Finally made up his mind, Tohsaka Rin can finally sleep.

Then the next morning, Yang Lei prepared a delicious breakfast for her to eat together.

After that, the two of them set off for school just like these two days.

It's just that after he came to school, today's Yang Lei no longer ran to the library for recreation like he used to, but kept his spirit state and followed Rin Tohsaka closely.

It seems that he already knows Tohsaka Rin's decision, so he wants to witness the alliance between Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou with his own eyes.

During the lunch break at noon.


Emiya Shirou really came over.

"Are you stupid?"

Tohsaka Rin was startled, this was still in the classroom, and he couldn't help but scold in a low voice: "There are other people here, idiot, come out quickly."


Quickly, Tohsaka Rin was about to rush out of the classroom with Emiya Shirou.

At this moment, Yang Lei quietly pressed Tohsaka Rin and subconsciously wanted to pull Emiya Shirou's hand.

Sure enough, it is still correct that he has been following Tohsaka Rin, otherwise he will let them hold hands. Damn, it is clear that he, a servant, has not held the hand of his master, abominable coyote.

In the back, Shirou Emiya was stunned for a moment, and then smiled awkwardly when he noticed that the students around him were whispering.

That's right, his sudden and blatant approach to Tohsaka Rin is indeed very eye-catching. After all, Tohsaka Rin is beautiful and knowledgeable, and according to us, he is a school flower.

As the saying goes, there are a lot of people who are popular, so if there are some rumors or something, it is not good.

Finally, Tohsaka Rin brought Emiya Shirou to the rooftop.

According to the settings of other animes, the rooftop is not a secluded place. Many couples like to come to the rooftop for lunch, and some more open guys will look for some excitement here. . .

It's just here, after all, other people are not the protagonists, and a good place like the rooftop has always been prepared for the protagonist, so when they came up, there was no one else on it.

"Go ahead."

Sitting aside with a bento box, Tohsaka Rin opened the lid of the bento box and looked at Shirou Emiya, "Why did you think of forming an alliance with me?"

On Tohsaka Rin's back, Yang Lei materialized in a timely manner to let the Master lean on his back, and took his own lunch from Tohsaka Rin, as for Emiya Shirou's share is naturally gone. .

He didn't rush to say that if he wanted to kill Emiya Shirou, it was already a slap in the face, don't ask too much, it's still a lunch.

"Cough cough."

Emiya Shirou coughed dryly, and then opened his mouth to express his thoughts: "Well, because I am a novice, I am not very clear about many of the rules of the Holy Grail War."

"And according to Saber and Lancer, this time Berserker seems to be very strong, even the two of them couldn't be defeated before, so I think your A..."

"A little interruption."

At this moment, Yang Lei suddenly interrupted: "Saber and Lancer can't beat Berserker, but that doesn't mean I'm not an opponent either."

Having said that, Yang Lei muttered in a resentful tone: "If our master is willing to make up for me, Berserker will not be a problem at all."

"Cough cough cough."

Tohsaka Rin was choked, and then quickly pressed his elbow on Yang Lei's waist, and scolded angrily: "Shut up."

Emiya Shirou scratched his hair in confusion, and said he was a half-assed person, and he didn't even understand what tonic is.

"You keep talking."

Tohsaka Rin obviously did not want to explain the idea to Emiya Shirou, but let him continue, she listened.


Emiya Shirou had to continue talking.

In fact, in general, Shirou Emiya just wanted to hug his thighs.

Thinking about it, he didn't learn much magic concepts at all, only some of the simplest basic magic, such as projection, coherence and reinforcement.

Also, he doesn't have the talent to be a Master, so Saber can't even transform into a spiritual body, let alone supply magic power.

Since there is an excuse now, and Rin Tohsaka is still his classmate, Shirou Emiya has no reason not to come to form an alliance.

Of course, Shirou Emiya originally wanted to say that his Servant was the most powerful saber agency after all, while Yang Lei was just an Archer. The two of them had a melee and a long-range battle. If they formed an alliance, there would be no harm.

It's a pity that Yang Lei interrupted him when he was about to extend this topic.


Tohsaka Rin put down the bento box, glanced at Yang Lei sideways, and asked, "How? How do you view this issue?"

"Actually, you've already made up your mind, haven't you?"

Yang Lei sighed lightly and said, "If you want to refuse, you won't ask my opinion. After all, you are a Master with a strong personality."

"whispering sound."

Tohsaka Rin rolled his eyes, then looked at Emiya Shirou again, and said what he thought: "It's not impossible to form an alliance with Emiya classmates."

"However, there are a few conditions I would like to say up front."

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