someone to take care of."

Tohsaka Rin couldn't help but sighed, she had always lived alone in "[-]" before, and it was inevitable that she would have some emotions at this time.

Yang Lei shrugged with a smile, and sat there waiting for Tohsaka Rin to sit down, then the two of them picked up the cutlery and ate.

During the meal, the two of them had nothing to say, and the same was true after eating. Tohsaka Rin silently picked up the schoolbag and the small pocket with the bento, and went to school after leaving the house.

At school, Tohsaka Rin will inevitably meet Emiya Shirou again.

This should have been the best chance to defeat Emiya Shirou.

Because Emiya Shirou is only a half-baked magician, he is completely unqualified to support the magic power required by Saber, and he cannot even make Saber a spiritual body.

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