"Is that the Princess Colchis in Greek mythology?"

After learning about Medea's identity, everyone continued to designate strategies. Finally, after lunch, before Matou Sakura and Fujimura Taiga had returned, the group finally decided to set off.

"Archer, I'm here to pick you up!".

0926 I want to fight with my teammates

"Caster, get ready, they're coming."

At the same time, at Liudong Temple, Yang Lei was the first to know about Tohsaka Rin's actions, and even heard their plans.

"Let Lancer hide in the dark first, and be stopped by Sasaki Kojiro at saber. When Caster is careless, let Lancer attack suddenly."

"Have to say it's a viable strategy, just."

Yang Lei laughed badly: "Unfortunately, Rin, your enemy is not Caster, but me."

In order to get Rin smoothly, he has already done everything possible.

There was no way, the Holy Grail War would be over if he continued any longer, so of course he had to be in a hurry.

The Holy Grail War can't be so stalemate forever, even if Caster doesn't act, others will.

For example, didn't Ilya and Berserker attacked Emiya Shirou and Saber, and Tohsaka Rin and him a few days ago, wouldn't others take action?

Moreover, he has been monitoring Jin Twinkle's actions, and found that this guy not only runs to stimulate his sister-in-law Matou Sakura from time to time, but if he wants her, he might as well die earlier.

(PS: In order to be more secure, Matou Ziraki secretly transformed Matou Sakura into the Holy Grail container, otherwise how could she be so powerful when she was blackened. Then Jin Shining can see the situation of Sakura Yes, plus he knew that the Holy Grail was contaminated, so he told Sakura that it would be a relief if she had to die quickly.)

Moreover, Jin Twinkle has already agreed with that goddamn Father Mapo, and may be going to grab the Holy Grail in the next day or two.

Matou Sakura is just a fake Holy Grail, the real Holy Grail container is actually Illya.

In other words, this guy wants to take the lead in grabbing the Holy Grail vessel, which is Illya's heart, when the time is right. Only in this way can he get the Holy Grail more securely.

Speaking of which, Jin Shining's thoughts almost coincided with Matou Zuoyan, because he was worried that he would not get the Holy Grail and wanted to act sooner.

After Yang Lei knew this, he couldn't help but sneer and sneer: "This is a worry only for the weak."

Yes, only the weak will worry about this.

And for the strong, like him, what if he can't get the Holy Grail?Couldn't he just create one himself?

Moreover, strictly speaking, Yang Lei's wish cannot be realized whether it is the Holy Grail or the Dragon Ball. The reason why he created the Dragon Ball is just for convenience.

So in his eyes, the Holy Grail is really not very important.

Having said so many digressions, let's get back to the point.

When Tohsaka Rin and the others came here, Yang Lei had to start preparing.

First of all, according to the previous agreement, Yang Lei opened the door to the Seat of Heroes again. After a brief search on the Seat of Heroes, he grabbed Medea's body with a wave of his hand.

And Yang Lei's methods are very covert, it's not that he did it on purpose, but in terms of his strength, neither Gaia nor Alaya can detect his existence.

"This is your body."

Yang Lei showed Caster the body of Medea, but he was in no hurry to show it to her.

"Don't worry."

Dodging Medea's outstretched hand, Yang Lei explained: "If I give it to you now, wait a minute, but I will really kill you."

"After this matter is over, I will take the time to find an opportunity to fully resurrect you in this era. At that time, you can be with your Lord Soichiro."

That's right, Medea's wish is no longer to return to her hometown, but to truly live in the moment with Soichiro Kuzugi.

This woman is the type who will ignore her as long as she is determined. She was rescued by Soichiro Kuzugi before she disappeared, and after signing a contract with him, she has fallen in love with Soichiro Kuzugi.

Therefore, in order to be with the person she loves, she once again abandoned her hometown and family.

What a pitiful and pitiful person at the same time.

Yang Lei said in his heart, that is, he is not the protagonist of Dumas, otherwise, what if such a good woman is a wife?Gotta grab it.

(PS: The wife here means that she was Jason's wife...)

"Thank you, Mr. Yang Lei."

Medea bowed down to Yang Lei sincerely, thanking Dade for his thanks.

For so many years, she has been criticized by others, and she has been betrayed by others, and there is a vicious circle between betraying others, and it has been a long time since she felt this kindness.

As for Yang Lei, he really fulfilled his promise and did not betray her.

If Yang Lei can even steal the heroic spirit body from the throne of the heroic spirit, then Medea believes that he can definitely resurrect himself.


At this time, Yang Lei suddenly remembered something and asked, "Forgot to ask, what is the wish of that fellow Sasaki Kojiro?"

In this short period of more than a day, Yang Lei had been in contact with Kojiro Sasaki, drank alcohol together, and slandered Medea together, saying that she was a scheming female fox and would do anything at all.

Of course, they have also talked about their own opinions on kendo, and they have also exchanged views on kendo alone.

In general, this old guard is quite in line with Yang Lei's mind.

And now, he wants to listen to Sasaki Kojiro's wishes a little, and if he can, he is willing to help him.

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