Caster responded, raised his hand and brushed lightly on the back of Emiya Shirou's hand where the Command Spell was engraved, and continued on his mouth: "As long as you transfer your Command Spell to my Master, you can use your saber to defeat the eyesore. Another difficult, tangled Berserker."

As a magician, Caster is somewhat lacking in explosive damage (Noble Phantasm power) and frontal combat (or Noble Phantasm power), but in terms of intelligence gathering, even archers are no match for her.

So, she didn't know when she had seen Berserker appear and let Saber suffer.


Having said that, Caster had to express regretfully: "Compared with you, the little girl who is Archer's master should be much more vigilant, otherwise, it might be easier for Archer to deal with Berserker."

It seems that Caster has even collected the battle information of Yang Lei and Berserker, but Tohsaka Rin's talent in magician is naturally not comparable to Emiya Shirou, so she can't make Tohsaka Rin unknowingly like this. 'steal' out.

But now it's not bad, anyway, this is the Servant and the Command Spell that I grabbed for nothing, so let Saber fight Berserker to the death, no matter what, she has nothing to lose.

".ˇThen let's start now, boy."

Caster didn't want to go on talking nonsense any more, he raised Emiya Shirou's hand engraved with the Command Spell, and said, "But it may hurt a little, because the so-called deprivation of the Command Spell actually means removing the magic circuit from your Take it out."

When Emiya Shirou heard this, even his pupils subconsciously widened.

The so-called magic circuit is the special talent of magicians. If there is no magic circuit, it is no different from ordinary people.

This is only second, the magic circuit is a unique simulated nerve in the magician's body.

Everyone knows about nerves, and I believe many people have had or heard of toothaches or tooth decay leaking nerves.

Even if you have no experience or research in this area, you should know that during interrogation or torture, as well as torture tools, nails have been inserted into fingernails, right?

Because the nerves under the fingernails are also very sensitive and sensitive, this is a very cruel and cruel punishment.

So one can imagine how terrifying what Caster said at this time (Li De's), she actually wanted to forcefully extract his magician nerves from Emiya Shirou's body, and she was not ready to fight. Anesthesia, it's scary to think about.

Really, Emiya Shirou is already sweating all over his back.

"Then, let's begin."

No longer wasting time, Caster finally made his move, his right hand suddenly became shiny, and a ball of magic power was gathered towards Emiya Shirou's hand, just like what she said just now, to deprive Emiya Shirou's Command Spell. come over.


But at this moment, a sudden voice interrupted Caster's follow-up actions, and he heard him say in a playful tone: "Did I come too late? Or too late?"

Finally, at the most critical moment, Yang Lei appeared.

By the way, is this chapter all about rushing?Really water. . .Official complaints are the most deadly. . . .

0918 Let's talk about a deal

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Suddenly, it rained over Liudong Temple.

It's just that this piece of 'rainwater' is not an ordinary drop of water, but an innumerable number of spiritual arrows.


As a Heroic Spirit Servant, and also a magician from the Age of Mythology, Caster's reaction was not unpleasant.


With a flick of the cloak on his body, Caster fluttered back a dozen meters.

"Ding ding ding dong."

In the end, the rain of arrows of the spirits all hit the ground.

"Have you been evaded?"

Only then did Yang Lei appear, standing on top of a nearby temple house with his arms folded. Behind him, there were also countless spiritual bows slowly dissipating.

After all, as an Archer and having mastered the ability of a Quincy Master, Yang Lei felt that it would be a shame not to show it off at this time.


Caster looked at Yang Lei with exasperated eyes, and cursed in a low voice, "What the hell is that damn watchdog doing? He even put you in there."

"Don't get mad, Caster."

Yang Lei's good intentions are false. Assassin Sasaki Kojiro excuses himself: "That Assassin stopped Saber from the door, not only can't blame, but should be rewarded."

After finishing speaking, Yang Lei looked at Emiya Shirou and reminded: "What's with that Wei? How long are you going to stand there? The line technique has been broken."

After receiving Yang Lei's reminder, Shirou 540 in Emiya realized that the thin threads that had bound him tightly before had no effect and disappeared.

"Clap clap clap."

In a hurry, Shirou Emiya ran to the eaves of Yang Lei's side at the first time, and complained with some dissatisfaction: "My name is Shirou Emiya, and Shirou Emiya, since I am still an ally, at least I should put the name of the ally. Remember it, don't you?"

"whispering sound."

Yang Lei smacked his lips in disdain.

"Are you smacking your lips?"

Emiya Shirou shouted like a fried dog.

"Now is not the time to quarrel with you."

Yang Lei shook his head, stepped down from the roof lightly, raised his hand and grabbed Shirou Emiya by the collar, without the slightest sign, he suddenly threw him backwards.

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