Yang Lei didn't say more: "Okay, don't think about it for now, maybe it's just my wild thoughts, after all, I haven't got you yet, even if you give me ten Holy Grails now, I won't leave your side, Rin. "

"Bastard, why did you turn to this topic again? H, you super H Servant."

. . . . . .

Late in the night.

At this time, in the Wei Gong mansion, 787 suddenly appeared in the sky with strands of crystal thin lines, which were slowly drifting from a distance.

Those thin lines are really too thin. If you look at them with human eyes, it is not easy to find their existence.

After all, it is still night, although the moonlight is not bad, it looks particularly bright tonight.

However, this is the hands and feet displayed by the Heroic Spirit Servant. Except that the Servant who is also a Heroic Spirit Servant can sense it, ordinary people still don't want to find anything.

So, why did these thin lines suddenly appear and come to the Emiya family mansion?

You can tell a thing or two just by looking at where they end up going.

These thin lines finally came to the window of Shirou Emiya's room, and went in through the window without knowing it. After gently binding Shirou's hands and feet, a magic force lifted Shirou Emiya, and he Float out along the thin line.

During this time, Emiya Shirou didn't feel the slightest bit, and it was not until Caster woke him up that he finally opened his eyes.

In other words, it is fortunate that Saber found out early and got in touch with Tohsaka Rin and Yang Lei in time, otherwise, Shirou Emiya would have been easily robbed of the Command Spell by Caster.

And now.

"Am I here too late? Or too late?"

Just when Caster was about to deprive Emiya Shirou of the Command Spell, Yang Lei came. .

0917 Spent a chapter on the road

In the middle of the night, at the gate of Liudong Temple on the top of the mountain, a man and a woman were running up the stairs.

Of the two, the man was wearing a sturdy outfit that was mainly black and embellished with gold patterns.

Looking at the woman, she was wearing a blue battle suit with gold thread and steel plate armor inlaid on her clothes.

These two are Saber and Archer in full armor.

After Saber discovered that Shirou Emiya suddenly disappeared and saw the thin lines leading to Liudong Temple, she immediately contacted her current ally Tohsaka Rin.

Then, Yang Lei was driven out to the rescue while he was sleeping.

"Huh?" "Wait."

Suddenly, the two stopped when they finally saw the mountain gate at the top of the steps.

"Clap, clap."

With the sound of footsteps, a long-haired man wearing a purple samurai robe appeared in the eyes of the two of them, and stood there so generously.

"Who are you? Are you also a Servant?"

Saber stood by his side with his sword in both hands, looked forward intently, and asked.

Although she was in a hurry to save Emiya Shirou, she would not be in a mess because of this. If even she accidentally fell here, Emiya Shirou would be even more helpless.

"I am Assassin's Servant."

The Assassin in front of him has no Assassin's consciousness at all. As soon as he came up, he applied for his job and said generously: "The current duty is to guard the mountain gate, so this road is not feasible."


Yang Lei stepped up a few more steps, and asked as he continued to go up: "In other words, are you trying to fight two Servants at the same time? As an Assassin, I advise you to be a little self-aware. ."

"This is 〃〃."

Assassin scratched his cheek with a distressed expression, and thought for a while: "That's right, after all, it is very difficult to fight Saber with Assassin. If there is more support from Archer from a distance, it will only be more difficult for me."

"Well, that's fine. In order to complete the task more easily, I'll let you in."

Saying that, Assassin turned to his side and extended his hand to Yang Lei in a gesture of invitation.

"Wise choice."

Yang Lei smiled contentedly, and continued to walk up, without any precaution, rushed past Assassin.

As for Saber's words.

"As for your words."

Turning around, Assassin slowly pulled out the long sword behind him and pointed at the saber below, inviting him, "The next one is Sasaki Kojiro. If you also want to pass through the gate guarded by the bottom, please use all your strength to defeat me."

. . . . . .

Look at the inside of Liudong Temple.

In the courtyard of Liudong Temple, Emiya Shirou was bound here at this time.

"You want to take my Command Spell?"

Hearing Shirou Emiya ask this, a mysterious woman in an indigo-purple hooded cloak with a purple robe inside is standing beside her.

This woman is Caster. She was the one who set up the Soul Eating Barrier at the school before, but she was cleared by Tohsaka Rin before the Soul Eating Barrier was officially launched.


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