Suddenly, a tall and slender beauty with long purple hair, a blindfold, wearing a black dress with purple accents, black socks and high heels appeared beside Matou Shinji.

"Prepare to set up the enchantment."

Matou Shinji's expression was gloomy and ruthless.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???

"As ordered."

Rider nodded and disappeared again.

Just two days ago, a barrier called Soul Eating Barrier was just removed. As a result, today Matou Shinji was furious and had to set up a new barrier. It can only be said that this school fell down because of so many students. Moldy old.

Matou Shinji's Servant is Medusa of the Rider agency, and although she is not a Caster agency, she can also set up a barrier because of the relationship between the Noble Phantasm Other Seal and the Temple of Blood, and the effect is the same as the soul-eating barrier no big difference.

It's just that the function of the soul-eating enchantment is to dissolve the human body in the enchantment, and use this to devour the human soul and spiritual power to achieve the purpose of obtaining magic power.

However, Medusa's enchantment is just like the literal meaning, it is used to dissolve the human body to obtain blood, and then Medusa can obtain magic power by sucking blood.

........ ......

Therefore, these two enchantments have a lot in common, that is, they are both used to obtain magic power, and they will dissolve the life in the enchantment, which is terrible.

It's just that for Servants, especially those outside the Three Knights, they don't care about the life and death of human beings.

The so-called three knights are the knight of the sword, the knight of the spear, and the knight of the bow, namely saber, Lancer, and Archer.

Since the name has the word knight, it shows that they still have some merits.

For example, even if Jin Shining doesn't treat other people as human beings, he won't easily do anything to ordinary people.

Conversely, low-key Servants like Assassin and Caster see human life as a must.

Medusa hasn't set up a barrier yet, let alone activated it, so Tohsaka Rin and the others haven't noticed it yet.

As for Yang Lei, although he noticed it, he was too lazy to move, and he felt that it was not the time to kill Medusa, so he was too lazy to come down, and was still thinking about his thoughts upstairs.

As for what's on your mind.

Uh, it's basically related to Tohsaka Rin.

"What should I do to make Rin obediently obey?"

Tilt his head, Yang Lei showed a thoughtful expression.

"Maybe we can only continue to force her, but this time it will be more ruthless, so that she has no way out."

0915 Seal of Others. Temple of Blood

When Rider, that is, Medusa, set up the barrier, because there was no strange feeling, no one was going to stop it.

Of course, two of them found something different, one was Yang Lei, and the other was Caster.

The soul-eating barrier that was previously placed in the school was Caster's method. Although Rin Tohsaka found out the runes one by one and cleaned them up, in fact, she still had surveillance on the school.

No way, after all, her Master is a teacher in the school, so of course she has to be more cautious.

It was precisely because of this that Caster noticed something, but she didn't intervene, but smiled at Rider's death.

In this way, Rider unfolded the Noble Phantasm smoothly.

By the way, doesn't Rider know that Matou Sakura is also at school?Or does she believe that Matou Sakura can escape disaster with her own magic power?Or maybe she will find a chance to rescue Sakura?

There is no need to mention "May Four Seven" here. In fact, Rider's real Master is Matou Sakura, and she was summoned by Matou Sakura.

Only Matou Sakura was unwilling to participate in the Holy Grail War, so Rider was transferred to Matou Shinji.

Just like Tohsaka Rin's evaluation of Matou Shinji, Matou Shinji is simply an underachiever. If there is no Matou Sakura, he is completely ineligible to participate in the Holy Grail War.

Just now.

"How's it going? Rider."

When everyone else started class, Matou Shinji ran to an unused laboratory and hid, and called Rider, who had already set up the barrier, in front of him.

"Has been completed."

Medusa answered in a nonchalant manner.

The Master she admitted was only Matou Sakura, and she just obeyed the command in a coping style towards Matou Shinji, don't think about her good attitude.

"very good."

Matou Shinji didn't mind, but smiled arrogantly: "Tell Tohsaka Rin to underestimate me, and let Emiya Shirou dare to team up with my Rin."

"Rider, officially activate the enchantment, I want them to look good."

"At that time, even if they kneel in front of me and cry and beg me, I will deal with them severely, hahaha."

In the wild laughter of Matou Shinji, Medusa still looked like she had nothing to do with herself, but she didn't need Matou Shinji to speak any more. There was a red magic power blooming from her body, and all the enchantments she had arranged before were instantly set. Points are activated.


Immediately, a strange sound was heard around the school, followed by bright red magic that enveloped the entire school.

not only.


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