"Next, Shinji-kun, let's have fun."

"Well, after all, our sister-in-law has been taken care of by you for many years, so I have to let me charge some interest? Huh?"

(PS: The next scene is too bloody, you can imagine it for yourself, anyway, it is not very good, Yang Lei even made Matou Shinji become a woman, and then got a bunch of big bugs for him to pass the three roads up and down. …).

0916 caster started


Walking out of the blood-filled laboratory, Yang Lei stretched his waist happily, feeling refreshed.

"Although the plot has changed."

Glancing at the puddle of meat in the laboratory from the corner of his eye, Yang Lei shrugged: "However, it's still more enjoyable to kill him."

Matou Shinji in the original work can still play a lot of roles, such as the advancement of some plots and the like.

But for Yang Lei, the plot is irrelevant. After all, since he grabbed the position of Red A, the plot is no longer familiar to him.

And he wouldn't deliberately let Matou Shinji go for the so-called plot. Since this kind of disgusting bastard made him find a reason to shoot, of course he was going to kill him.

"Did you run really fast?"

At the door of the laboratory, Yang Lei looked to the side again, and found that Soichiro Kuzumi, who had been thrown aside by him before, had disappeared.

It is said that Caster has been monitoring here, and when he found that his Master was in danger, he rushed to save Soichiro Kuzugi.

"Forget it, leave them alone, after all, maybe the female fox will need help later."

After going back 16, Yang Lei stepped up the stairs and returned to the upstairs where Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou were.

At this time, with the deaths of Rider Medusa and Matou Shinji, the barrier surrounding the school was collapsing, and it returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

Of course, it was impossible for the students who fainted to wake up immediately, so Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou hurriedly called and sent all the teachers and students of the entire school except them to the hospital.

By the way, Matou Sakura also fainted, Rider, bad review.

. . . . . .

"What did you say? Kuzumu-sensei is also a Master? And he is also Caster's Master?"

At night, Rin Tohsaka was on his way home, and when he heard from Yang Lei, who was in a spiritual state, that Soichiro Kuzuki was the Master, he couldn't help but be stunned.


Yang Lei responded, pretending to be annoyed and said, "Unfortunately, he was rescued by Caster, otherwise I would have gotten rid of him by the way."

Yang Lei has already told Rin Tohsaka the fact that he killed Rider and Shinji Matou. This kind of thing cannot be lied, and there is no need to lie.

Although Tohsaka Rin has always looked down on Matou Shinji, he also proudly felt that dealing with him would get his hands dirty.

But when she heard Yang Lei say that he was dealing with Rider and got rid of Matou Shinji by the way, she still didn't have much reaction, just thought it was just a dead bug, which was neither a pity nor pitiful.

This is still Tohsaka Rin who doesn't know the truth of what happened to Matou Sakura, otherwise he should be even more disgusted.

"I've already left the group."

Tohsaka Rin sighed softly.

A few days have passed since the Holy Grail War began, but it turns out that the Rider group had already withdrawn first.

In theory, there are only the last six groups left, and if they only need to beat five more groups, the war will be over.

Well, what Rin Tohsaka didn't know was that there were actually two guys hiding in the dark, one was Jin A who survived the last Holy Grail War, and the other was the real Assassin who was summoned by Matou Zaoyan.

As far as these two guys are concerned, the former Jin Twinkle has not signed a contract with others, so it is not currently included in the participants.

As for the real Assassin, he has always been well hidden, never going out, except for Yang Lei, but even Father Mapo, who is the supervisor, doesn't know that there is a oriole waiting behind the scenes to harvest the fruits of victory.

But none of this matters.

"Hey, Rin."

Suddenly, Yang Lei asked Tohsaka Rin curiously: "If you want to get the Holy Grail, what wish do you want to achieve?"

"Why did you suddenly think of this question?"

Tohsaka Rin was surprised for a moment, and then she looked contemplative, and after thinking about it, she said, "I don't know either. At present, I really don't have any wish to be fulfilled."

"No wish."

Yang Lei muttered in such a tone as expected, and then thought about the sins Tokiomi had done back then, he decisively did not guide Tohsaka Rin to continue on the topic of 'do you want to revive your parents', but instead said: "Then After you win? Is there anything you want to do?"

Here, the two of them seem to be chatting.

"After winning?"

Tohsaka Rin thought about following Yang Lei's guidance, and then reacted: "Hey, you are very strange, Archer, why are you suddenly so curious about my wishes and future plans?"


Yang Lei hurriedly rejected it, and then cast a little fog: "It's just because I suddenly had a hunch, as if we were about to separate, so I was so curious and wanted to know more about what kind of person you are, otherwise I'm afraid that in the future Forget your memories."


Tohsaka Rin was taken aback: "How come, why do you say that? Archer, did you foresee some kind of crisis?"

"It doesn't count."

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