"Jingle Bell."

At this moment, the ringing of the phone suddenly rang, which startled Tohsaka Rin.


I saw Yang Lei pick up the phone very skillfully.

By the way, is Yang Lei answering the phone for Mao?

It turns out that Tohsaka Rin is not good at electrical appliances and home appliances, and even a simple mobile phone cannot be used, so she has never had a mobile phone before.

But later, in order to facilitate contact with Shirou Wei Gong, and Yang Lei didn't want her to live in Wei Gong's mansion, he bought a mobile phone as a compromise and let him carry it, which is why he answered the phone. .

"oh, I see."

I don't know what Yang Lei said to someone on the other side of the phone, I saw him nod again and again, and then put the phone away.

"who is it?"

Tohsaka Rin stared closely at Yang Lei, 477 she had a hunch that this call must be related to Matou Sakura.

"How to say it."

Yang Lei scratched his hair in annoyance.


Tohsaka Rin pointed the back of his hand with the Command Spell at Yang Lei, and said seriously, "Don't let me use the Command Spell."

"Alright alright."

Only then did Yang Lei speak, as if he reluctantly said: "The call just now was from Shirou Emiya, and I heard from him that it seemed that Taiga Fujimura was also kidnapped, and it was Caster who kidnapped her, and Caster was the one who kidnapped her. Before leaving, he told Shirou Emiya that if he wanted to save his beloved junior, he would be prepared to lose Saber and go to Liudong Temple again."

"Sure enough, he was kidnapped? Sakura."

Tohsaka Rin stared at him and gritted his teeth, showing great anger.

"Archer, prepare to kill Caster."

It seemed that Tohsaka Rin was really angry.

"no problem."

Yang Lei agreed, and his body disappeared in a spirit state.

After all, it's still daytime, so he's not good at acting, otherwise he'll have to learn from Lancer before and go to silence.

"Let's go, Master, go and rescue your sister."

"and also."

"The main play is about to be staged, Rin."

0922 Revisiting Liudong Temple

Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou met in front of the mountain where Ryutoji Temple was located.

At the moment, the two Masters took their respective Servants, and the four of them went up the mountain together.

On the way, they also talked about some countermeasures and the like.

After all, there were hostages in Caster's hands. In order not to hurt Fujimura Taiga and Matou Sakura, they had to figure out how to act first, and couldn't force it.

Just thinking about it, in fact, from the time they stepped into the foot of this mountain, their whereabouts have been exposed, and Caster must have been prepared.

Then next, there is a tough battle that cannot be avoided no matter what.

Besides, don't forget that Caster's subordinates still have a gatekeeper who can pass the gate, so it's impossible to sneak in.

"Give me that swordsman named Kojiro Sasaki."

At this time, Saber took the initiative to fight, to 'renew the frontier' with Sasaki Kojiro.

As a saber agency, she was fooled by a mere Assassin in swordsmanship. The last time she came here, she couldn't get past it without saying anything. It's really shameful.

So Saber is taking the opportunity to find a way back?

"Then Caster will be handed over to me."

Yang Lei followed suit, and as a Servant, the enemy's Servant could only be solved by him.

Of course, don't expect him to work and contribute. This is just the opening of a big show. He and Caster have agreed on how to operate. Even the relationship between Matou Sakura and Tohsaka Rin was told by Yang Lei. For Caster, otherwise she would only think of hijacking Fujimura Taiga.

That is to say, Yang Lei helped Tohsaka Rin and Matou Sakura find their sisterhood in front of him, and there are calculations in this regard, right?It was just so that the elder sister couldn't give up the younger sister, otherwise he really couldn't think of how to get Rin to take the bait.

. . . . . .

Along the way, the four of them soon came to the top of the mountain.

At the gate of Liudong Temple, Sasaki Kojiro has been faithfully guarding the main gate.

It's also that he can't go anywhere else. Last time, he and Yang Lei made it clear that he has a special connection with this mountain gate. If Yang Lei carried the mountain gate away, he might have to go with Yang Lei.

Therefore, the gatekeeper was forced to perform his duties as a last resort.

"Meet again' ˇ."

In front of the mountain gate, Sasaki Kojiro slowly drew out his slender sharp blade and looked at Yang Lei with some anticipation.

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