In this way, in order not to attract attention, Shirou Emiya had to keep Saber at home as much as possible, unlike Tohsaka Rin who could take Yang Lei everywhere at any time.

And Emiya Shirou himself is not very capable, whether it is magic or physical art, Tohsaka Rin can easily subdue him by just one person.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin didn't do it. One is that Matou Sakura is also at school, the other is that she doesn't want to involve ordinary people, and the last point is that she is a little disdainful of taking action against Emiya Shirou, thinking that he is not qualified to be her. 's enemy.

Uh, it can only be said that Tohsaka Rin is still very proud and proud, and her purpose is to win the war, not the pursuit of the Holy Grail, so at this time, she can treat the Master of other servants with a normal attitude.

Yang Lei was indifferent to this, he had no idea of ​​having to kill Shirou Emiya, and Rin Tohsaka also didn't like Shirou Emiya, so let it be.

In fact, Yang Lei has always felt that the reason why Tohsaka Rin would like Emiya Shirou in the later stage was completely influenced by Red A.

And now that he has become a black A, Tohsaka Rin will naturally no longer feel strange to Emiya Shirou, one is that they are not familiar with it, and the other is the existence of Matou Sakura.

So having said that, Yang Lei is still very reassured about Tohsaka Rin, at least not secretly expecting Emiya Shirou to be stabbed to death by spearmen as he did before.

In other words, why does Yang Lei call himself Black A?

Because his current image is mainly black, with some golden patterns as embellishments, which is not much different from the equipment in Sword Art Online.

Since Yinglingweigong is called Red A because he is dressed in red, then there is nothing wrong with him calling himself Black A.

. . . . . .

In the blink of an eye, it was night again.

After school, all the students at the school had gone home, and only Tohsaka Rin was still active in the school at this time.

It's so late, and now even the day-to-day life is gone, so what is she doing?

In fact, the reason why Tohsaka Rin stayed so late was mainly because he wanted to continue the work of cleaning up the soul-eating barrier that was interrupted by the spearmen before.

That is to say, she didn't destroy the barrier yesterday, but she still had some runes that she hadn't found out. That's what she was busy with at the moment.

It's just that the person who laid the barrier may have sensed something, so when Tohsaka Rin began to look for the remaining runes, he ran into some trouble unexpectedly.

"What an annoying thing."

Tohsaka Rin snorted coldly, and saw that there were several canine undead creatures composed of white bones in front of her, as if they would pounce on her flesh and blood at any time.

But for Tohsaka Rin, who has a Servant, these little things are really not enough.

"Archer, I'll leave it to you."

Facing the undead creatures that were already running and rushing towards him, Tohsaka Rin didn't do the slightest defensive state, and walked forward confidently.

"Bai Li, slap."

Suddenly, a crisp sound was heard in front of and around Tohsaka Rin, and then, among the white bone fragments flying in the sky, Yang Lei, who was holding a slender sword on his shoulder in his right hand, walked out out of thin air.

"Just leave it to me."

In the face of Tohsaka Rin's entrustment, Yang Lei is of course obliged. No matter how many such undead creatures appear around him, he is all the dog things that dare to pounce in the second of a knife's crit...  .

Even at the end, a large bone undead creature with a head of a crocodile suddenly appeared, and he was still instantly killed by him.

"Knife-knife crit strikes nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, that's how confident it is."

In the end, Yang Lei flirted with the not-long bangs and said a stalk that Tohsaka Rin couldn't understand at all.

Under the protection of Yang Lei, Tohsaka Rin's actions can be said to be extremely smooth. It didn't take long for the runes to be found one by one, and in the end, only one rune was needed to break the barrier.

"Only one last place."

Following the instructions to the door of the teacher's office, Tohsaka Rin reminded Yang Lei: "Be careful of Archer, maybe this is the most dangerous place."

"rest assured."

Yang Lei waved his hand casually: "With me, no problem."

Tohsaka Rin just pushed open the door of the office, and then looked inside, but unexpectedly found that the imagined enemy did not exist, as if the owner of the enchantment had given up resistance.

"Count him acquainted."

Tohsaka Rin snorted proudly, and quickly searched the teacher's office. When the last rune was finally found and cleared, the school finally cleared it up, no longer as Tohsaka Rin felt at the beginning. That way, I just felt that even the air seemed very heavy.

"Finally finished."

Rubbing his shoulders that were not sore, Tohsaka Rin stood up, and while taking Yang Lei out of the office, he said to himself, "After I go back, I must take a good bubble bath."

"Want me to rub your back for you? Miss."

Yang Lei said with a smirk.

"Absolutely~ yes~ no~ want."

Tohsaka Rin said in an aggravating tone word by word, mercilessly rejecting Yang Lei's 'kindness'.

Now she is too lazy to continue complaining about Yang Lei, a strange servant who only thinks about how to push and overthrow her master.

"Really vigilant."

Yang Lei shrugged in disappointment, and at the same time he couldn't help complaining: "I'm obviously your familiar, master, don't be so out of touch with others, please take a bath with me."


Tohsaka Rin held his shoulders and deliberately fought a cold war, then returned to normal and said, "Don't make trouble, go home quickly."

"Well, it's time to go home, or you won't be able to meet interesting people!".

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