"Let's go."


I saw Emiya Shirou flew out quickly, and after crossing the roofs and gates of several temples, he landed accurately in the sky where Saber and Sasaki Kojiro were fighting.


Hearing Yang Lei's voice, he came here with Shirou Emiya, who was exclaiming constantly, mainly saying to Saber, "That coyote sent it to you, please sign for it."

"Just say it's Emiya Shirou, who's a coyote? It's rude, isn't it?"

After being caught by the panic-stricken Saber, Shirou Emiya couldn't help turning back and roaring angrily: "And I'm not a courier, so I asked Saber to sign for it? In the end, you remembered Archer for me, am I right? You have any kind of gratitude."

"What is gratitude? Can you eat it?"

Yang Lei shrugged and said it didn't matter, turned his head to look at Caster, spread his hands and asked, "So, Caster, do you want to continue fighting?"

Caster gritted his teeth. If Shirou Emiya wasn't in the way to drag Yang Lei, she would be restrained to death when facing the archers as a magician, and the terrain was not wide.

After all, even if she doesn't need to sing spells when she casts magic, compared to magic, it must be that the bow and arrow's attack speed is faster and more sensitive, right?

"damn it."

Caster cursed angrily, and she couldn't help resenting how a good plan was ruined.


Yang Lei spoke again, as if he was chatting, and asked, "I want to ask, what is your wish to get the Holy Grail?"


Caster was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yang Lei with weird eyes, and reminded: "Archer, this is obviously not a topic that you and I can talk about as enemies, right?"

That's right, for such a secret topic, at most, we can chat between the Servant and the Master, so as to determine the cooperative relationship between the two.

And if you let the enemy know, although it may not be a serious problem, but after your own wishes and attachments are known to others, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not be targeted or used by others. Even if they are deliberately used to make fun of them, it is not a good thing.

"what are you talking about."

Yang Lei let out an 'ahhh' and waved his hand with a 'lady' makeup on purpose: "Have you never heard of that sentence? There are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. I don't think of you (bgfg) as an enemy. , Caster."


Caster was stunned again, and looked at Yang Lei with even more bizarre eyes. He hesitated before asking tentatively, "So, Archer, are you planning to betray your Master and cooperate with me?"

"That's not so."

Yang Lei shook his head and said, "It's just that my Master and I don't seem to have any wishes to be fulfilled, and it's not that we have to get the Holy Grail. It's really a headache. It's ridiculous to be drawn to participate in the Holy Grail but don't want to get the Holy Grail. ?"

Speaking of which, he spread his hands and shrugged, indicating that he was also speechless.

"Huh? Don't want to get the Holy Grail? Don't have a wish to fulfill?"

Caster was really frightened this time, thinking that if you don't want to get the Holy Grail, why should you answer the call and come here?

As if seeing through Caster's doubts, Yang Lei didn't feel embarrassed at all, and said bluntly, "Because what I want is not the Holy Grail, but our Master."


Even the unscrupulous Caster was speechless for a few seconds, and finally shook his head with his hand on his forehead: "Being able to summon a Servant like you, really gives that little girl a headache."


Instead of being ashamed, Yang Lei was proud of it, and he raised his head cheerfully and laughed.

Hey, is this something to laugh at heartily?Don't be so rude.


Caster calmed down and asked Yang Lei sternly, "What do you mean? Archer, so straight to the point of expressing your wishes, do you want to form an alliance with me? Does your Master know?"

"It's not an alliance."

Yang Lei lowered his head and considered his words. After a while, he raised his head and gave an answer: "It should be said that I want to negotiate a deal with you."

"Oh? Go on."

Caster looked interested.

Seeing that there was a nasty expression on Yang Lei's face in a flash, he heard him explain: "It's actually very simple, I want you to lay out a layout with me, just use your messy Noble Phantasm. Take my Command Spell."

"Then, when my Master came and wanted to take me back, you used the Command Spell to order me to shoot at my Master, and I had to show great pain to resist, and finally turned around and took me back. kill you."

"In this way, I believe that Rin will compromise when he feels guilty and moved?"

Caster kept listening, until Yang Lei stopped talking for a while, then tilted his head in a cute way, and asked in confusion, "It's over?"

"It's over."

Yang Lei nodded to indicate that his plan was these.


Caster was silent for a moment, then asked, "Then may I ask, what benefits can I get here? It seems like I'm going to take my life in the end, right? What kind of deal is this? Are you sick?"

"Also, my Noble Phantasm is called the Talisman of Ten Thousand Precepts, and it's not a mess."

"Finally, I have a suggestion for you, please go to the hospital quickly."

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