0919 I am the true God

"Unless I also have a disease in my head, I will agree to your so-called deal."

Caster said that his head was fine, so he would not agree to Yang Lei's so-called transaction proposal.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse."

Yang Lei quickly remedied: "Of course it will also give you some benefits."


Caster was about to turn around and leave. She also wanted to teach Sasaki Kojiro's watchdog a lesson-.

Really, even the door is not good, what else can he do?

Don't blame you?

You were summoned to break the rules, and then you, Caster, used Liudong Temple's gate as a catalyst. Of course, Sasaki Kojiro can only be the gatekeeper's 'old man', and he can't even leave the gate. What else do you want?

"What do you want to say?"

Caster looked at Yang Lei again with impatient eyes, wanting to hear what else he wanted to say.

Fortunately, Yang Lei didn't see Caster's eyes. After all, he was blocked by the cloak. Otherwise, he would be tempted to use other gods.

As for now, he still wants to try to talk.

"Is such that."

Yang Lei opened his personal space and took out the seven dragon balls he created: "Caster, look at this, this is the legendary dragon ball, as long as you collect all seven, you can summon the dragon, and then you can fulfill your wish, this is comparable to the Holy Grail. It is much stronger, not only does it have no side effects and prerequisites, but it can also fulfill five wishes.”

"never heard of that."

Caster didn't even think about it, he turned his head and left.

She hadn't heard of Dragon Ball, or else she would have gone to Taiwan.

"Don't go."

Yang Lei suddenly appeared and stopped in front of Caster, and continued to seduce him earnestly: "Caster, now that I have to tell you a secret, that is, the Holy Grail has been tainted, and even if you get the Holy Grail, you will not be able to fulfill any wishes. Oh."

Caster tilted his head and looked at Yang Lei like a cute one again, without saying a word, just watching.


Yang Lei coughed dryly, and said to himself a little uncomfortable: "Indeed, the words that come out of my mouth as an enemy are extremely credible, although it is true."

That's right, the so-called Holy Grail was polluted as early as the third Holy Grail War. Not only can it not fulfill any wishes, but once it descends into this world, it will bring down the evil of this world. Humans.

It's just that although this is a fact, as Yang Lei realized, what he said through his mouth, in Caster's point of view, the credibility will naturally be greatly reduced.


Caster's tone suddenly became solemn: "Since you are a heroic spirit, let's fight in an upright manner."


Even the unscrupulous Caster is going to fight Yang Lei upright, which shows how unreliable Yang Lei's words are in her eyes.

"do not do that."

Yang Lei continued to stalk him: "This is the best way I can think of to get Rin in the shortest time, please help me."

It seems that in order to get his own Master, Yang Lei has to ignore it.

No way, the so-called Holy Grail War is not a long-term war, the duration is probably only a few days to a month.

In addition, Yang Lei is so strong, and he never knows how to release water. If he really wants to jump out one by one to fight him, I am afraid it will be over in one day at the shortest.

In this way, of course he has to be in a hurry, and he can't even talk to Tohsaka Rin about his feelings in advance. He just wants to find a way to get it earlier while accumulating feelings with her.

If he was forced to leave before he could taste Rin, he would have no face to come back.

Just for Caster, what is this busy?Not to mention that they themselves are hostile camps, even if they are friends, they definitely did not take their own lives to fulfill others.

Therefore, she has only one sentence and two words, that is, no way.


Suddenly, Yang Lei's expression became extremely serious: "It seems that I have to talk to you straight to the point."

"Is it all a joke just now?"

Caster couldn't help but complain.

Of course not, it's just that Yang Lei's words are a bit too bizarre, whether it is the so-called Dragon Ball or something, it makes her think that Yang Lei may be crazy, otherwise he will never say those words.

"Enchantment, unfold."


Yang Lei suddenly snapped his fingers and activated the power of space to separate him and Caster from the original Earth space. In theory, they were no longer on Earth, or even in this dimension.

"This is?"

Caster exclaimed in shock, what did she see?Not far away, she could clearly see the Seat of Heroes.


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