"Declare in the name of the Command Spell...".

0921 The caster moves again

Early the next morning.

"What an idiot, Rin."

Yang Lei leaned against the door, smiled and looked at Tohsaka Rin who was arranging things, and said, "It's too funny to even plan to use the Command Spell to make me obey all your orders?"

"Let's not say that my anti-magic power is very good, even if you think about it, you can't achieve such an excessive order as you are even with a hundred Command Spells."

It turned out that after being pissed off by Yang Lei's unrepentant attitude last night, Tohsaka Rin used the ability of the Command Spell on the spot and declared to Yang Lei majesticly that he would absolutely obey her orders in the future.


Tohsaka Rin still thought too much, she thought that as long as she said this, she could have absolute ownership over Yang Lei, and the Servant who gave her a headache could become obedient in the future.

But just like what Yang Lei said just now, such an excessive order, not to mention just one Command Spell, even a hundred Command Spells cannot be achieved.

"Stop chattering, it's annoying."

Tohsaka Rin pretty blushed, yesterday she was just dazed by Yang Lei's attitude.

"Say it."

Yang Lei coughed dryly and continued to attack the girl. This is to accept it as soon as you see it, otherwise it will make her angry again. 16

"Isn't the school on vacation?"

He listened to Yang Lei asking off topic: "If that's the case, where are you going so early today?"

Yesterday, as Rider Medusa launched the enchantment type Noble Phantasm 'Other Seal. Temple of Blood' under the order of Matou Shinji, among the teachers and students of the entire school, except for a limited number of people who survived, the others All passed out.

Later, although Medusa and Matou Shinji were killed by Yang Lei, those teachers and students were still taken to the hospital for examination, and I heard that they woke up in the early hours of this morning at the latest.

Interjecting a digression here, saying, Fujimura Taiga's physique is really good, even Matou Sakura needs to be kept in the hospital for observation, as if his body is still very weak, as a result, the ordinary person Fujimura Taihe can be discharged this morning. .

Moreover, her attending doctor also told Fujimura Dahe that she should consider donating blood, because her body is really too healthy.

Uh..., as expected of the woman known as the Tiger of Fuyuki.

"There's nothing to do now anyway."

Tohsaka Rin fluttered his shoulders and long hair, this time he just walked out of the room with a bag containing three bentos, and walked outside with Yang Lei, explaining: "So I'm going to visit the hospital. Sakura's situation."

"So it is."

Behind him, Yang Lei nodded in a pretentious manner, but with the corners of his mouth slightly lifted, he suddenly seemed very sinister and cunning.

Tohsaka Rin didn't see the expression of her Servant, otherwise she would definitely see something.

When she walked out of the gate of the yard, Yang Lei had already put away the expression on his face, and disappeared into a spirit state.

. . . . . .

When I came to the hospital, Tohsaka Rin got the hospital room number of Matou Sakura after a little consultation.


Standing outside the door of the ward, Tohsaka Rin breathed softly, only to feel a little nervous all of a sudden.

When the two sisters were very young, Sakura was sent to the Matou house by that guy Tokiomi.

Since then, they have been like strangers, and it has only eased a little in the last few days, and they feel a little bit like getting back their sisterhood.

Speaking of which, she seemed to be visiting her sick sister for the first time.

But when Tohsaka Rin opened the door of Matou Sakura and found that there was no shadow of Matou Sakura in the ward, he couldn't help but be stunned.

"Has she been discharged from the hospital?"

Tohsaka Rin muttered to himself in confusion.

"It shouldn't be."

Yang Lei appeared, frowning with realistic acting skills, and made a look of vigilance.

"what happened?"

Tohsaka Rin looked back at Yang Lei, although this guy is a bastard and is very annoying, the key is that he is not obedient, but Tohsaka Rin still has full trust in him.

Yang Lei really did not live up to Tohsaka Rin's trust, and said his reasoning: "If Sakura is discharged from the hospital, the previous nurse will not tell you her room number again, but should explain it to you."


Tohsaka Rin nodded. Indeed, from the nurse's attitude, it was confirmed that Matou Sakura should not have been discharged from the hospital.

"Did you go to the toilet?"

Tohsaka Rin made another guess.

"Then wait."

Yang Lei shrugged and didn't say anything more....

After waiting and waiting, more than half an hour passed, and Matou Sakura, who disappeared, still did not return.

At this time, Tohsaka Rin actually felt a little bad, but she was still holding on, and she didn't want to believe that the situation was developing in the worst direction.

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