"First, this alliance is only between you and me, but it doesn't include the Lancer camp. After all, his master doesn't even dare to show up, and no one knows what little tricks he will do behind his back, so I'm too lazy to be with him. Waste of time intrigue."

"Second, after the alliance is formed, my opinion will be the leading policy, and your opinion can only serve as an opinion."

"And thirdly, before the alliance is officially disbanded, you will never take action against your allies, okay?"

So Yang Lei said that Tohsaka Rin's character is very strong.

As for Emiya Shirou's words, he only nodded at this time, and repeatedly said: "No opinion, of course no opinion.".

0914 Shinji Matou debuts


After discussing the alliance, Tohsaka Rin stood up, picked up the bento box and the bag, and said, "Since it's settled, I'll go first."

"I forgot to send the bento to Sakura before, and I ate it myself. It's too much. Well, whoever called Archer's cooking skills is too superb."

While talking, Tohsaka Rin left alone.

Yang Lei continued to sit in place without moving, just eating with his back to Wei ~ Gong Shirou.

And what Emiya Shirou said, inexplicably he fought a cold war.


Frowning, he looked at Yang Lei's back and found that the other party inadvertently showed a murderous aura that he felt.

"Then, I'll go first."

After saying hello with a strong smile, Shirou Emiya quickly turned around and left.

He knows that the Holy Grail War needs to avoid ordinary people, but now there are obviously only him and Yang Lei.

Although Emiya Shirou didn't know why Archer was so hostile to him, let's leave first.


Yang Lei sighed lightly, knowing that he had drawn such a powerful trump card as himself, as long as he made up for a demon or something, he could sweep away all the enemies himself, and what alliances were needed.

It's good now, he has to be on guard for their relationship while protecting Rin, that's enough.

At least for now, Tohsaka Rin only has feelings for him as a master and a servant, and there is no progress beyond that.

So he still has to be careful, no one knows if he will be cut off inadvertently, this is all possible.

. . . . . .

Looking at Tohsaka Rin again, after getting down from the rooftop, before she could find Matou Sakura, she was stopped by Matou Shinji on the way.

As one of the three royal families, Matou Shinji of course knows Tohsaka Rin, especially he and Matou Sakura have an extraordinary relationship. On the surface, they are brother and sister, but in fact they are....

"Yo, isn't that Rin?"

Matou Shinji was very familiar, and he called Rin's name as soon as he came up.

It stands to reason that people should call their surnames. For example, Tohsaka classmates or Tohsaka can be used. It doesn't matter if people who are not in the right place will call their names directly.

Maybe Matou Shinji felt that the relationship between them was very close and intimate.

"whispering sound."

Gently smacking his lips, Tohsaka Rin put on a high and cold attitude, and asked impatiently: "Isn't this Matou-san? What? Are you looking for me for something? I'm very busy. Yes, can you please leave me alone?"


Matou Shinji didn't expect Tohsaka Rin to be so rude, and couldn't help but feel a little angry.

But then, he laughed arrogantly again, and exposed himself in a showy tone: "Hey, Rin, I'm also a Master, if the two of us cooperate..."

"Are you stupid?"

Tohsaka Rin scolded angrily, and said: "Since you found me, I have already guessed that you are also a Master, so there is no need to show it again."

"Also, is this an identity that can be used to show off? Aren't you afraid that I will suddenly kill you here?"

After Tohsaka Rin finished speaking, he ignored Matou Shinji and walked away on his own.


Before leaving, Tohsaka Rin suddenly raised his eyebrows with some wickedness, and said deliberately, "I already have Emiya-san, so I don't need Matou-san."

After saying this, Tohsaka Rin's mood suddenly improved a lot, because she was going to be mad when she saw Matou Shinji out of the corner of her eyes.

It's just that Tohsaka Rin would never have thought that when she said that, Yang Lei on the rooftop upstairs almost didn't kill Emiya Shirou on the spot.

In other words, the murderous aura Emiya Shirou felt was the result of Rin Tohsaka's mischief.

"This guy."

Matou Shinji clenched his fists tightly, gritted his teeth, and roared in his heart with a grim face: "Damn Emiya Shirou, I'm going to kill you."

Although Matou Shinji is timid and has no strength, his heart is really dark.


Seeing that there was no one left or right, Matou Shinji began to call for his servants.

"What's the matter? Master."

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