The last time he had a confrontation with Saber, although it was very enjoyable, but if possible, this time he is more willing to fight with Yang Lei, who also practices Oriental Kendo.

Although there is no sword in Yang Lei's hands, his intuition as a swordsman tells Kojiro Sasaki that this man is a formidable enemy, and he even has the awareness that he may face death in his heart.

Sasaki Kojiro did not flinch because of this, but faced the challenge and showed his fighting spirit to Yang Lei.


"He'll leave it to you, saber."

Yang Lei said this deliberately, telling Sasaki Kojiro that this time your opponent is the beautiful girl next to you.

"Is it this beautiful girl again?"

Sasaki Kojiro sighed in disappointment, finally looking away from Yang Lei and betting on Saber again.

"Very rude, Assassin."

Saber firmly gripped the hilt of the holy sword in his hands, and scolded dissatisfiedly, "Could it be that you are underestimating me?"

No wonder Saber thinks this way, it's really Sasaki Kojiro's fighting intent towards Yang Lei is too strong, even the ordinary person Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya, who is a little less responsive, can clearly feel it, how could she not be angry.

She is the saber, she is, you are an Archer and an Assassin, are you going to rebel?Not only did he play with knives and swords in front of her, but he also wanted to play without her.

"Then let's play with you."

Sasaki Kojiro shook his head and didn't answer, but said this in a condescending manner.

It's just that he said so, but the movements in his hands were not ambiguous at all. It was time to put on a posture or put it out, making a serious look that he would attack at any time.

"Let's leave it to Saber here."

At this time, I heard Yang Lei greet Rin Tohsaka and Shirou Emiya: "Let's go, don't forget to go to the mountain to save people."

As he spoke, Yang Lei walked up the mountain, without the slightest hesitation when passing by Sasaki Kojiro, not at all afraid that Sasaki Kojiro would suddenly give him a knife.

Tohsaka Rin trusted Yang Lei very much, so he didn't say a word, followed closely behind him and passed by Sasaki Kojiro.

As for Emiya Shirou's words, although he was a little worried, he didn't want to show cowardice at this time, but after telling Saber to be careful, he quickly followed behind the two of them.

"Say it."

After entering the mountain gate, Shirou Emiya couldn't help but ask Yang Lei, "Archer, are you really worried that Assassin will suddenly attack us?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

Yang Lei snorted softly: "Although his job is Assassin and his personality is easy to criticize, his reputation and self-esteem in kendo still have to be admired."

"Remember, he's a swordsman, not a ninja."

Speaking of this, Yang Lei couldn't help but complain to himself in his heart, saying, strictly speaking, he is a ninja first, not a swordsman.

But forget it, his character is not bad, and he will not easily break the contract when he promises. Generally speaking, he is still a principled person.

"Thank you for the compliment."

There was a thank you from Sasaki Kojiro from the rear, and then a sound of gold and iron clashing came over. It seemed that he had already fought with Saber.

"."Let's hurry up and act."

Yang Lei didn't want to waste any more time, but led Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou quickly to the inside of Liudong Temple.

Yang Lei knew very well that Sasaki Kojiro was definitely not Saber's opponent. What he was referring to here was not the huge gap in swordsmanship or swordsmanship between the two, but the difference in Noble Phantasm.

Sasaki Kojiro does not have a Noble Phantasm. If he insists, the only thing that can be counted as a Noble Phantasm is the sword skill he is proficient in, which is 'Secret Skill. Yan Hui'.

And once King Arthur uses the Noble Phantasm, Sasaki Kojiro can't stand it no matter what.

So Yang Lei had to hurry up, if he really wanted Saber to catch up from behind, his plan would probably go bankrupt.

Now, I just hope Saber can take into account the lack of magic power and the concealment of identity.

Emiya Shirou, who is the master, is a half-assed magician at all. He is completely unable to provide Saber with the required magic power. Even the liberation of the Noble Phantasm cannot last for long, and the power of the Noble Phantasm will also drop a lot.

As for the concealment of her identity, once Saber Dong (Li Qianzhao) used her Noble Phantasm, other Servants would immediately recognize her identity, which is beyond doubt.

In the Holy Grail War, heroic spirits who reveal their identities are easy to be targeted, and even serious ones will lead to siege, just like Berserker. Don't forget that the reason why Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou formed an alliance is for the right reason. It is to work together to defeat Illya and Berserker first.

Well, without further ado, under the leadership of Yang Lei, a group of three just walked around Liudong Temple and found the goal of the trip, which is the kidnapped Matou Sakura and Fujimura Dahe. Yes, but they looked as if they were in a coma, and they were tied up with some thin thread.

"You are finally here."

At this moment, Caster appeared in the eyes of the three, standing behind Matou Sakura and Fujimura Taiga, holding the two women's shoulders one by one, and listening to Caster smiled and said: "So, you have already Have you thought about it? Come on, as long as you give me the Command Spell, I will return these two to you."

"Don't be complacent, Archer, go according to plan, go!".

0923 Tohsaka Rin's Command Spell was robbed

Rin Tohsaka didn't know that Sakura Matou and Taiga Fujimura were still being held hostage by Caster, but what if they didn't?Do you really want her or Emiya Shirou to hand over his Command Spell?

And who can guarantee that if they hand over the Command Spell, the hostages will be rescued?

More likely, even they will be taken in together, right?

So, on the way, they agreed that in the beginning, when Caster never thought that they would dare to shoot, and thought they would throw a rat, it might have an unexpected effect.

Therefore, when Caster proudly threatened Tohsaka Rin and Emiya Shirou to hand over the Command Spell, he heard her shout.

"Archer, as planned, here."

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